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Everything posted by longrider805

  1. Just rolled 100,000 on the Hondapotamus today. Starting to match the mileage on my R60 (132K) and R100RT (123K). Great bike, GF's favorite. The guy I sold my 87 Venture to has rolled it to 90K. Getting our money's worth for sure.
  2. Do your charging system a favor, invest in some marine beam LED spreader lights in the 4 1/2 application. Find some used buckets or shells, if that is what you want to call them. We are talking 7 Watts per lamp here, and these things will light up every leaf on the road. There is a thread on here somewhere for the MB spreader beam so do some research (Or cheat and just google it ). Cured all my low beam lighting problems and then some. Topped it off with a 100/55 hi beam H-4 and life was good again. Just a well used suggestion.
  3. Cushman Eagle at 14 (1969), didn't want it but I broke the frame jumping a berm that was in the middle of a pasture for no apparent reason. Just so happens that the Cushman belonged to my brother and he made me pay him for it. I think the engine wound up on a homemade generator or something. The CB77 Super Hawk that followed didn't fair much better. TS 185 Suzuki in the Navy followed by a long list of bikes up to now.
  4. I understand that you don't want to change the wattage, but I installed a 100/80 H4 Hella driving light bulb in both my VR and K75 and guess what? Not only can I see better at night, but no one flashes me on low beam at night and I think its capable of melting small animals and large turtles on high beam. I really think that the 80's head light-refractory technology allows me to get away with it. The stock headlamps on both of these bikes just flat stink. I run Marine Beam Led work lamps for driving lights ( 7 watts per light) and after two years I haven't had any problems with the charging system or anything related to it. Might not be your cup of tea, but certainly works for me and the 100/80 cost a 7.00 on Amazon. Just putting that out there for alternative thought.
  5. Been a BMW staple since they began making beemers I believe. They probably cook with it it.
  6. Does anyone here on the site own a Stream Silver wing, and if so have you found a matching touch up paint? I know that ColorRite has the kits available, but I really don't want to part with 33.00 bucks plus shipping to touch up a piece of moulding. Replacing the moulding isn't an option at 70.00 either. Not cheaping out, but after laying out the money to put this Hondapotamus Deluxe in my garage, it will be a while before I can start spending at will. Any suggestions will be greatly appreciated. Short of selling my Venture, I need to take the low road for now.
  7. Mine must of been one of those "thirsty" bikes, I adhered to every trick on this forum, not to mention the money spent on choke plungers, metering needles and needle jets, diaphrams, new floats, valve adjustments, Ignatech CDI's, blah, blah, blah. I actually got 39 mpg one day with a heck of a tail wind, in a part of Texas where there is no uphill. When I rode home against the wind, that turned into 28. These bikes were designed and manufactured when gas was less than a buck a gallon. They didn't CARE about fuel economy. Thats why they hauled A**. Sorry, just my 2 cents................
  8. 87 with 77,000 on it, but I own four bikes and I kind of spread the milage around between them.
  9. Count on me as well, just brought a used 02 home Thursday nite, nice ride in from San Antonio.
  10. Selling locally, after I warranty out the starter with Stockers. Have a couple of items that need attention, wouldn't dream of turning it over to someone else in anything but a usable condition.
  11. Rode to Houston from Corpus Christi on Satuday to pick up some parts for another bike in the stable. Starter crapped out again, a welcomed push start from a group of amassed Patriot Guard Riders in a Walmart parking lot got me on the road again (Hey, works great if you let the bike sit for an hour, this is # 3 starter by the way). Another cracked armature, I'm sure. I couldn't shut the bike off while fueling, and later while being ticketed for 4 MPH over the posted limit in Port Lavaca (Labor Day weekend, no mercy ya' know). The officer was livid about that, but finally gave in when I asked if he would help me push start the bike. OK, Iv'e reaped cheap long enough, drove to San Antonio today and bought a GL1800. One well used 87 venture for sale, about 3K in it over the last three years, Ignatech igniter (bought it two years ago when it was the hot topic and mine had failed, God bless them Croations), new metering needles and seats, choke plungers, diaphrams, starter rollers, E-3's, updated brakes, Progressive springs, Franks forks, and that wonderful fork brace, along with all the stuff that was supposed to make this thing charming. BYE BYE. Great site we have here, a wealth of information as I have found, by the same token, you can chrome plate a dog turd, but you still have a dog turd all the same, it's just real shiny. Not bitter, just done with supporting a black hole. If I had one positive thing to say about this old beast, it would be that through it all, it smoked every Harley (and one Boss Mustang) that ever tried to pull the trigger on it. It did have that one redeeming value. God Bless, I will keep my membership intact, just that I will be reading the Wing Forum from here on out..
