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Everything posted by GeorgeS

  1. About 10,000 miles, for fuel filter, is a pretty good rule of thumb
  2. you can also, get one of the dummy Cassett Tapes, with a cable on it, that plugs into your MP-3. Not sure if radio shack still carries them, but they should be avialable from some elecronics mail order place. Its just a Cassett, you stick in the player, and cable runs to your MP-3. works great. !!
  3. First thing I would do is spray down the Turn Signal Switch with an electrcal contact cleaner. ( spray can ) Maby use WD-40 first, then contact cleaner. Possible dirty contacts. OR, open up the switch houseing, the switch itself might be going bad mechanically. ( as it is an old bike ) Next, I would remove and Clean out all of the bulb holders, and replace all 4 bulbs. Also, Check the " Signal " Fuse holder !!! If the fuse block has never been replaced, the prongs that hold the fuse's in position might be bent, and you might simply have an intermittant contact, at the " Signal Fuse " itself. If all this fails to help, you might need to replace the Flasher Unit itself. These units on these bikes do not have a very good reputation. I have heard of a lot of guys had to replace them. Bad thing here is that they are not cheap. But sombody might have a spare from a salvaged bike,
  4. I just bought the bike " New " 10 weeks ago. ZERO miles on it, I first heard the popping on the 25 mile drive home from the dealer, first tank of gas !! Pops a little on low speed, and mostly on decelleration going down fairly steep hills. Other then the popping the engine runs like a Swiss Watch !! I don't consider it a " Problem " as such, just sort of annoying !! Especially for a New Bike !! I ran my 1989 1st gen, for 88,000 miles, and never heard so much as " One Pop " out of the exhaust ! Sorry, but can't agree with you on this one, as I have read reports by to many people discribeing the same thing with the 2nd gens. And many reports, of disableing the AIS system, and guess what? No more popping !! But, I am going to do a Carb Sync, ( have new tool ) and will replace plugs with, Irridum plugs. MPG has been running about 40 MPG Average, 38 around town, and 41 to 42 pure freeway driveing. Engine starts, idles , and runs perfect except for the occasionaly popping from the exhaust. Usually only happens, when Slamming throttle closed, from a higher engine RPM, for whatever reason it is necessary to do that. Obviously this causes, the Vaccume, at the AIS sencing Point, to " go high " !! You say I should be looking for a problem , perfect running new engine, 40 MPG, starts great, makes gobbs of power, what should I be looking for as to a problem ???
  5. Does the same thing, backfireing. Or maby just call it a lot of " popping " Its supposed to be caused by the Air Injection System . Or AIS system. Part of the poulution control junk . It fairly easy to overide it, so no air is injected into the exhaust pipe. I have not done it as yet, but plan to. There are several postings on this site as to how do overide the system.
  6. Be sure to check the front brake calipers, and also front wheel bearings, just to eliminate them. Don't really think thats the cause, but worth checking. I did have sort of a similiar sound from my Rear Brake caliper, the pads were loose, and applying brake pad " goop " solved the problem.
  7. -- Vote !! ----
  8. Got a new, " Ultimate " seat for the new 08 RSTD, Installed yesterday morning. Went rideing 2 hours yesterday, and about 140 miles today. So far, So Good !!! Not sure yet, but my you know what is not hurting this evening !!! :fingers-crossed-emo:fingers-crossed-emo:whistling::whistling:
  9. First pull out both brake light bulbs, and inspect the bulb sockets. Might be a short there. Also, replace both the bulbs its possible for the bulb to be shorted internally. I assume fuse blows with either handle bar,or foot brake, if so, then there might be a shorted to ground wire between the brake light relay and the two bulb sockets. Remove bults, the find the relay, unplug the relay, then start checking the wire from relay running back to the bulbs, might be a short to ground on that wire. Under the passenger seat. on right side, find the large plug with about 15 wires going thru it, clean that plug, might be the trouble spot. Start with the bulbs, and sockets, look for problem there. e
  10. how man miles on this bike ? If high milage, and if it still has the OEM fork springs, then you will have to replace them with the " Progressive Suspension fork Springs " ( about same cost as OEM springs ) ( they are much better ) Also, big handling improvement is to install the " Super Brace " front fork brace it it still has the OEM fork brace installed. Also, Drain, and replace the front fork fluid, most likley its never been replaced. Be sure to do a check for " Head Shake " You might have to add some torque to the steering head large nuts. Also check everything on the rear suspension for correct torque settings. Also, good idea to dissassemble and clean and lubricate the Suspension parts under the rear Shock absorber.
