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Everything posted by GeorgeS

  1. Put 50 lb in the tire, then Check it first thing in the morning. Or 60lb. and use the Soap now. Thats a big leak, should show up, not problem. Install a New Valve in the Stem, just in case the valve is bad. Carefully check the entire rim on both sided, maby tire not properly seated completly.
  2. Scroll down on the Home Page, there is an Instrument Panel on E-Bay, closeing in about 3 hours. Looks like it has a Speedo in it.
  3. Did you put about 50 to 60 Lb. of Air into the new tire, to make sure Its properly Seated ? then bleed off all air, and check the Mark, around both sided of the bead to make sure its properly seated. Somtimes I have to actually Bounce the tire on cement, and re air it a few times to get a proper Seat on the Rim. With, brake calipers Removed, so no drag, does the Wheel Spin Freely ?? You may need a new set of Wheel Bearings !! How many miles are on the Wheel bearings, have they ever been Replaced, or Lubricated. When you had the wheel Off, did you Rotate the Inner Bearing Race's, to feel for any sign of Drag, or Resistance Spots ?? If over 50K on this bike, I would reccomend New Wheel Bearings. Did you put bike on Center Stand, and do the Handle Bar, Drop to the Full Rt. and Full Lft. Test. The bars should " Fall to full stop, with some Resistance, But Not just " Flop " to the Stops. You may need to add 5 to 10 degrees of CW Rotation to the Steering Head Main Nut.
  4. You said the filter is not filling up. ?? Bike sitting 12 years , Hmmmm. I am suspecting the Screen mounted on top of the Petcock assembly in bottom of tank may be plugged. Strongly suggest you remove the Petcock assembly, and check the condition of the petcodk, and screen. You want to be sure you get that tank cleaned out, or you will just keep getting crud into the Fuel Pump and Carbs.
  5. Do you know if the TCI has ever been Remove, and opened, and had Moisture Dried out ??? If not, You should remove it, open case, put in oven at about 110 deg. F for couple of hours. Also, Resolder the Plug Pins to the Circuit Board. The solder joints crack there. And clean up the Pins of the TCI and Its Plugs. Also, the pick up coils have 5 wire cable running up to the 6 pin plug of the TCI, about half way en route, there is a pull apart plug. Open this, and Clean the Pins. Its a common trouble Spot. Plugs go High Resistance.
  6. Consider Syncing the Carbs as Regular Maintenance, I do mine at least twice a year. Also, check the Throttle Pull cable for Fraying at the Fwd, lft. Carb. If you find any fraying, order a new set of cables. It won't be long untill the cable breaks. Check those rubber caps on the Manifold Ports, they get rotten and cause vaccume leaks. Also, the vaccume hose from the #2 Carb up to the Pressure Sensor, be sure its all hooked up good, and not leaking. This can screw up the Carb Sync.
  7. Mostly depends on How Many Miles, a fellow has to drive, a day or a Week. If 50 to 100 miles a day, I would go out tomorrow and get a 40 MPG car, ( a Cheap one ) !! However, being retired now, My 2nd car with 120K on it, I drive about 50 miles a week, Its not cost effective to replace. However, my wife drives about 150 miles a week, and at 15 MPG, I see where I might get her a 40 MPG vehical. But, new car, Sales Tax, I was doing ruff figures, and its about a wash as to cost. But if the goes goes to $5.00 a gallon, yes, I will be looking for a 35 MPG car for her, and Parking the Chevy Blazer.
  8. Great!!! This is what I am trying to make some folks aware off !!!!! I have read thru all these posts, you are the first to respond to the 30,000 ft. deep Information !!! What does this mean ???? There is a huge supply of new oil below 30,000 feet. The Media IS NOT telling the general public about it !!! OR are the oil companies. Why?? That I would like to know. Whats down there??? OIL, when the wells come in, it flows at between 350 and 400 deg. F !!! Under High Pressure. Its NOT FOSSIL FUEL !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! What is it and why is it there?? Thats a very good question. Who found it first ??? The Russians !!! When did they find it??? Over 15 years ago !!! Why did the Russians find it first ?? Cause they don't believe the Fossil Fuel Myth !!! And they are pumping it and makeing huge profits on the stuff. They are building pipe lines into Eastern and Central Europe, to deliver the stuff. Question: ???? Are the 30,000 ft holes in Wyoming pumping Oil, that info I have not been able to find. I only found that " One " well had been drilled, to 30,000 ft. I found that on a Federal Goverment, publication. But there were no details, as to success or not. ---- Can anybody answer that for me ??? ------- Example: One Russian Well off the N East Coast of Sakahalin Island, came in Oct. of 2007. ITS PUMPING ABOUT 250,000 BARRELS A MONTH !!! 4 more are in the process of being drilled. Who is buying this Oil, ??? Japan !! Do the Research, --- Google--- " Deep Oil " " Russian Deep Oil Wells " " 30,000 ft Drilling Rigs " " Oil finds off Coast of Brazil " " Drilling Rig Atlantis " " Adiabatic oil " http://chazzz.org/index_files/Page650.htm This site will give a quick Overview of the true situation. One more Rant on my part. We need More New Refineries, The ones we have are supposedly running at full tilt, so more oil won't make much difference to supply of Finished product.
