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A fellow worker at NorthWest Airlines, Mechanic, E9, Air force Reserve Squadren. He gave me the Info. It was 4 to 5 years ago, that the First AF Squadren, started training pilots to fly them. According to the Sarge, nothing, can outgun them !!! Everybody is Dead Meat, that goes up agianst them in combat.
Start looking for a 1300CC engine. In the long run, the total cost will probably be about the same as repairing the 1200. Then go to work on the 1200, or part it out. Anyway thats what I would do.
I'm not sure, but I think this was just an Air Show. Just an exposition of slow speed manuvers. Note: For 2 years, before I retired, ( 3 years ago last month ) I worked with an E9, Airforce Reserve M Sgt. Assigned, Air Nat Guard Squad, near Phoenix. His Group was first to Fly aginst the F22, for Training, and evaluation of the new aircraft. He told us, they would send out 6 F-18's against 2 Raptors, The Raptors always killed them all. One day, Only One Raptor, went, and still took them all out.
On my 89, when I installed the Brace, I recall haveing problems getting the bolts in. I believe I loosened the Upper Pinch bolts. But can't remember exactly what I had to do to get the 4 bolts in place. Then re install the wheel. and re torque everything in stages. OK, I think I removed some metal from each end of the brace. The rounded out part, on each end. Not much, then the bolts went in place.
1989 Venture Oil Leak - HELP!
GeorgeS replied to jfarr53's topic in Venture and Venture Royale Tech Talk ('83 - '93)
With engine cold, and sitting on the Center Stand, Check the sight glass. Oil level should be no higher then Center of the sight glass. You might have a Valve cover gasket leaking also, check that. -
I pulled the Avon Venom off the Front yesterday, the one the Stone punched a hole in. Here is a cross section view. I measure 5/16 inch thick, Caseing, AFTER, the Tread is worn smooth.
Just order a new set of springs, and a new Gasket for the Clutch cover. Most likley this will take care of it. As a rule of thumb, the Plates Do Not Wear out. Usually just weak springs. Job is easy to do.
Good Video here, if you are interested in the F-22. http://www.f22-raptor.com/media/video_gallery/videos/F22_AirShow_Langley.wmv
OK, two years ago, going from SusanVille, Ca. headed West to I-5. Stoped for coffee + gas, left, was takeing it slow, abot 45 winding road thru heavy Forest. Came around corner, and saw about 12 Deer just Standing on the Road, waiting for Sucker !!. I Stopped, and waited about 10 Min for them to Leave. Honest, it took them that long. Back in 69, on my New Honda 450, new bike, no windshield as yet. Going West in SanDiego freeway from Van Nuys to LAX Airport. About 70 in far left lane, Just topped the Hill, and spotted ahead of me, closeing, a " Black Dot " abot 4 feet off the ground. I'm thinking, thats funny, then it was bigger, then it Hit me square in the center of my Chest. Completly Knocked the Wind out of me. Could not Breath. I made the Left Shoulder, full Panic Stop, dropped the bike, and Sat on the ground for about 10 min, regaining my ability to Breath. There are some Bugs in the S.Western States, that " Fly " and are about 2 1/2 inches in Diameter. Don't know what they are, But it made a heck of a mess on front of my leather jacket. I would say this Bug, was as large as the average English Sparrow. Last year on the Busa, old lady Ran Red, turning right in front of me, crossed two lanes to get to a left turn lane. I locked up both wheels and was skidding toward her rear end. Got within about 12 inches when she accellerated away from me. I was still completly locked up at this point. I cam back later, and stopped, to check the skid marks. I had left about 80 feet of rubber skid marks on the road. ( both wheels at full lock up ) Note: Your bike does Not flip end over end, if you lock up the front brake !! As some folks seem to think.
Now you can get busy and catch up on all that stuff you been putting OFF for the last 30 years !!!
Thanks, I will check tires unlimited, The MR90-18 E III Front, is the hard one to find. OK, I checked, the MR90-18, front, says Back order until March 23 this year. ???
Well now, many more folks out there know what its like to live in Minnesota, in the wonderfull Winter Time. !!! ( I know the last 5 years in Minn have not been so bad ).
Do you still have the Information Sheet, that came with your Odyessy Battery. It has very specific instructions as to Charging. It calls out useing a 4 to 6 plus Amp """Constant Rate Charger, """ for a specific amount of time. Also, Use Voltage readings to determine Percent of Charge. 12.4 Volts, is about 45 to 50 percent charged. 12.8 to 12.9 volts, is 100 percent charged.
Use your Car charger on the Odyessy. Charge it at at about 6 Amp , constant, rate, for 4 to 8 hours.
I went to Dunlop main web site: They list the Elite 3, in MR90-18 Front, and MU90-16 Rear. I checked several on line dealers, but nobody seems to have the new front Elite 3 as yet. Anybody know if they are available someplace ??
Its, NOT Raining in Seattle today !!
odessey battery question
GeorgeS replied to hipshot's topic in Venture and Venture Royale Tech Talk ('83 - '93)
If after charging at 4 to 6 amp rate for about 6 hours. Let it sit for a few hours, if Voltage level is 12.8 your good. How is the battery preforming in actual ussage ? I just went down and checked the voltage on mine. It was 12.7 V Last ride was about a week ago, and two weeks before that. 20 mile rides. Last time I charged the battery was about 3 months ago. -
1st gen throttle cable question
GeorgeS replied to pegscraper's topic in Venture and Venture Royale Tech Talk ('83 - '93)
Go to the IPC, There are 4 cables, plus the 5th one that goes to the Cruz unit. A new set of 4 cables, is about $40 bucks. You have to Remove the left side upper fairing to replace the cables. -
This is why I always, yeild the right of way to any cage driver that wants it. !! I'm not going to fight a battle that I can't win, when on a bike.
