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Everything posted by GeorgeS

  1. OK, thats what I needed to know. I still have the guns, and lots of compressed air!!! Thanks
  2. You said you work in paint shop. I have painted a few cars, however many years ago. I used laquere back then, but it was just to darn complicted, and to much work. If I wanted to do a one color, repaint, with the simpilest paint product ( I guess an enamal type ) paint. Do you have any suggestions as to what brand, and type of paint would you use. I imagine the products have changed a lot in the last 10 years. I'm not interested in a fancy two tone, or art work, Just a good durable, simplest to spray on single color. Do you have any suggestions ??
  3. I have the Electrix stator, and replaced R/R once. Mine runs 13.7 Volts at the battery, 2000 + rpm. I have never seen over this. I would consider anything over 14 V to be on the high side. ( You might be cooking your battery ) Question: is your battery water level going low, sooner then would be expected ?? If you are running a Sealed Lead Acid Battery, I would shine a bright light thru the case, and try to see if the water level is over the plates. You might check the connector pins on your TCI, maby dirty connectors. also check for High resistance across the " ON OFF " Contacts of the Ignition Switch. ( should be zero ohms ) Check your 40 AMP, main fuse, open it up and check the two small #1 phillips screws that hold the fuse element in place. ( They do come loose ) Any excess resistance across the fuse, or across the On Off contacts, will lower the voltage to the Ignition Coil Primary windings. This will affect Strength of plug fire Check your " Run Stop " switch, for dirty contacts.
  4. Or mount a couple extra tail lights, useing LED bulbs, much less current draw on the battery.
  5. take a look here, E-Bay # 220137933462 place in Wisconsin, sells matched sets of wires with Caps
  6. You could install a Switch ( SPST ) to power a relay, which would take power from the ACC Fuse, and run an extra wire to your left rear turn signal bulb. I think this would work. Another thing I did, was rewired my Rt tail light bulb, thru a new inline fuse holder, to a different 12v source from the " tail " fuse. This way if the stock " tail " fuse blows, I would still have at least One tail light burning. The way its wired stock, if the tail fuse blows, you loose both of the tail light bulbs.
  7. Remember, If you Install the Progressive Springs in the 1st Gen, the Progressive springs, are made of Larger Diameter material. Which takes up more space in the tubes. So, you must Reduce the amount of Oil, to maintaine the same Oil height as the Stock set up. As I recall, I put in about 1 Oz. less oil. You can also, play around with #15, #10 wgt oil, to adjust the ride. I went with #15, ride seems good, however next time I change the oil, I will try #10.
  8. Cross section photo Elite II
  9. That will be a tuff one. As the service manual diagrams do not show the Internal wireing of the DIN Plugs from the Amp to the CB, Radio, and Cassett. I was looking for that myself, but so far have not found it.
  10. What kind of audio system do you have on your bike now ??
  11. Anybody have an Avon they took off Rear ?? I would like to see a cross Section Cutout of one of them. How thick is the tire after the tread is worn OFF.
  12. Well if the leak is deffinatly comeing from under the Anti Dive Unit. Possibily the Mateing Surface's are Damaged, and the new seals are not makeing a good seal. Also, Its possible the dealer has been replaceing them with the Wrong size O-Rings. There are Two Dimensions to any O-Ring. The diameter of the Circle rubber ring itself, and also the Diameter of the rubber material. It might be possible to find an O-ring of the same diameter, but one size " thicker " material. However Metric O-rings are not going to be easy to find at the local hardware store !! I would suggest ordering the Correct Part Number, from some other dealer. Go to the Yamaha ON LINE IPC, ( Google " Yamaha Motor Company " ) and the master site will come up. Click on Motorcycles, and then " Parts" on the left side, You can find the correct part numbers here. I would suggest Examining the mateing surface's with a Strong magnifiying glass, to look for Scratches or imperfections on either surface. I have not worked on the Early Models, my 89 has 2 O-Rings on each side. I Installed New Rings when I rebuilt mine last winter, did not have any problem with leaks. Maby sombody on line has a Set of Forks , Removed, and could post some close photo's of the assembly !!!!