  9. Pull out the Inner Speedo Cable, and Greese it . If the Brake pads are half worn, replace them as long as they are off. Also, good time to Replace the Fork Fluid, Drain it while the Calipers are off and pulled back. You wont get any oil onto the Brake pads that way. And while your hands are all dirty, and oily, good time to Replace the brake fluid, be sure to do a good job of rebleeding the brakes. Lets see, what else ???
  10. Right, its easy to spend to much money on a vehical to save gas. When it might be a lot cheaper to buy the Expensive Gas for the vehical you allready have. Do the math, before you jump into alternative fuel vehicals.
  11. I think you hit something, that damaged the tire, it went from there.
  12. He only rides between Midnight and 4 AM, so you never see him
  13. Hey Jack, before you pull the left side covers, Do the AC voltage check from the Stator !! How many miles on this beast? You might need to do the Starter Clutch, and the Stator, and the Shift Linkage, And you might as well pull the Starter too and clean it up !! he he he P.S. Order some new gaskets
  14. Double check that stupid little Valve, in front of the radiator, make sure its in the correct position. Also, a question: Has anybody ever Washed this bike with a High Pressure Spray Washer ?? I found this out the hard way, that if you water blast the front of the radiator, that the Horizontal cross fins of the radiator, will all get flattened down. This will cut down on the Air Flow thru the radiator. I did this a couple times, and next time I pulled the radiator I spent about an hour straightening out the fins with a small tool. ( my mistake ) I have been useing the Prestone " Dex Cool" radiator fluid. The Orange colored stuff, GM approved. They claim it carries, and dissapates more heat then the green stuff. ??? Who knows, Anyway I use it in both cars, and both bikes, no problems in all 4 units.
  15. I heard this morning on Stock channel, big oil commodity trader, said that 40 drilling rigs have been ordered to drill the new " Deep " oil find off coast of Brazil. Word on this, is about 25,000 ft. below the ocean floor. I read couple weeks ago, that there is Known huge Reserves in Northern Montanna going up into Canada, its been Off Limits due to the Enviornimist movement. Info was there is some really large deposits there. Not to mention the Coast of Calif. Also, Russians have hit lots of Oil below 30,000 feet, getting Rich Selling the crude into Eastern and Central Europe. Comeing from Central Russia. Also, they have hit big on the Northern tip of Sakahalin Island, ( off east coast of Siberia ) 1st Well came in, there last Oct. One Well, 250,000 barrels a month.!! Also, Chevron, and BP, each have one rig in the Gulf, that will be drilling to below 30,000 feet. I am patiently waiting for our News Media to start Talking about all the Wells being drilled Everywhere " EXCEPT" in the U. S. to below 30,000 feet. There is a lot more Oil down there, and it Ain't Dead Dinasors, and rotted Jungles from 20 million years ago !!!!! However, a big problem with all this is that it costs about 10 times as much to drill these 30,000 ft. Oil wells. OH, one more item: There can't be any oil below 15,000 ft. cause then it would NOT be FOSSIL Fuel !!! But !--- the Russians have found lots of it down there! Hmmmm ??? something must be rottin in Denmark.
  16. Check with " Condor " he has several 83's and 84's, might sell you one, and now you have lots of spare parts !! ( And a good spare Engine !!!! )
  17. Most likley your Stator is going Bad. At the Large White plug, Measure the AC ( AC, not DC ) voltage to ground on each wire, and measure Each, Pin to Pin, with the plug connected. ( Three Readings ) With plug connected, engine running at about 2000 RPM. Just stick the meter leads into the ends of the Large White plug. Write down the Voltage readings you get, and post them. From these Voltage readings we can let you know positively if you need a new Stator. It might be your regulator, but most likley its the Stator. Also, consider, the the Battery may be going High Resistance " Internally " Have you checked the Water Level in the Battery ??? If its a Sealed Battery, Remove it, hold it to a Very Bright light, and try to see if the Water level is Below the Top of the Plates. One more comment. Did you CHARGE , the new battery ??? With a Real Battery Charger, and not just a Trickle charger ?? Did the guy who sold you the battery, say, " I put the fluid in it, topped it off, and its ready to go " Don't believe it, CHARGE THE BATTERY AT A 2 AMP RATE, FOR ABOUT 6 6O 8 HOURS. Let us know what you find.
