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Everything posted by GeorgeS

  1. I had the wobble around 40K, I regressed the head bearings, and added a little torque. It was too loose. Anyway, adding torque fixed it. Never senced it again. Since then I added the Superbrace, Progressive Springs, and Avon tire. Its rock solid now at least up to 80 mph.
  2. OK, my new Avon, ( installed last May ) just turned the clock at 8,000 miles, yesterday. I decided to measure the tread wear, as best my old eyes can see. On sides where tread is not worn, at deepest point, I measure 5/16 tread depth. Dead center of tire, I measure 3/16, of rubber depth. So, it should make 14K, and maby 16K. Anyway, sombody might be interested in that information. ( for whatever its worth )
  3. My sister keeps buying me HD T-Shirts. But we are still good friends !!!
  4. I have a rule of thumb. Concerning paying for parking. I will only pay for parking if its a place where I absolutly have to go to. I refuse to do business anyplace that charges for parking. I might get caught now and then, but I will never go back to that business. I don't care if its the business charging, or the government. If you don't provide parking, you don't get my business.
  5. Yes, Check the Start Switch. When you push the Start switch, the second set of contacts, go es too OPEN. Sounds like bad contact here. Give the Switch a bath with WD-40, blow out with compressed air, the give it a bath with an electrical contact cleaner product.
  6. Yes, Rebleed the system, if you know how to do it. You want to get all of the fluid replaced in the system as you do the rebleed. If you have never rebleed, a clutch, or brakeing system, I would suggest you get some assistance. Bleeding the clutch on these bikes is really no different then bleeding the brakes on a car, if you have done this and know how to do it. If you are completly in the dark on this job, probably best to take it to the dealer, have it done, especially if bike is still under warenty.
  7. A dealer in Federal Way, Wa. ( just south of Seattle ) is offering $200 over dealer cost on all left over 07 and 06 bikes. He has a couple of Ventures.
  8. I strongly reccomend that whatever bike you have and however your brakeing system works, that you Practice Panic Stops. On a dry straight level road. Work up from about 30 mph to freeway speeds. Every bike is different, Learn what you have, and what you can do with your brakes. Each year, 2 or 3 times, I go out and practice panic stops. I have two bikes, and they are very different when it comes to brakeing. It happened to me this year in May. I was forced to do a complete Panic, lock up on my Suzuki Busa. Old lady ran a red light from my right. I went full lock up and left about 40 feet of rubber on the road. Stopped with in inches of hitting rear of her car. I learned something that day. The Venture, would never have stopped in that short of a distance, even at 30 mph. All I am saying here, is practice practice practice, and don't be afraid to use your brakes. Remember!! your front brakes Are 80 percent of your total brakeing power !!! Don't be afraid to use them.
  9. Where ever you are, follow the Sun, till you come to the Pacific Ocean, Then Turn Right. You can't miss it !!!
  10. I'm wondering if he is not an Instructor at a Police Rideing Accademy.
  11. When the little Birdie, tickles the back of your neck, and wispers, " pull over " , be sure you follow his orders.
  12. As to the turn signals, I don't think they will work, as the Turn signal relays are usually designed, for a specific amount of current draw. LED bulbs draw much lower current. As in you cars, if one turn signal bulb burns out. the signal flashes at a higher rate ( or speed ) . Might be worth a try, but
  13. This brings up an idea. On all the 1st gens. Install this shock on the Rear, and the Progressive on the Front, you can then Completly, remove the Air pump System. The pump, all the lines, the control panel etc etc. This removes some excess weight, and free's up some Instrument panel space. And makes maintenance, and dealing with your 1st Gen a little simpler. I allready did the front, mod. I will be seriously considering doing this.
  14. I have replaced, or repaired about 1/2 million light bulbs, on several thousand airplanes over a period of about 40 years!! ( not to mention cars and motorcycles ) I can state with certainty, that all of you are wrong .
  15. I always get the bike into the Drive Away position, from where ever I am leaveing from. Then have the wife get on the bike. When pulling into a stop, I always head for a flat safe, parking place. Stop and have her get off, then I head for the gas pump, or final parking spot. I simply don't want to have a passenger on board while manuevering around a parking lot, or gas pumps. Too many other things to worry about in parking lots, ( like blind people backing out of parking space's )
  16. I don't own a 2nd gen, mine is an 89, so I do not have the problem. However, I have been reading with interest all the posts on this issue for about 2 years now. I had a thought last week concerning this issue. In view of the High Anti Wear qualities of modern oils, ( of any brand of oil ) And in view, of the much higher quality of metals used in the construction of gears and engine parts over the last 20 years or so. (( the anti wear qualities )) Could it be possible ?? That the 2nd gen parts ( whatever part is involved in the noise ) are simple Not Being Broken In Properly ??? ( worn in, mated, or however you want to state it ) IF SO: then my thought is, why not try running some plane old 20 or 30 Wgt. " Break In " oil. ( non detergent, no additive ,plain Jane OIL ) ( or, lawn mower engine oil ) whatever you want to call it. Run this stuff for about 200 to 500 miles, and keep the speed below 50 MPH, just like your Dad and Grandpa used to tell you to do when you bought you New " Ford or Chevy " In other words, do a --- " break in," --- just like Grandpa did on his New 51 Chevy !!! OR, 37 Harley if you like. Just a thought, Can't hurt anything, for just 500 miles at 50 MPH. Anybody open to give it a try ??
  17. My trash pick here in Seattle, will take " One " old tire, each week at the normal pick up time. They will take more, but then add extra charge. Another thought: Try takeing them to the place where you buy your car and truck tires. As a service to you, and to keep you as a good customer, I am sure they would take a couple of extra MC tires, and throw them on their pile of old recycle. Just a thought.
