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Everything posted by GeorgeS

  1. The one with half the power, burning twice the fuel, has got a Major Problem of some sort!! Such As Very Rich Mixture, Pull the plugs, see what they look like. If you don't know how old the plugs are " Replace them " Replace the Plug Wires !!! Do the spark plug Resistor caps appear to Ever Have Been Replaced???? If not, Replace them. clean the Air Filter, and Replace. Pull out the Carb Diaphrams, check them for Holes in the rubber if the Carbs do indeed have rubber diaphrams. Put some Fuel Injector cleaner, or SEA-FOAM in the gas and run a tank thru, to Clean the Carbs. Check Crank case Breather system, does it have a filtered air intake?? if so, clean it. Is it Necessary to set the Timeing on this Engine??? If so, did sombody screw it up???? Check timeing with a good timeing light. Check the Carb " Idle Mixture needle valve screw position" What should it be set AT ????, check service manual, Reset these to correct position, a good start point would be about 2 1/2 turns open, then do a Carb Sync, YOU NEED A CARB SYNC ING TOOL TO DO THIS. Check for Vaccume leaks!!!!!!!!!! Replace any rotten vaccume hoses, and check the Intake manifolds from Carbs to the Intake point at each cylinder !! Do you hear any sucking sounds at the Intake manifolds ?? There should be a Vaccum port on each Intake manifold, It should have a cover on it. Is it there??? Is it made of rubber?? Is it Leaking ??? If they look rotten, replace them !!! Has sombody INcreased the Size of the Air Feed to the Air Cleaner ????? If the Intake is to big this might be a problem. VALVE CLEARENCE !!!!! Check the Valve Clearance settings !!! From what you have said, there deffinatly is something wrong with this bike!!
  2. I did this same job, I followed the Instructions that came with the new Barnett Clutch and pressure plate assemblies. Had No problems! Also, this would be a good time to replace the Clutch Hyd Slave Cylinder !! If your over 30K. One more thing, Thats a good picture of HDTR !
  3. To answer few of your questions: The End cone has an inner collor. its welded in three places. In order to get the end off with least amount of Damage I used a Dremel Tool with very thin cutting discs. Used up about 3 discs on each Muf. The metal Is Soft, cuts pretty easy. There are 4 baffel plats installed. Note the two small pipes pulled out of the middle section. Total flow goes thru them. The final pipe section you see removed is only exactly 1 inch diameter. Thats It. Total exhaust flow exits thru 1 inch dia holes. This is a spare set of muf's I bought on E-bay for $60, to experiment with. They are back on the bike, initial test results are good. Sounds like a 4 cyl stock FLH, or pretty close, Deffinatly more power at high speed roll on from about 60mph. I put in some Cone's but you could do something like the infamous Cherry Bomb aftermarket mufflers. Or whatever you can think of, almost anything is better then all that back pressure. To re install the End Piece, I made a 1 inch wide inside coller, and just pop rivited it in place. I am still expeirmenting so want to be able to pull it appart for more work. I will weld the end cones on eventually. To get the baffles out, I drilled lots of holes around the perimeter of each baffel, then chisled out the remaining metal. Took about 2 hours to gut each one cleaned out. If you try it, buy a Cobalt 3/8th 10 inch long drill bit. And a long narrow chisel. Why did I do this ?? You might ask!! Well, I'm retired and didn't have anything better to do that week !!! And I live in Seattle, and it was Raining Every Day that Week !!!!!
  4. How old is the gas in the Tank? Maby drain and refill is in order ??
  5. Just buy a used V Max, cheaper then converting. Lot less work and headaches
  6. I installed an AM-42 on rear Rim today. Easyiest tire install I ever did. Only took 5 min with two 10 inch tire irons. Did not have any trouble getting it to Seal. So far, so good.
  7. Remember, when you need 97 HP, all 4 of those Carbs are working !! Flow !!
  8. When its torn apart, try to get some pictures of what broke to post on the web site; would be interested to know what part failed !! Thanks
  9. That link, comes up, with heading on page, XV 12, thats the early 1st Gens. 1200 CC engines !
  10. Yes, I ran that road back around 1987 on my Old 79 BMW, was a great ride !! From N to south.
  11. If anyone is crossing WashingtonState on I-90, a good side trip is from Moses Lake, Wa. ( about mid way between Spokan and Seattle ) take a side trip north to Grand Coulee Dam. The Dam is a great destination if you have never seen it. Also, the road runs thru whats called the " Dry River Valley. " Check this link: http://www.google.com/search?hl=en&=Dry+Falls The Geological formations here are really Fantastic scenery This valley was formed by a Massive Floods, about 10 to 15,000 years ago. There is No River flowing thru it now. Or, from Spokan, take Hwy 2 too Grand Coulee Dam, then south on 155 to Coulee City heading badk to I-90. Also, if you are in Seattle, and want to take the Long, Slow Sceinic Route to Calif. ( Assumeing you are not in a hurry ) From Port Angeles Wa. on the Northern Coast, take U.S 101, west to Forks Wa. then follow the Coast Route U.S. 101 all the way to San Franscisco. ( If you are an Aviation Buff! be sure to visit the Old Naval Air Station at Tillimook Oregon (Aviation Museum ) and a side trip to McMinville Or. to see the Spruce Goose if you have never seen it ) This drive would take about 3 days, to a week depending on how many stops you want to make. Be Carefull!! you will see lots of Deer !!
  12. I carry a home made set of cables on the bike. I made them up with #10 wire. Don't use the heavy car jump cables.
  13. Good Information: Also, whatever bolts you use on your bike. Be sure to use Never Sieze, on every bolt you re - install Its worth the trouble !!
  14. Also, CRC Brand, ( CRC 2-26 ) in the blue spray can is very good. Avialable at Home Depot, electrical department. I used it for many years on Aircraft Electrical connector's and Instrument overhaul shop. I highly reccomend this product for electrical connectors.
  15. GeorgeS