  13. Check water level in Battery: Charge the Battery: If still don't start, check the battery cable ends, clean and retorque. Especially check where the battery cable connects to the Starter Motor. You might have a bad Starter Solinoid. As a rule of thumb, the Starters themselves do not fail on these bikes. Check everything else first.
  14. Print out a copy of that section of the IPC, Yamaha On line Parts IPC
  15. ON the aft Small cover, left side, has 6 bolts on it. The Lower Bolt, has a Crush , copper seal . under the bolt head, If this seal is leaking it would have to be replaced. This bolt is actually an Oil drain for the aft part of the Tran case. I just put a new seal on mine last week. You may have to pull the cover, and put a new gasket under the cover also, plus the crush washer.
  16. How many miles on this bike ?? If its in the 50,000 range, then new springs, and oil change are called for. Springs don't last forever, 50,000 is about average for motorcycle front fork springs.
  17. Replace your Diaphrams, Check idle mixture adjust needle valves, ( 2 1/8 turns open ) Replace the Stock Air box. Drain the bowls. Drain the Gas Tank. Replace fuel Filter. Do a Carb Sync. Then go from there:
  18. NO-- The Pumpkin Oil Does NOT Lube the Drive Shaft !!!!!!!! If you see oil dripping out the WEEP Hole at forward end of drive shaft Houseing, then you have a bad Oil Seal where the Shave goes into the Pumpkin !! Trust me on this, I been there
  19. My 89 does the same thing, more so on deceleration.
  20. Had to buy a large Metric Socket, take off Nuts to Greese the large swing arm bearings. You need large Torque wrench to re install. The three cross bolts on the lower linkage need to be removed, cleaned and greesed if its never been done. I installed zerks, there myself.
  21. i would check both + and - battery cables, at battery, solinoid, and the starter, and the point where the - cable connects to engine case. Find the plug going to the Ignition Switch, Clean the contacts there. Give the Ignition Switch a bath, with a good electrical contact cleaner. Not WD-40 But chances are you need a new Ing. switch or Solinoid.
  22. If you need that much rpm just to get going, you got a problem. start with the SEA foam. Drain Carb bowls. Drain gas tank, Replace plugs and wires. ( and caps ) Check setting of the Idle Mixture needle valves. Sync the Carbs.
  23. Are you talking about the Small #2 Screw, on back of each fork leg ?? about 6 inches up from the bottom ???( Its about 1/4 inch long ) If so, this is the Oil Drain Port. Remove the Screw, and all the Old Oil will drain out. The Screw Has a Rubber Seal on it. Maby the last person to drain and refill the forks damaged, or lost the O-Ring. OR --------- Remove the Wheel, Remove the Axe, And up thru the bottom End is an Allen Head Bolt. ( I think 14 MM ) This Bolt has a Copper Washer under it, that acts as An Oil Seal. The bolt might be loose. In order to Re Torque this, you have to Pull out the Fork Springs from the top of tube, and useing Special Tool called out in the manual Retorque the Bold from th e Bottom. The special tool goes in from the top, to hold the parts while you retorque them from the bottom. GO TO THIS ADDRESS ON THIS WEB SITE: FOR PHOTOS. AND SERVICE MANUAL FOR THIS JOB. ----- http://www.venturerider.org/forum/showthread.php?t=496 This is part of the 1st Gen Maintenance library.
  24. For a very good website with Tour Information for Wa. State use this web address: http://www.experiencewashington.com/byways/BywaysMain.aspx Click on each section, a map will come up, the click on each number, for more detailed information: I think this is a State Gov. sponsored site. Very good and detailed Information.
  25. There is a clip under the tank to hold the cross fuel line in place. ( Fwd, bottom of tank )
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