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Everything posted by GeorgeS

  1. This is a sure sign of " Ageing " ??
  2. If this is an older bike, also, check for High resistance Across, the RUN/STOP RED SWITCH on right handlebar. They do get cruddy, and go high resistance with age, Also, do a resistance check thru the Ignition Switch, On/ Off contacts. Charge battery overnite, and check the resting voltage next morning. ( New batteries do go bad, its happened to me before ) If you need another one, get an AGM DRY CELL type, DEKA BRAND !!! Also, if old bike, you might need a new STARTER SOLINOIDE. The contacts in side them get burned up with AGE !! If this is a 50K plus miles bike, and solenoid has never been replaced, most likely you should replace it. Give us more details on your bike, Whats the year, and how many miles on it. HAS IT BEEN STORED OUTSIDE ???? or always garaged ??
  3. Been hearing the stock mkt, guru's talking about 50 to 60 bucks for crude oil for the next two years. But !! All the storage tanks, and tanker ships are FULL !! Whats Up ??? Who knows ?
  4. I will " Venture to say " that " Millie " is a """ Good Dog """ !!! And very Attentive
  5. Check the Fuel tank Vent hole. ( might be plugged ) Fuel petcock should have a Screen, Drain tank, remove petcock, and clean the screen . ( might be a problem ) How many miles since the fuel filter has been changed ??? It " Might " be plugged. Find the Ignitor Unit ( wherever it is on your bike ) Remove the electrical plug. and Clean the Contacts ( might be a problem ) Find your Ignition Fuse. There is one someplace, make sure it is making good connection. Is this a high milage bike ??? if so, open up the RED, RUN/STOP SWITCH on right hand grip. Clean the switch contacts. Just a few ideas. Another item, you might have an intermittent ON/OFF, Ignition Switch. ??? This is a problem point on Ventures, no sure about your bike.
  6. ??? What did you hit that gashed the side of the tire ??? That can't be an easy thing to do ! I agree, the Sealer stuff won't work for Side Damage, to a caseing.
  7. Guess What !!! Its finally Raining in California !!!!!!!!!! Well they need it And Seattle, 13.5 inches in Jan and Feb 2016, and been raining almost every day since March 1st. We, in Seattle do not need any more Not, good weather for rideing ---
  8. Few Tips: Always put in a bottle of " Ride-ON " in my new tires. I also carry the " Stop & Go " Tire Plugger kit. And an electric pump. The last Rear, E-3 I replaced, ( 18K on it ) had a 6 Penny Nail stuck thru the caseing, and it was all Rusty, had been there a long time. SO, the Ride-On Did work !. At least that time it did. I buy Ride On by the case, as I have 3 bikes in my garage. Install it in every new tire change . And Always carry 2 spare bottles with me. My Plan " B " is as follows. I have a Center Stand on my 08. ( Very Seldom use it though ) If flat rear, Park bike with Rear tire on edge of Cement. Wheel, out over Dirt, next to concrete. Dig a hole in dirt to allow you to Drop the wheel down and out of rear fender. I have never done this, but it should work. ??? ((( Well, maby ?? ))) The Stop and Go Plugger is a real quality Plugging kit !! I never go without it. I did drill a hole in an old caseing, and instlled a plug with the plugger. Seems to work just fine ! ( I never leave home without it !! As they say )
  9. Only use " motorcycle " spec oil. The Standard mobil 1 used in your car will cause clutch to slip. I just had that problem on my 08. I switched to Motorcycle blend, no more problem. Be sure to hand greese the splines on your drive shaft, do this whenever you change the rear tire. !! Be sure to greese the rear wheel drive gears !! Lots of heavy greese on the wheel splines !! The ignitor unit located Under the radiator, the plug gets water in it. Good idea to Clean the contacts on the plug, and seal it up with Sealastic Sealent to keep moisture out. 15 K on your bike, good time to replace the fuel filter. Also, Never put air in shocks with Air Hose, at gas station, you will blow the seals on the rear shock !!! Get the " Zero Loss " hand pump available at most Harley dealers !!! ( About 50 bucks ) Use SEA-FOAM fuel additive a couple of times every year!! Keeps the carbs cleaned out. In the maintenance section of this web site, LOTS of good information, !!!!! Read Thru ALL of it for the 2nd gen bikes !!! Keeping the Carbs " Synced " on these engines is very important !!! ( check thru maintenance section ) YOu can also pull up the complete Service Manuels there, Be sure to read thru the Carb Syncing Section !! YOu will need a tool.
  10. Hey Puc ! are you planning on hitting the west coast this summer ?? Or anyplace close to the coast ? If so whats your time frame??? I am also considering wandering thru Montana and Wyoming also.