    OK, I would suggest keep running the Sea-Foam, and do the Carb bowl drain, each one several times, run some miles, then drain again. Deffinatly pull the plugs see what they look like. Also, I strongly suggest installing a new set of plugs.
  16. GeorgeS


    You said you had the carbs apart. When you reinstalled the diaphram covers, were the tiny O-rings at the bottom of each cover IN Place. ?? Whan I did mine, I lost one of them. This is the bleed port from the carb to the Outside of the Diaphrams. These O-rings are easy to miss, on reassembly. The reason I bring this up is you said the carb slides were not all dancing . Question: Do you happen to live near Renton ??
  17. GeorgeS


    Keep oil level no higher then half way between the two marks on the sight glass. Overfilling can cause oil to get sucked into the vent back into the intake. When you drain oil, there is about 1/2 qt. stays in the rear section, ( trany ) section of the lower case. If you filled to the top line, drain some out. Try that. I have heard people talk about this before, I think I have the details correct. sombody else should chip in to confirm or prove me wrong.
  18. Check your Oil Level. Be sure its not over filled.
  19. This happened to a friend of mine on Sunday morning. No Traffic. After 3 rounds he ran the light, the cop was hideing in a parking lot and chased him down and gave him a ticket. !! ?????????????/
  20. If so, I'm sure sombody will want it As to the rest of the bike ---- If you have the time to tear it down, every part should be sellable on E-Bay. Trouble is, is it worth the time.? Engine should be worth about 3 to 5 hundred if its still usable. depending on total miles. ??
  21. I would suspect there was oil or something on the road that caused you to loose traction. Maby some fine sand or something like that. I have never had the rear end of my 89 break loose from lack of traction , at highway speeds, unless their was something on the surface of the road that would cause it. Maby you had just driven over an oil spill or something like that in the parking lot you had just left from. If we assume your tire had good tread, and was properly inflated, and the road surface was in normal condition, then this event should not have happened. Anyway, thats my take on it. You might try to duplicate the situation under Perfect Road and Tire condx. Ride safe,
  22. I have not researched brake pads for a few years. Anybody have any comments as to which brand might be the highest quality as far as stopping power ? Its time to order a new set just to have them on hand.
  23. Carry gas can in the trailer Keep it simple
  24. Never heard this discussed: Do you ride Double? If not, maby you could find a single saddle, and fabricate a tank that would mount in the space occupied by the passenger part of the seat.
  25. Chiropractor ??? might be able to fix the problem
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