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Everything posted by longrider805

  1. I have had this set of E-3's sitting in the garage for about a month or longer, thinking that I may actually have some riding time over the 4th of July, I spooned them on. Man oh man! I have a real motorcycle after all! I was beginning to think that it had been short wheelbased (ever ridden a bike that rear ended a car and the frame was tweaked?) because of the Franks forks that are on her. I bought her after she had been sitting for ten years and because I wasn't willing to gamble on the Elite II's on it, even though they still had the blue on the RWL and nubs all over them. I put a set of Shinkos on her before my first ride. The front end wanted to flop at low speeds and she had a nasty weave at speeds over 75mph while riding solo. I guess I could say all kinds of things about steering input and stability or feeling planted at all speeds, but I think my girlfriend summed it up nicely when she said it didn't feel she was riding on a bowl of oatmeal anymore. I hammered the Shinko's for about 6500 miles and the front still looks good, the rear was toast. I have only put about seventy miles on the E-3's, but it is the best seventy miles iv'e had on her. Very positive vibes all around. Nope didn't get to rack up the miles, but spending a day visting the Tall Ships at the former Ingleside Naval Station wasn't a bad way to spend the 4th. Looking forward to wearing these tires out.
  2. Great thread, some really good advice on both what to do and who to look out for. We are all looking for an advantage, wether its mpg's or E.T's. A few months ago my GF and I were out for a Sunday morning escape and well on our way to one of the better roads around here. (if there is such a thing in South Texas, you have to use your imagination ocassionaly) We were threading our way through church traffic when someone with their first V-8 was creating mayhem on this little strech of four lane. Sad thing was he was about 50ish and hammering the dog stuffings out of his "Boss" mustang. He pulled a couple of stupid lane changes and I adjusted my course accordingly, gassing it up and to the outside to avoid this moron. At the next light, he responded by reving his engine and throwing down his best "ain't I bad" look at us. My mostly shy Gf leaned into me and said, you gonna put up with that crap? Alot of folks here have wondered about Shinkos and their worth, but let me tell you something, when they are hooking up, lofting the front wheel, and smacking the crap out of a "hotrod" all the while two up, with luggage through third gear, they earned their worth. Twenty odd years old, who says so. Race the Harley and don't look back.......................By the way, the Mustang driver wouldn't even look at me at the last light out of town. However, I think my GF may have cracked a rib.
  3. The reason my VR has been steadly running worse. I replaced the diaphrams last fall, with good results. I prepared myself for the replacement of several components that had obvious issues. My intake boots looked as though they were breathing better than I could, as well as the nozzle and needle set being harmonously worn out. I ordered the boots form the Serius folks, as well as the rest of the required parts from cheapparts.com. I decided to tear into it this weekend, but it really started fussing at me yesterday. I came home today, got into the first level of disassembly and after the airbox was off, I jiggled all the slides out of habit. I noticed that #2 slide was frozen in the closed position. I jiggled the others and #1 seemed weird, so I remove the cap before pulling the carb assembly. Ready for this? As #1 cap came off, the diaphram and the spring came out wrapped up in each other. Inspection of the slide showed the internal aluminum sleeve had come out of the composite body of the slide, allowing the diaphram to seperate and leave the slide to act on its own. Just when you think youv'e seen it all. It apppears to be a salvagable effort but sheese............Its all good, should have it worked out by Friday. Then off to the Hill Country to try out these E-3'S!
  4. longrider805