  11. A couple months ago, I was reading some posting, concerning Ignition Coils ! Question: ? Sombody made mention that on his 2nd Gen, ( don't remember what year ) he had changed the Ignition Coils to some kind of Plug Over type Coil. ?? I assume he used coils from some other type of bike. Does anybody, know, or remember which member this was who made this posting ?? I have this type of Ignition Coil set up on my Busa, and am very interested is makeing this modification to my 08 RSTD if this is possible. Anybody remember this information, ???? I'm thinking that this mod might help reduce " Ignition Noise" in the AM radio system ?? ( well, maby it will ) :detective:
  12. First thing I would do, is , find, open, and clean ALL the connectors for the Entire Audio system. From the Rear control panel, follow the the Cable, somplace under the passenger seat you should find a " DIN " connector, I would suspect that might be loose, or the pins need cleaning. Go to the Radio, amplifier unit, reomove, and clean all plugs and connectors, Use electrical contact cleaner on all male and female pins. ( get some CRC brand electrical contact cleaner, most auto parts stores carry it. ) I would suspect a Loose connector someplace in the system.
  13. Sounds strange. You might completly drain your fuel tank. Then with fresh fuel, and a good dose of Sea-Foam, drain each carb bowl seperatly. ( let fuel pump run fuel thru each bowl seperatly ) . Do some hard running for a couple of days, give the Sea Foam some time to work. Run Sea-Foam for a couple of complete tanks of gas. Also, I'm thinking you might be in need of a carb Sync proceedure.
  14. Check the volume control left handlebar, also make sure th " MUTE " button has not been pushed !!
  15. Hmmm ?? Maby you have changed the tires since then, and now have lower rolling resistance ??? Maby you have lost some weight !!! ??? Maby you have been buying different fuel ?? Anyway, it " Ain't " going to make much difference, so just enyoy the ride :whistling::whistling:
  16. Before you give up on your Amplifier unit, get a can of electrical contact cleaner , and apply it to ALL, the pull apart electrical plugs of the system. Blow them out with compressed air. Double check the Pins, that " mate " when you remove , and install the radio / cassett player assembly. Remove the Rubber cover on the Amp unit, and be sure to pull out all the plugs that mate in the top of the unit, and clean all those pins with the contact cleaner. Follow the cable from the Handle bar, control unit, there might be a plug enroute to the amp, find it, and clean that also. Distortion can also be caused, by Volume Control, potentiometers, ie: (volume controls ) Not sure if you can get into the control heads, and spray contact cleaner on the volume controls, at the Main Control, and the handlebar control. This , Might, help. Also, check the Antenna Input, for corrosion, and follow the Antenna cable from the radio unit all the way back to the Antenna base, for any sign of damage. Basicly, your looking for Corrosion, or loose, or bent connectors, or any sign of wire , or cable damage. After that, consider Internal Electronic failure itself. ( But these units, rarley fail, electronicly ) Inspect the Cable where it connects to the base of the antenna. On my 89, the base, connector, of the Antenna, failed !! Basicly I had to Replace the entire antenna mount, and re-mount the OEM Antenna in an aftermarket standard 3/8 X 24 thread antenna mount. ( ie: a CB antenna mount )
  17. Well they are to late, I allready bought my new 08 RSTD, but I might stop bye the dealer I bought this one from, maby they will have free coffee at the un vailing of the new models.
