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About GeorgeS

  • Birthday 02/06/1943

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  • Location
    Renton, WA, United States


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  • Home Country
    United States


  • Interests
    Ham Radio, ( K7RTF call sign ) Motorcycles, Fixing things for the Wife
  • Bike Year and Model
    2008 RSTD (New 2012 ) , 99 Hyabusa ( Both still running !! )

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  1. But at the bottom of the listing it says they will not be in stock until, 7 May, 2017. I missed that the first time I saw the listing. I just typed in the search " batteries" , scrolled down thru all the flashlite batteries, and it is shown at the bottom of the page. Looks like they have As to Amps, or CCA, I have not found a battery that is higher then the DEKA, AGM's. The ETX-20L size for Venture's, is listed as a 310 CCA. The largest they are going to carry is the 400 CCA, they have 4 size's, the 310 is the smallest size. Also, of note few years back I bought an AGM for my son's CX-500, it came from China, only lasted about 3 months !! and crapped out. The DEKA's from Penn. are the ones you want !!
  2. Shopping for a --- DEKA AGM --- battery this morning. Just stumbled on the fact that " LOWES " is carrying the DEKA agm batteries. ( at least here in the seattle area ) Who would have guessed that They have the YTX -20LBS for $87 bucks. These are the U.S. made good ones. Made in Pa.
  3. I just found information, there will be a total Eclipse of the Sun, on Aug 21st this summer. It will start on the Oregon Coast line at 16:48:39 Universal Time ( 9:48 AM PST ) with total eclipse at 17:15:58 UCT. It will pass over Or. ID, Wyo, Kan, Mo, KY, Tn, and SC. ( Coast to Coast ) Duration of totality, will be 2 min. 40 sec. Info I found says you have to be within + or - 60 miles of the line to see it in totality. Plan a nice " Day Trip " RIDE, if you have a free day, and a full tank of gas !!!! Anyway if your " On the Road" on Aug 21 this summer, watch the show !! Go to NASA web site for detailed info, and Map. I just found this info few min. ago, so will be marking the calendar, and plan a trip, of about 5 hours run South on I-5, to Eugene, Ore. to get into the perfect position to watch it. Will have to leave about 5 AM. Do a Google Search, find details, for viewing, depending on your location across the U.S.
  4. Hmmm , I have never done that -------
  5. GeorgeS


    Water being thrown up from front wheel to the plug on the TCI. Access the TCI, remove plug, dry out everything, Re install, and Seal up the Plug on the TCI, with Sealastic Sealant. ( the rubber stuff ) available at all autoparts stores. I sealed up All plugs on front end of my New 08 within a week after buying it. I drive in Rain All the time, here in Seattle, Never had a problem ( similar to yours that is )
  6. Yes!! it will cause slippage, if you are using the standard Mobil 1 Car Oil !! ---- Switch to a standard " MOTORCYCLE OIL " You might have to go thru 2 Oil Changes to get ALL of the Car Oil out of your engine. If Clutch still slipping, the simplest next step is to install a BARNETT , Clutch Pressure Plate. About a 2 hour job. Easy to do. No real need to replace ALL the Clutch Plates, unless its a VERY High Milage bike .
  7. Would like to see, a bit more detail on this, as to just exactly which O-Ring caused this problem. ( I might order a few spare's for the tool box )
  8. Agree on the Super Brace !!! A big improvement in Handling, Well worth the money, ( If you do not already have it installed )
  9. When you drill the center hole in the bolt for the EASY OUT, BE darn sure you are drilling the correct size hole in the center of the broken bolt!! I suggest using a smaller drill, then drill with the final size drill. Use a variable speed drill also !!! Work Slowly !! Also, Buy NEW --- HIGH QUALITY DRILL BITS !!!!!!!!!!!!!!! The EXPENSIVE ONES !!!! --- NO, old worn out, or RE-Sharpened, drill bits from your tool box !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ---- If you happened to know somebody who is experienced in this job, I suggest you ask him to come over and help, And YOU Supply , the Beer, and a Big Steak dinner, to ENTICE HIM to help you with this job .
  10. Only one thing to do, stay away from big trucks !
  11. Well, over the years, the close calls have happened 2 or 3 times every rideing season. Best to just get used to it, or quit rideing. Stay sharp, and trust that little nagging voice in back of your head, if it says to you, slow down, or stop--------- DO IT !!! And, stop and take a break at least every 2 hours on the road !!! If your really in a hurry, take the car !!!
  12. Well, can't go to Canada unless I get a passport, or get my driver licence upgraded. But I been thinking about doing that. But I might still head over to Montana, and Wyoming, still some roads in those states I need to ride !! Also considering the SE Oregon area, lots of roads there still on my list , of rides to do. Bike is ready to hit the road !! At least I think it is ---
  13. Haven't heard anything, so I guess No Venturwest this year ??
  14. Dunlop E-3's !!!!!!!!!!!!!!! On Rears, I usually get 18K Plus or minus miles out of them
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