    Bringing back the dead

    Resurrection of Sally (Ride Sally Ride)
  5. Hope everyone is doing well, my 87 and I have finally joined and thought I would pitch in my two cents worth on the longevity of the TourMasters. Granted every road in my part of Texas is laid out like a grid and the overpasses might have elevation signs posted on em', but we have pretty much a year round riding season not counting hurricanes, so I have managed to rack up some miles. I had a set on my 81 GL1100I, but sold that bike before I could get a idea of how they were going to hold up. I loved them on the Wing, and only have a few minor issues on the Yam, they stick like glue and the front has really worn well. The rear........ not so much. I have racked up about 4500 miles since October (hey it's only six miles to work) and the rear doesn't look like it would make 6000. I am a little aggressive in my riding habits, but I felt confident going in that I would make 10,000 miles. The bike has also started exhibiting a nasty weave at times when running over 75 mph. New steering stem bearings and everything else seems to be in check. I have a new set of Dunlop E-3's sitting in the garage, so I will give you and update on the change over shortly. www.JakeWilson.com has them for 109.99 each front and rear with free shipping and $10.00 off when you buy two tires. The production codes were 08-09 respectively which is within shelf life limits. Guess we will see. By the way, I have been running the Ignatech spark box for about 8 months and am happy with it. It may need some fine tuning, but it works a heck of a lot better than the old one, highs of 41mpg and an average of about 36mpg. Not too shabby for a bike with the aerodynamics of a intercoastal waterway barge.........
  6. Brian, The Croations responded shortly after I recieved you E-M. I am going with them. Peace on bidding for a 25 Y.O. almost the same junk as I have off of E-May. I think I trust these folks more than I do some of my fellow profitiers. I'll gladly be a test mule. Especially with a written gaurentee. Kent R Longrider805
  7. Thank you all watching for these things, I absolutely HATE E-bay, but into the valley of death I guess. I have never had a response to my inquirey from the Croation firm. Speaks volumes or them, doesn't it? Thanks again Brian H. Here we go again. Kent R. Longrider805
  8. what are the possibilities of updating the pick up to the single unit? Seems as though these units are made of unobtainium. Kent R.
  9. Don't know if I "lucked out" or not, but I located a used TCI off of a 93 this morning. I know its a gamble, but now I have a whole 1500 bucks tied up in the bike, so I am not complaining at this point. The bike came with a new set of Dunlops that I need to mount up. Guess I will tackle the dead clutch slave cylinder and frozen rear master cylinder at this point. I am still considering the Checz unit even if this TCI pans out. I plan on keeping this bike for a long time. To everyone that offered advice and assistance, I extend a warm thank you and I intend to help the next person in need as well. Kent R Longrider805
  10. No Brian mine looks more like this, Ewwwwwww! First time with this sites attachment program, hope these come through. Kent
  11. I will try to post pics tomorrow, mine looks like melted butter inside. Lots of burnt diodes. I am leaning towards a replacement. Longrider805
  12. Hey gang, Finally removed the TCI and opened it up this evening, looks like a major thermal event occured in the House Of Wax. Total meltdown. In search of the elusive TCI now, by saying the Croation TCI doesn't allow for the timing advance during the "Cruise" mode, does this render the cruise inop, or just hamper performance during terrain changes? Once again, THANKS EVERYBODY!!!. Longrider805:225:
  13. Hey Dick, Not familiar with the firing order yet, so little time to research things right now. As you are sitting on the bike, the right front cylinder is the one that is giving me fits. Longrider805:bang head:
  14. Still giving me fits, however I appreciate all the input. Just changed jobs and time is really tight. Changed the plugs this evening (whew), my 81 wing she's not. No change, pulled the TCI plugs and they have a significant amount of corrosion on them, I suspect all of the plugs do if these are affected. I made a attempt at cleaning the tach pick up plug and I have some tach activity, but its not consistant, and it responds really slowly. Number one is dead as a doorknob. Still haven't run a compression test on that cylinder, but I suspect that the issue is a bad TCI. The PO parked it for a reason i'm sure. Goes to show that if they are cheap enough, there is a reason..........Time will tell. Thanks again folks, I will keep trying. Longrider805
  15. Thank you folks, that will be my starting point. I did powerwash the engine to remove the grunge that accumulated over the years. Maybe I brought this one on myself. Any suggestions for aftermarket slip ons? Mine has aftermarket pipes on it and they are disturbingly loud. They appear to be Macs or Jardines. Long, thin and annoying. Longrider805
  16. I purchased a 87 VR with 68K on Friday. The bike has been sitting for 5 years or better, last registered in 99. Went through the carbs over the weekend and she fired right up, sorta. At first I thought I had a dead charging system. I cleaned the connectors and now have 13.63 V going to a new battery. However, after pulling and cleaning a bunch of connectors, I have a dead tach. Re-checked everything and no luck. I also have a number one cylinder that is not pulling its weight. I will check valve clearence and do a compression test on that issue at a later time. The tach was working before, and I can't get the engine to respond to throttle input, I know the cylinder dragging is part of the issue, however it should slowly gain RPM's. Are there known issues with ECM's on these bikes? Any input would be greatly appreciated. I was a BMW / Kawasaki tech in a former life, but that was eons ago. Yams are a little greek to me. Looking forward to a long relationship with this particular bike. Once again, thanks for any hints. Longrider805
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