  12. Forget it.
  13. How about this? They are going thru an intersection, one of the most dangerous places on the road. Maybe, and just maybe, they were concentrating on cagers, pedestrian type folks,small dogs and God knows what else, never mind anything else I look for in these situations. I think I would give them the benefit of the doubt. And excuse me if I don't wave while ridng thru an interseciton. It only takes one bike in front of you that has to make a emergency manuvere to send the other 10 bikes behind you into chaos.
  14. I had similar problems on my 87, tried all the fixes and upgrades suggested by everyone here, and I appreciate all the help, believe me. In the long run it turned out to be a cracked armature in the starter itself, which was readily visible after disassembling the starter. Apparently when it got hot it expanded and dropped any voltage supplied by the battery and cables. A replacement from Stockers Starters cured all the ills. I am not saying this is the problem, but if you break the starter down for repairs or upgrades, be sure to inspect the armature for cracks. Would have saved me a lot of grief.
  15. RK's on my 87, tucked in tight and hung from the bag mount brackets. The heat shields are from an 86 HD FXRSomethinorother, crazy thing is that it fits either the left or right side. Sound good, not obnoxious.
  16. The reason you heard that funny sounding Texas stuff is because Florida is a suburb of Dallas.
  17. Great weather here on the third coast, (70's in the day, 50's at night) has been for a week now and looks like its going to hold for at least another five days. Sad thing is spring break is just around the corner, so it should get really crappy as it always does. He he he.............just the facts ma'am, just the facts.
  18. It was 64 degrees when I rode in to work this morning, 41 degrees when I left, looking at a morning low of 36. High tomorrow will be back in the 60's. Calling for a high of 70 on Sunday. South Texas for ya'. May set out for Kerrville on Saturday and see if I can talk my boys into riding the three sisters before rolling home on Sunday.
  19. I purchased my 87 with either Mac's or Jardine's (couldn't tell ) already installed by the PO. While waiting to locate a decent set of OEM's, a buddy of mine gave me a set of Road King mufflers with some cosmetic damage. Just for grins I took the time to make up the reducer / adapter and mounted them up. Danged if they didn't sound good, deep and throaty without the small block chevy sound of the Macs. I located a great deal on the OEMs and ended up installing them as well. My girlfriend thinks they look better and she never has said whether she prefers the subdued exhaust note, but I am pretty sure thats part of it. I still swap them out from time to time, just because it easy to do and I still like the rumble...............
  20. I believe that winesap7 lives there, might want to pm him.
  21. Longrider805 here, I live near Corpus Christi (Portland, an hour from there) and have worked, and ridden in and around the Victoria area, also know as the crossroads area, for a long time. The good, location. A short drive to San Antonio, Houston, Corpus Christi and other get aways. Rich with local history, as well some great state parks, rolling hillls and senic roads to the west and north. Goliad hosts the Texas Mile in March and October (www.texasmile.com) and there are so many great little towns in the area. Cuero, Schulenberg, La Grange, Shiner (we have our own little brewery there), home of the Bocktober fest. The local economy seems to be growing as everytime I go there it seems as though something new is popping up. They have a Yamaha, Honda and a Harley dealership plus a few independent shops. Decent resturaunts and shopping, A fresh water resevoir as well as the Guadelupe river nearby for beating the summer heat, and we have an abundance of that. We also have year round riding weather within reason (went for a great ride Christmas day). There is no state income tax, and if you work for someone else, they cannot tax you on your service truck. However they can and will get you for a personal business tax. As far as work is concerned, it all depends on your skill set as to what a person can earn in Texas. The Victoria area pays less than in a big city such as Houston or San Antonio, but more than say Corpus Christi. THE BAD, growing gang problems (who doesn't have that?), for a medium sized town, everyone is in a hurry to get from one side to the other. I used to do auto damage appraisal and Victoria kept me very busy. All in all, its a pretty clean, progressive place and if I had to move there for work tomorrow, I don't think I would hesitate, it beats the living daylights out of all the ninety degree corners we have here. Just something to think about. If you decide to move, just let me say WELCOME TO SOUTH TEXAS. Lyle Lovett says it all when he sings "Thats right your not from Texas, but Texas wants you anyway". Good Luck.
  22. Should be easy to find a rattan windscreen and bags for................possibly even upgrade to the wicker laundry basket travel trunk option. Now your cookin'...........
  23. Sta-bil is another choice for long term storage, just a thought. I don't think anything can help the fuel we get in this day and age. Sad at best........................
  24. Longrider805 here. Add me to the list. Still racking up the miles on my 87, she only gets better with time.
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