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About Harmonicashawn

  • Birthday 02/22/1972

Personal Information

  • Name
    Shawn Ronan


  • Location
    West Falls, United States


  • City
    West Falls


  • Home Country
    United States


  • Interests
    Muscle Cars, Motorcycles, Blues Harp, Guitar
  • Bike Year and Model
    1989 Venture Royale

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  1. Update! I discovered what the P.O. did when installing these carbs. They are linked ALL the time! They gutted the v-boost butterflies and linkage and pooped on some epoxy to seal the linking mainifolds. I'm kinda thinking that I'm losing about 10 horse in the low and midrange as a result. I need to either get a working butterfly setup or block off the manifolds. It must be jetted pretty well (a little rich) as evidence by the spark plugs. "Sydoc"---once again I defer to you for your expertise! BTW--what I heard when turning on the key is radio static or feedback or something.
  2. I do hear "something" cycle when I turn on the ignition! I never bothered to find out how this works---should I just disable it? I didn't realize it was servo controlled (kinda thought it might be like a Carter AVS carb--counterweighted--pressure differential type deal). I should state that I am splitting hairs because this thing runs great with minimal issues (but I like my crap to be perfect).
  3. as far as the V-Boost is concerned---I am not familiar with this setup at all. I did not install it and am not sure if it works properly! This bike does have individual K&N filters. I have done some sparkplug reading and the mixture seems to be a little rich---so I'm not concerned about melting a piston or something. The bike runs very well overall, but does need some tweaking! Any tips on the V-Boost tuning would be appreciated! I was getting about 25Mpg until I removed the V-Max rear in favor of a stock one (now I'm getting 35Mpg).
  4. No--Previous Owner did. I think it works (gets crappy milage--LOL)
  5. I know this subject has been beaten to death, but I would like to add my thoughts (feel free to correct me). My bike idles great and runs great through the entire range, but just off idle--it goes lean and backfires slightly (this seems common). I decided to richen-up the "pilot screws". I agree with several of the other members who err on the rich side (milage will not be affected much). The "pilot screws" adjust the idle mixture. The Main jet size controls the main circuit mixture. What I usually do on a muscle car is adjust the screws until the highest vacuum reading is attained. What I found with my bike is that No amount of adjustment made any difference at all! That tells me that the entire "idle Circuit" is plugged or otherwise non-functional. The reason the bike idles fine is because the throttles are probably opened-up enough to draw from the main circuit. It's time for a chemical dip.
  6. Thanks for the quick response. I should also add that my bike has nothing beyond stock that would draw additional power. I was thinking that the R/R was out of spec.
  7. I founds some tech info on another Venture site (sorry--not disloyal, just thorough). It had output specs for the stator. Mine is perfectly within spec, but the output is less than I would like. Output is between 12.4v and 13.4v (depending on load). I'm looking at a new R/R since my stator is well within spec. Suggestions?
  8. My speedo only goes up to 120! That was good enough for me--still had alot left in 4th! I suppose I could do the maths and get a top speed for 5th---let me take her for a spin
  9. Is your fuel pump functioning normally? Will hear it clicking for a few seconds when the carbs are empty.
  10. Are the "Dashpots" functioning properly? Try running it with the airbox off. Each carb has a "choke-like" slider that should open as throttle is applied. If one or more of these diaphrams is torn--the bike will have very poor throttle response.
  11. My '89 just turned 50,000
  12. Harmonicashawn

    My VR

  13. Thanks for the advise! All the solder joints look perfect--so I believe it is a chip /resistor/ diode (the most modern thing I've fixed is a point-to-point tube amp and some crystal microphones!). Skydoc--I will P.M. you with regards to your spare, but I may have to add your name to the title (half the parts are yours!). I would like to also pursue the chip replacement--thanks for the great advise there too.
  14. While doing another repair- I discovered that the electric dampers on the front forks were disconnected. Any opinions on why someone would disconnect them would be helpfull. I reconnected them, but have yet to ride it.
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