  18. I went down in 1960, in a parking lot, at 10 mph. Helmet saved me from head injury. I have 3 friends, who, are alive today, cause they were wearing. It keeps my head warm. It keeps the rain off of my face, ( I live in Seattle ) Its a good place to mount my earphones. I have been hit by many flying objects over the last 50 years, on various parts of my body while rideing. I can remember several that would have been a disaster if they had hit my face or eyes, without haveing the Helemet Face Shield in place. Anyway, the UP Side far outweighs the Down Side. I would wear a helmet irregardless of what the law says , one way or the other.
  19. Am I correct in assumeing that Only the 2nd Gen Rear Shocks go bad. ?? I do not recall hearing much about 1st Gen Rear Shocks leaking. Can a 1st gen rear be used on a 2ng gen ?? Maby stupid question, but was just wondering. Just an observation, but could adding air to these things at the gas station air hose, be blowing the Seals ??
  20. If battery is good, and battery cable, contacts are clean, ( double check the stud ( for the battery cable ) at the starter, and the ground cable at Rt. Fwd Corner of the engine , pull it out and clean it. Then check the Two large nuts that connect Bat cables to the Start Solinoid ( located just to Left of battery ). They might be loose. Also, open the main 40 amp fuse and check the two small #1 phillips head screws, that hold the fuse element in place. Also, give your Start Switch, a bath with CRC 2-26 contact cleaner. If you can't find anything else, put a volt meter on the output side of the Start Solinoid, When it clicks, make sure you get 12 volts to the output side. IF no 12V, then, remove the large cable that comes from the battery, Hook an OHM meter across the two large studs, hit the the start button, and read the Resistance across the Inner Main Contacts. It should read Zero Ohms. IF not, you most likley need a new Start Solinoid. Check the Service, Manual, page 7-11, see the block diagram of the starting circuit, and read the text on that page which explaines in detail all the components that are involved in the Starting circuit. Its not just one switch sending 12 V to the start solinoid, lots more is involved. Hope this helps,
  21. Have you had the Two Plugs pulled out of the TCI ?? If not, consider dirty, or corroded connection from the 8 pin plug on the TCI, the wire that goes to the #2 cyl Ignition coil. ( the center 4 of the 8 pins, feed signal to the 4 ignition coils ) Also, on that wire there is a two wire pull apart plug, about 6 inches before it gets to the coil. The contacts of this plug ( they are yellow or orange colored ) might be makeing intermittant contact. In view that you seem to be indicateing that the problem comes and goes, makes me think you might have an intermittant electrical contact. Also: consider, that you may have gotten a " bad " new spark plug. this has happened to me, more then once. Also: Carefully follow the 2 wire cable comeing from the #2 Ignition coil, untill it enters the wireing bundle. Slight possibility that one of the two wires may be pinched somplace, and intermittantly shorting to ground. ( this is a very long shot, but possible ) Also: find the wire cable that comes from the " Pick UP Coils " located behind the Alternator Rotor. ( a 5 wire cable ) runs to rear out of rotor case cover, under the rear tran cover, then up from rear engine, then located about under your left Knee as you sit on the bike is located a " White " disconnect plug. ------ Why? -- The signal to the TCI to fire each cyl, goes thru this plug. This plug is know to have been the cause of many Ignition fireing problems. Open up this plug, make sure all 5 of the pull apart connectors inside the plug are Clean, and makeing good electrical contact. Clean these with a good electrical contact cleaner. Also, use electrical contact Cleaner on your Two Plugs that mate to the TCI !!! ---- Electrical contact Cleaner !! Use CRC Brand 2-26, comes in a blue labled spray can. Get it at Lowes, Home Depot, and most auto parts stores, OR a similiar product. One more item, give your Ignition Switch, and your " Run-Stop" Switch, a bath with this stuff, blow out with compress air. Also: Find your 40 Amp, Main Fuse, located just left of battery. Open it and check the Two small #1 phillips screws, make sure the fuse element is makeing good contact. Also: Check your " ING " Fuse Holder, make sure it is makeing good contact. These Yamaha fuse holders are known for going south. Many folks have replaced these Fuse Holder blocks, with better quality after market items. This is a highly reccomended Winter Project.
  22. All other suggestions I agree with, however I also make it a point to push the bike out of the garage, and simply Run the Engine for 20 min. or so at least once a month . Also, make sure the battery is " fully charged " before putting it on the trickle charger.
  23. On 1st gens you have to order parts seperatly, Not sure on 2nd gen's, but I think its the same thing, order each part seperatly
  24. Yes, but the 83 will never really be a cruizer, will it. Sits to high, foot position not right, etc etc. Now think hard about a V-Max. Same rideing position, add some leather bags, and a good windshield, ( I know you won't have a fairing ) , But !! YOU GOT OVER 110 HP!!!! And maby even more with a little tinkering, OH well, give it a little more serious consideration. Lots of low milage V-Max's out there owened by folks that have chickend out. Question: How many Ponies do you want ?? you can find a good used Busa, for about 5K. How old are you? I pay same insurance on my fast bike as my Venture, ( but then I'm an old foggie )
  25. Replace the bulbs one at a time, as you check each bulb holder with an Ohm meter, with bulb removed, to make sure the bulb holder is " Actually grounded " Bulbs can short out internally, without the filament, being burned up. Also, squirt some electrical contact cleaner into the Hazard, On-Off Switch. When the Hazard switch is in the " Off " position, power for the turn signals comes thru this contact, to power the turn signal function. Find your " Signal " fuse, make sure its makeing good contact in the fuse holder. This is a fairly common problem on Ventures. ( bad contact at the fuse holder, that is )
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