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Everything posted by GeorgeS

  1. Give 99Venture a call, he might have the same problem as your bike had. As I recall you had to completly rebuild the Plug on the R/R Unit. ??
  2. As I am considering this bike, I have been researching any information I can find concerning the " Heat Problem " !! As I have found Kawasiki is claiming the 2012 models, have a fix for the heat problem. But I'm still finding information on various web sites, that the heat problem still exists ??? Do we have anybody here with a 2012 model Voyeger, that can elaborate on the Heat problem ??? Also, any comments as to the Power levels of this 1700 CC Twin would be much appreciated, Also, any comments as to brakeing power, when fully loaded, and rideing double, would be appreciated. Any comments, as to Kawasaki's Drive Belt system??? I have never had a bike with a Drive Belt Set up. So, I'm all ears, for any comments as to that aspect of this bike, good or bad
  3. I am considering this bike--- Which, aftermarket replacement seat do you reccomend ??? Also, I was looking at this bike last week at a dealer, and sitting on it. Frankly I thought the seat was pretty good, but, with all the negative comments in this thread concerning the seat, I'm looking for a few more comments as to the quality of the seat. ?? I'm all ears !!
  4. OK, I need confirmation on this from our friends up in Central Canada !! Yesterday, I was at a Ham Radio Convention, in SeaSide, Oregon. ( a yearly event ) I ran into a fellow from Calgary Canada ( An older fellow, as myself ). The discussion went to Gas Price's !!! ( much higher in Canada, he tells me ) My point, here, he say's a personnel friend of his works for one of the companies extracting Crude Oil, in the Oil sands area up there. ( North of Montana ) This fellow told him that the Cost of extracting the Crude from the Shale Sands, up there is about $25.00 a barrel, when the stuff is ready for shipping to Refineries. (( Of course there is no pipe line, so they send the stuff to China )) So, can any of our Canadian Friends, here confirm what this fellow told me. Being a fellow Ham Radio Operator, I tend to believe him. But, you never know, so I'm looking for any confirmation here, as to the cost of crude oil from Centeral Canada ??:whistling:
  5. OK, I assume the Same battery is still installed --- Sounds like you did all the right things for trouble shooting. One more thing to consider. Is this a Lead Acid, wet battery ??? Even if it is sealed. Or, is it a dry cell of some type ?? Either way, sometimes a battery will be in a failed condition, AND, still take a charge, or appear to, but within a day or two, it will " discharge" Internally. Due to an Internal fault . I have seen New batteries, within a few months, fail in this way. The fix in this case would obviously be to replace the battery. However, one more check I would do , is Charge the battery, then disconnect it. Now, Hook up a digital volt/ohm tester, In Series between the battery, and the feed line that feeds, all the accessories on the bike, and set meter to read AMPS, and check to see is something is Drawing Current, with the Ignition in the OFF Position. Its also, possible, that the Starter Solinoid, could have a High Resistance connection and be coutiniously drawing current thru the starter, when NOT in use, however this is WAY OUT, in Left Field !!! At this point, I'm leaning toward, the battery itself, being Defective !!! Best replacement, would be a DEKA !! AGM type !! Contact , " Condor " !!
  6. there is a large plug with about 15 wires going thru it under the passenger section of the seat. Open it up, and clean it, the black wire is the ground for all or most of the rear lighting. But if its just your added, LED, lighting, the double check all the Added wireing.
  7. This is Normal, No TWO ( or 4 ) carbs, or Cylinders, are exactly the same. !! ( Mechanically impossible ) So you are going for the best average. Basicly, Don't " blip " the throttle, After setting at idle, slowly bring it up to about 2000 to 2500 RPM, Then adjust to try to get a Happy Medium, between the two. Also, before you start, be sure the Basic, Settings of the Throttle cables, is CORRECT. ( ie: full closed throttle plate on the #2 Carb !!! ) Then set the Master idle, to " Just makeing contact with Linkage " Then back out the Sync Screws, to " Just makeing contact with linkage" Then set the Master Idle for about 900 RPM. NOW , you are ready to hook up the gauges, to actually do the SYNC Proceedure. And the Adjustments of the SYNC screws, should be + or - Less then 10 degrees of rotation. If you have to turn those screws a turn or more, something is most likly Wrong, Someplace . Good luck --- Also
  8. Even if you go over I-90, you better take the electric vests along !! Just watched the WX on ch 2, predicting about 68 to 69 Seattle, so I doubt going over the pass will be much over 50 at the most if even that !! Tomorrow is the last day of winter sports up at Snoqualme Pass. Maby the Tulip Festival, up north would be a better destination
  9. Move farther out into the country !!!
  10. Hmmmm ?? This is all verrrrrry interessssting, as they say. !! Thats why, I have a 2nd TCI, wired up on my bike, and can simply switch cables, if the original goes south !! But so far have not needed it. But , I had to fabricate cables to the #2 unit. Takes, about 5 min. to swap. However, I hope the New Unit finally gets worked out, but its sounding like the supplier of this Retrofit, has made some mistakes. !! If several folks are haveing problems with it. :whistling:
  11. The " Plug And Go " Tool, with the rubber plugs works great !! I never had to use it, but I have installed a couple plugs on old tires just to learn how the thing works. It works, Also, carry an electric pump --- I also, put a bottle of Ride On in each tire when I install them. I also, carry an extra bottle of Ride On with me at all times ! Of note: few years ago, a guy mentioned that upon removeing a worn out tire, with " Ride On " installed he found 3 Nails, that had been traveling with him !! Apparently the Ride On does work !!