  18. Use your Front Brake!! Its, 80 percent of your Brakeing Power---- Anybody who is jamming on the Rear Brake, to stop, may not be aware of this If you are afraid to use your Front Brakes, go back and talk to your safty Instructor
  19. Sounds like you have to pull the both of lft side Case Covers, and repair something in the two linkage joints that are under the covers. Hey Jack, I thought you were going to sell 2 or 3 or those old bikes, and get a 2nd gen !!! Whats the deal ?? OH, I canceled at Morro Bay yesterday. As I understand it, we will be at the Motel 6, ( south ) right. Not the M-6 ( North ) in SLO. Will call them today,
  20. I just heard a report that gas costs $10.00 gallon in England. ??? Hang on folks.
  21. This feed line cable, you said was Installed by a previous owner. !!! Check the End Plugs, on both ends. Does it look like a Home Made Cable ?? Or, commercially made cable. If, home brew, I would open up the plugs on each end, and carefully check the soldering job !!! ( If they are not crimped on) But I would still be suspicious. I have made up a lot of these cables over the years, its very easy to screw them up, and there are Several types of connectors. Just because it Ohms out OK, does not mean its perfect. These cables also can get Moisture inside them, with age. If you make up a new cable, And if your Antenna is a 1/4 Wave ground plane, then your feed line, should be an ODD number of 1/4 wave lengths. Go to the Fire Stik, web site, they give a lot of good information there, as to Feed lines, and makeing up the cables.
  22. I'm not positive on this point, however I don't think there are Radials that will fit the Ventures. The Dunlop Elite III Radials, are not made in size to fit the 1st Gen Ventures. Not sure on the 2nd gen. Maby some other brand , makes radials that will fit. But have not checked. Another point, is the Elite II and III series, are whats used on the Gold Wings, Heavier bikes. I like that feature, the caseings on them are 1/2 inch thick, the caseings on the D404 are only 1/4 inch thick. ( after the tread is worn off )
  23. The D404, is a good handling, and rain traction tire. No problem there, they just don't last as long as the Avon Venon, Dunlop Elite Series, or the Michilan commander series, or the Avon Venoms. The OEM Bridgestones, used by most Bike Mfgs, are the Lowest price tires made by Bridgestone. Haveing said, that, I use BridgeStone, " Batalax Series " on my Sport Bike and they are great Tires. I got 11,000 miles from one on my GSX 1300R Suziki. ( However these are not Cheap tires, cost me about $180 bucks ) Most folks report about 8K on the big touring bikes, with the D404, some have reported more, others MUCH less. My main point here is, some folks pay a dealer to Install, Balance, and sales tax, on a D-404, More money then I can buy and Install myself the Elite II Series. And I do half the number of tire changes, useing the more expensive tire. So if you do your own Installation, Spend more for the Best Quality tire, order on line, and save the State Sales Tax, and get ( ON average ) Twice the milage, for the same or less money. AND, half as much Tire Changeing Work. ( if you have been paying to have D-404 Installed by a dealer ) ( Also, if you order TWO at a time from SouthWest Moto, there is no shipping charge )
  24. Was this just the First Time you started the engine after the Oil change? Or does it continue to do it, after the next Cool Down Cycle. ?? Maby was just the time for the New Oil to fill up the New Filter, and the complete system. I use Mobile I, in my 89, never heard any extra Engine Noise.
  25. Its a good, low priced tire for an under 500 lb. motorcycle that has about a 60 HP engine or less. Thats going to be used for local driveing, rideing single. Its not a good tire for a 780 lb. dry wgt bike, rideing Two up, with 50 lb. of baggage, 30 lb. of fuel and oil, and running at constant high speed. You may get a D-404 for $30 to $50 bucks less, However if you are paying sales tax, and Installation costs, and only get " Half " the milage, What are you saveing by buying the Cheaper Tire. ?? ( and include the cost of gas to drop off the bike at a dealer, and then go back to pick it up ) If you do your own installation, and only ride your Venture Around town, at local speeds, with NO passenger, YES, the D-404 might be the way to go. IF, you take long trips with a passenger, pull a trailer, and travel cross country, then Buy the Best Tire money can buy, Its Cheaper in the long run, and a much safer tire. The Dunlop Elite II Series, is a much safer tire, will last about 15K, and the Caseing is Twice as thick ( after tread worn off ) as the D-404. I put the D-404 on my Son's Honda CX-500 for local Rideing , great tire for that kind of service, Never on My Venture, for long distance rideing. Anyway, thats my rant on the subject.
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