The key difference with the AGM type batteries, is simply, Charge them at a " Constant Rate " about 4 to 6 Amps, for the specified amount of time. Use a " Constant Rate Charger " "" A trickle Charger Will Not Fully Charge these batteries " And, use an Accurate Voltage Reading, to determine the " State of Charge " Very specific on this in the Instruction sheet that is included in the box. I am useing the Odyessy batteries on two bikes now. I have found that I need to Recharge, them about every Two Months. Or if I go for a long ride, ( More then 4 to 6 hours ) and check the voltage, they will be close to fully charged. During winter months, they seem to need to be recharged, about every two months.
Odd starter clutch failure
GeorgeS replied to mbrood's topic in Venture and Venture Royale Tech Talk ('83 - '93)
I replaced mine at about 55K. It started makeing noise around 40K. My comment would be, if over 50K on a 1st Gen, and never been replaced, you most likely need to do the job. Its just a matter of time. You might as well get the parts ordered. Consider it a good Winter job. -
SWR Meter usage, is basicly as follows. Hook meter In Series with cable, going to antenna. Problem here is you need an extra cable ( RG-58 U type cable ) with a connector that will fit the Output side of the Meter, and go to the Antenna coax plug. ( You should be able to buy at Radio shack ) OK, with meter in the line. Put meter to the " Forward position" and hit the Key. You will see a " High " Reading on the meter. ( if it has a " SET " control, then set to the Reference mark, it may not. Now, Switch to the " Reflected Power " switch position. One more comment, Its kind of like sighting in your rifle, as a Marine, I know you understand how that works, Hit the key again, You should see a Much Lower reading. This is the amount of " Reflected Power " (((( THIS WILL BE OUR REFFERENCE READING ))) Want you want here is the LOWER, the Better. Now your New Antenna if probably Physically tuned to about the Physical, Center, of its Adjustment Range. IF---- The second reading is, 3 to 1 or higher, you will want to make an adjustment. Take the cap off end of antenna. give it about 1/4 inch of extension, ( ie. make the antenna physically longer ) and then Repeat takeing the Reflected reading. IF--- It went Lower, Thats Better. IF--- It went Higher, go back the same 1/4 inch, and then make it 1/4 inch shorter. Take another reading. It should now be Lower, ( less reflected power) then ' YOUR INITIAL READING " ( that you made a record of ) ((( keep in mind, that you may have went past the lowest reading, and gone back up )) ((( so make small adjustments, this is trial and error procedure ))) OK, what your are trying to accomplish, is to get the " Reflected " power reading down to 1 on the scale. As a rule of thumb, 1 is about as good as it gets. Now, one more consideration. If you intend to use all 40 chanels, then do the adjustment around channel 20, In other words, you will have the lowest SWR in the Middle of the Frequency Range. I would reccomend useing channel 19 . Now read thru this several times, untill you have it fixed in your mind exactly what the proceedure is. Did you get the Antenna with the Plastic cap that goes on the TIP.??????? IF so, Replace the Plastic Tip, Cause the reading will change if its not installed. Hope this helps. IF not send me the Type of Meter You bought, I can probably look it up on the internet, And maby more specific. GeorgeS, ( N7UY Ham radio operator ) One more comment, If the initial reading is 2 to 1 or less, on channel 20, Don't mess with it. Thats Good Enough, Go have a BEER !!! Your time will be better spent. People go overboard , worring about this.
Ok sounds pretty much like sticking float needle valves. As before, " Sea foam" and some run time, or take the covers off as long as you got them open. You might want to consider replaceing the Float valves. ???
Wiring Harness Maddness!!!
GeorgeS replied to a topic in Venture and Venture Royale Tech Talk ('83 - '93)
First, thing, is if you have not torn it apart yet. What does NOT Work, of the electrical end user components. ??? If nothing else, hook up any good battery to the battery terminals, and operate all the electrical components. Find out What Don't Work, first. Let me know what you find. Also, Check the Fuse Holder Clips, If the fuse panel has never been replaced, it might be bad. Also, check the Neg Bat terminal where it connects to the RT FWD corner of the engine, remove bolt, clean off the Corrision. Also, pull Red cable from starter motor, check the end Stud for Corrosion. If corroded, heat with Propane torch, and dip in Rosin, Flux, and resolder. All cables. Remove, and check with an OHM METER, ALL Fuses!! ((( Just cause they look good, don't mean they are good ))) There is a main Ground Stud, on frame left of battery not easy to find. Make sure this ground is clean, and tight. Lots of items get ground return from this point. Pull Apart " ALL " " REPEAT " " ALL " Electrical connectors, and give them a bath with CRC Brand 2-26, Electrical Contact Cleaner. ( lots of plugs, behind head light ) Also All Bulb Sockets. Also, give All the handle bar switches a Bath with 2-26. (( And the Ignition Switch )) NOW, Reassess the Electrical system, Did you fix anything ?? What does NOT WORK ??? after the cleaning. Anyplace you see, a Black wire connected, to Ground, remove it and Clean the connection.