  12. As I understand it, road wash hits the R/R unit on 2nd gens. Water and crud gets into the Plug. Check this out, remove the plug, clean it with a good Electrical contact cleaner, and after re-installing it, Seal it with some kind of RTV, or Sealant of some type. I know of at least 2 units that the Plug had to be hand rebuilt, which is not easy, to do. Take good care of that plug, give it regular maintenance. ----- If you ever pull off the left side cover, the Upgraded " Stator " would be a good upgrade. Gives you a few Extra Amps of current, ( discuss the details on this with Sky Doc ) Also, consider replaceing battery with DEKA, AGM type battery. ( higher CCA then a stock lead acid battery ) I have also heard of some Stretched Wire Cables, around the steering yoke, can be a problem on these bikes, so check that area, for any Cable Damage, or Stretching , or wear. Also, check the lower ends of the Batter heavy cables, for corrosiion !!! ( good thing to do ) And, of course, clean, EVERY Electrical Plug on the Entire Bike !!!!
  13. A brakeing OMG moment: Thats sort of like useing the brakes on a Venture, then jumping onto the Busa, and compareing the brakes !!! (( sorry, I could not resist throwing that in, )) My point is you fellows wanting to , up - grade, your brakes, YES, Its the Right thing to do !!!!!!
  14. Also wire in a Relay, if you have not already done so.
  15. Just Down shift, you get about the same effect, ( costs less )
  16. Could have something to do with the Wider then stock windshield you have installed. But not sure, I have never noticed anything like that with the stock size windshield. Just an observation.
  17. Well folks, I meet Brian and his 91 couple weeks ago. Something you don't know. He found a 91 with " Very Few " miles on it. It is in, as they say, New, Just off the Assembly Line, like condition. When I drove up and parked my dented , scratched, high mileage, 89 beside his " almost like new " 91, it was a strange feeling, to say the least. A Goldwing ?????? I don't think so. Now after Brian couples all the mods and upgrades the the friendly folks on this web site have come up with, ( He is working on all those things ) It will be a thing of beauty !!! I think I talked him into Sky Doc's brake system " Upgrade" today.
  18. Have known about this for several years, but own 1st gen so never paid a lot of attention to the 2nd Gen , whinning, Noise problem. However, been working on my 89 the in garage all week , ( just normal service items, and a new tire ) and the wife gets out of car, walking thru the garage, she says !! ( To my utter surprise !!! ) """" Why don't you just buy a New Bike """ !!!!!!!!!!!!! Now , Normally she is always "" whinning "" about something. But-- this has , really, got me worried ?? Was she serious? or just " whinning " about me spending all week in the garage working on the bike ??? And -- If I buy a new 2nd gen, will I have another " whinning problem " ??? Frankly, I just don't know what to do now ???? And the old 89 is all serviced, ready for another season . Well, ---- maby--- a new FJ-1300, Do they " Whine " ???? I ran into an old gezzer with an FJ last week, he said, 68K on his FJ, and Absolutly no problems, AND, the Seat was comfortable !!! Hmmmmmmm ( I forgot to ask about whinning ) Hey Jack, what do you think ?? :whistling:
  19. Dunlop E3 !! Shop around --- Also. Chaparral Motosports In their search engine put in 120/90-18 Dunlop D404 $ 73 bucks shinko 777 for $82 bucks Kenda K673 for $60.88 dunlop D404 73.88
  20. Thanks for that info: So, the gold wing racks are another option. One more thing, on your photo's, I like that "U.S. Navy" Issue Paint you used !!!:cool10: :whistling:
  21. Anybody have a usable luggage Rack for 89 Trunk. ? Does not have to be perfect. Just need something that will work , Anybody know anything about the JC whitney offering for luggage racks.? Or information on any other good supply source would be appreciated.
  22. Are you sure the new bulb is OK ?? Take the new one out and hook it across a battery with test leads.
  23. No, Stock, but I also have a spare TCI, " On Board " I switched the cables today, and will take for a test ride maby tomorrow, I'm in Seattle , and it was , guess what ??? RAINING Today, of all things !!! Whats an Ignitech TCI, I guess I missed that one--- ( I suppose sombody has come up with something I'm going to have to spend some more money on , Jezzzzzzz ) Just spent all my money on a new tire.
  24. When you put a tape in the tape deck, ( ie: push it in ) this triggers a signal, or switch or something, and the radio goes OFF, ( output from radio to Amplifier is cut off ) And the Input to the AMP is switched to the tape deck. It possible that the mechanical mechanism in the tape deck is stuck, ( ie it thinks there is a tape installed, ( Well MABY, this is a left field item ) Also, Pull the Unit UP and OUT, Check all the Pins in the two plugs, There migh be a BENT Male Pin, Two plugs in there, a lots of pins. ( Another left field item ) Also, on the side of the Amplifier, there some Large Cables, that Plug into the AMP, Re Seat all of these, Could be the problem. Also, Check the Intercom VOLUME LEVEL CONTROL, Move it around. Is the Squelech on the CB Turned UP High enough, If the Squelch on the CB is Triggered, this will cut off the Radio. CB Audio takes Over. --- Left field again --- Play with the push button switch that switchs between Headphones, and Speakers. :detective:
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