  18. You now have one that works, when installed in the bike, correct ? You also have one that you are certain, does not work correctly, hmmmmm ?? SO: why are you worried about it?? and, why aren't you out drinking beer ??? :whistling: And besides that, you have another good one that you don't need !!!!!! So, whats the problem :confused24: Some people are just never satisfied !!!!! :rotf:
  19. Well, now you are going to miss out on all that Late Summer, bull head fishing back there in Minn !!! :whistling: And, where will you find time to do a " tune up " on the snow blower ???
  20. I would give the cleaner stuff, a fairly heavy dose, and 3 or 4 days to work. Maby try Sea Foam, later, also get it running and take it out and run it hard, for a couple of days. At least, do that before you start ripping and tearing.
  21. Have you done the " dry out proceedure " on you TCI unit ??
  22. Had just got to work at the Northwest Airlines hanger Sea Tac Airport. Everybody glued to TV watching planes crash. We spent the rest of the day Securing what Aircraft were on the ground at Seattle. A couple of flights arrived from across the Pacific, but other then that, Everything was grounded. Was very erie, spending the day on the ramp of a major airport, with NO planes comeing or going !! We basicly " securied " everything, and waited, for what? nobody knew. Now and then a military Jet flew over the area. That was very disconcerting, to say the least. !!
  23. Agreed, they are made for Harley's , pretty much junk tires, ( I use them on the CX-500 though, OK for that size bike ) :whistling:
  24. Some photos, Jensen radio, mounted in a "Cortec Mag Mount" tank bag. Antenna. is a modified, 80meter, Ham Stick Amateur Radio antenna. ( Avialable for about $20.00 ) from many ham radio supply outlets. ( this one is somewhat modified ) Radio, $185.00 , tank bag, About $ 85.00, Ham Stick antenna about $20.00 and a few other misc expenses. Note: 8 inch cable for Aux input for MP3, or cassett player, or whatever Antenna. is an MFJ model, MFJ 1675T 75 Meter Ham radio antenna, avialable from Ham Radio Outlet, on line, cost $19.95 plus tax and shipping Mounting is 3/8 X 24 thread, standard CB mount, or fabricate a mount and use a PL-259 connector. I used RG-62 coax. Note in photo #6, I have quick disconnets, for 12V input, and the Antenna cable. 12V Noise filter is mounted inside the tank bag. ( A spare one I had from the 1st gen ) Also power switch is mounted, lower left, rear of tank bag. At this point I have not installed any speakers, am only useing the helmet headphones. I am researching an amplifier and handlebar mounted Speakers, ( maby about a 100 Watt amp unit ) Have not figured that out as yet. Why the 75M ham antenna ??? Short answer is " Ignition Noise " AM signals are much (!!! ) Stronger with the 4 MHZ Resonant Antenna, then just a short Car antenna. almost strong enought cover the ignition noise. But still working on eliminateing the Ignition noise. I Have made some progress on that. Again, if your not interested in AM stations, this is NOT worth the trouble!!! But, the Radio is great for FM, and WX band, and STrong, AM stations, with a standard Auto antenna. This is a " Marine " water proof, industrial grade Radio. ( thats why the high cost, I guess ) ( and I'm a radio nut case, so spending money on radios for me, is like buying beer for most guys Hi Hi ) In the 2nd to last photo, you will see second Antenna mount. This is for my Ham Radio Station installation. ( That equipment is in a 2nd larger Tank Bag ) not shown here. I have a car radio in that tank bag also, but its not as good as the new Jensen. I will also be setting up the Busa, so I can switch this Cortec bag Quickly over to the other bike!! AHHH just imagine, -----listioning to Bethoven's 5th symphoney, doing about 140MPH, on the Busa !!!! ( sorry could not resist that thought )
  25. Problem, RSTD, has NO Radio. Solution " Jensen JHD910 " Marine quality AM/FM Wx band radio. Bought one, installed in a Tank Bag, Installed antenna, Works great !! Some problems with Ignition Noise on AM band, but my new home brew antenna has almost solved the problem. Anyway, Its a darn good Radio !!! But--- Its expensive, About $200.00 bucks, Size, its only 5 in wide, 3 1/3 in high and about 1 3/4 inch thick. A deffinate plus for mounting, Takes AUX input for MP-3 players,
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