  11. Ok Jack, thanks for response. Well, I am planning a ride, maby in late March or Early April, depending on weather conditions. Thinking about just " Wandering " around on some back roads, in Oregon, and Northern Calif. No Place in particular !! as a destination. Going to map out some back roads, that I have never ridden on. Later in the summer will also be making a run down to the Los Angeles Area. ( June or July ) Might stop bye your area, for a coffee break !!
  12. Any late developing info on VentureWest for 2016 ??
  13. GeorgeS


    Rain All day in Seattle,
  14. Any updates on VentureWest for this year ??
  15. AGM Type Dry Cell. Only get ones made in U.S. ( do not buy them that are made in China ! ) Harley is using them now. Cost more, but worth the extra money My 2008 RSTD, bought new in 2012, came with an AGM DryCell. Forget the Wet Lead Acids, old type battery if you are going to buy a new one !!! See: http://www.batteryuniversity.com/learn/article/absorbent_glass_mat_agm
  16. Did you change the fuel filter? ???? Maby its NEVER been replaced !!!!! With NEW fuel, maby 2 gallons, put in a HEAVY Dose of SEA-FOAM, Run engine as best you can, fuel OFF, let it sit couple days. then Repeat this procedure. The Sea Foam, might ( ??? ) clear up any fuel blockage. Also, be sure your are working with ALL NEW Fuel, if you have not completely drained the tank, do that !! Get as much Running Time, with a heavy dose of SEA FOAM as possible,
  17. My brother in law solved this problem, bye mounting a Side Car on his Harley, his wife rides in the Side Car, and holds the dog on her lap !! It works great !!!
  18. Actually, you left it at the store counter, where you bought it !!
  19. Well, N.C. is a long way from Seattle, But, might make it someday.
  20. As to " dog bones" . Anybody having trouble finding them. It is very easy to Manufacture your own dogbones. Just buy some stock metal, and use your drill press to drill the holes. I did it, to Raise my Rear end. Took more time to replace them, then is did to manufacture them. See: the Maintenance section, there is posting there with photo's as to how to do it. Not a big deal.
  21. OK, this discussion brings up a point I have been wondering about myself. As to my 08 RSTD. Now has 30K on it. I was looking at the Ing Coil mounting positions. Of Note they are hard to get to !!! Rear's are bad enough, BUT ??? The two front cylinder coils. !!!! I see one of them in there, but still have not actually located the Second one up front ???? I am assumeing at this point that the Radiator would have to be removed to get to it ??? Any comments on that point. ??? My reason for bringing this up, is --- Replaceing a bad coil on the road , would -- NOT --- be a fun experience , to say the least. I also see that the wires are not replaceable, as on the old 1st Gen bikes ---- OK, I have another question, if anybody knows, or has tried this, Can the 1st Gen Coils, be used on the 2nd gen bikes ???? Has anybody tried that ??? ( Lots of 1st Gen coils available ) Also, thanks for the INFO, that the 2nd gen Coils, are on " Back Order " I think I will Order a set to have on hand if I need them. Another point, or question. I was thinking of RE-MOUNTING, the two Front Cylinder Coils, to a more ACCESSEBLE Location, IF, I do replace them . Would have to re-route the wireing, but not a big problem. Also, if I did Re-Mount them, It would be nice to use the 1st Gen Coils, because it is easy to replace the Plug Wires !!! At this point, my bike is running OK, however , thinking about " On the Road Repairs " of the Current stock Coil Setup, would not be much fun !!! Another Question would be-- Is there any other TYPE, Coil, ( from any other bike ) that could be used, which has Replaceable Plug Wires ???
  22. Well, its getting close, buy your oil and filters etc etc, and line up your tools !!!
  23. Check the rubber boot on the sensor electrical plug. Might have water and crude in it.
  24. Well its time to do the yearly service on the bikes !! Oil change, brake fluid changes and all that stuff ! I plan on hitting the road to " Someplace " maby sometime in April. Been working on car problems last few weeks, bought a new code reader. Got all the check engine lights out on my Blazer and Trail blazer. ( T-Blazer needed a new Ignition Switch at 60K ) Had an Intermittant miss on the old Blazer. Got the Oil changes done on both of them this week. Still Raining in Seattle, and all up and down the west coast , A good thing for Calif !!!!! OK and more news from my home front, I am turning 73 this week !!! SO----- I decided to buy myself a Birthday present !!!! A New " Green " JOHN DEERE, rideing lawn mower !!! 17.5 Horse Power, 40 Inch blade !!!! With a 6.5 Bushel Bagger mounted just to top it off !!!! Should be delivered sometime this week , Can't wait Ha Ha !!!
  25. Well, if NO Error msg's, then I would be looking for an Air Leak someplace. That is, if the Control panel seems to be working OK, with the correct read outs. Do you have any sign of Oil leakage on the front forks ??
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