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Everything posted by JerryT

  1. I was talking about the regular moto jack, hf item # 94715, not the drive on lift. Looks like a great jack for the money. I would prefer a drive on lift, but storage is a problem so will probably go with this style instead. Was hoping to modify those lifters to work so I wouldn't have to use 2X4's. Do you think 2X's keep the bike stable enough?
  2. I've looked at that aluminum jack for sometime. Always wondered if you could cut the risers to fit between the pipes so we wouldn't need an adapter to lift. Anyone here have this jack and if so how well does it work?
  3. Canuck, I used the Kuryakyn 4613 RTB on my 09. It shows working for the 1600 roadies and v-stars. I don't know why they don't list RSV's but worked fine on mine, direct plug / play. I even called Kuryakyn so called 'tech support' when I was looking and they were no help, just read the book and said use the wire in style. Kept digging and took plug pictures into my local shop trying to find right one. Pictures looked right so they let me take a 4613 to test and verify it worked. It's great to have good local shops to help.
  4. JerryT


    I had a 07 RSMS. Loved the bike and very easy to ride. Like others, I wanted a touring bike for longer rides. Some ways I still wish I had it for the shorter rides, just can't justify both bikes. Changed the stock seat to a mustang as I couldn't ride the stock seat over a couple of hours, after that could ride 400 miles with no issues. That reminds me, still have the stock seats in a box somewhere. Anyway, jump on the bike, you will love it.
  5. If they are a single element bulb only, couldn't you change to led with a rbt controller like we use on the rear turns? Not sure where you would wire in, but seems like it might work.
  6. I have the Bestem saddle and trunk bags. Also had their saddle bags on my roadie. Never any issues and good bags for the money I think. Still haven't bought the trunk rack bag yet. It does look high in the center and think it would catch less wind this way. How well does it attach to the rack? Never could see how the bottom straps worked and always wondered. Did it come with a rain cover that looks like it might work?
  7. Ken must have changed and started using paypal. I just ordered one with the voltage / tack setup using paypal. I think he still has one left with tack / temp setup so if you are still interested you might email him again.
  8. I have the 100 light board from CD and am very happy with it. I used a different led for the turns. If you want to add RTB controller, I suggest Kuryakyn #4613. This is a plug/play unit with load equal. and just takes a few minutes to plug in under the drivers seat.
  9. Ruffy, I'ld take a set if there are any left. Just let me know what you need to proceed. Thanks,
  10. Just did the 7 day inside pasage first week of Aug. We also used Holland America and flew in / out of Van Couver, BC. Holland is first rate with great service/crew. Service, activities, shows, entertainment were all good and the food unbelievable. Get ready to gain some weight. I think the average age of passangers might be older on Holland then some of the others ( ie, not alot of kids.) Since we are empty nesters, this was great with us. I am not a cruise type, but would do this again in a minute, just not in next years budget. I agree Holland's ships are smaller, but this lets them go in places the larger ships can't go and is a good thing. Saw glacier bay, and they take the ship and just spin it like a zero turn mower, making maybe a dozen complete revelutions before leaving. We did 3 port stops and all were good. Another nice thing, not bad waves / ship movement in the inside passage so again smaller ship is fine. Inside passage is a great cruise and we would highly recommend Holland as first rate.
  11. Mark, Many threads on this topic. I used the 100 led tail light board from Customdymanics. They also make led turn replacements. For the RTB controller, I used Kuryakyn # 4613 in my 09 RSV. Kuryakyn shows this for the old roadstar 1600, but it is a direct plug / play for our rsv's and plugs in under the drivers seat. Much easier to use then splicing in other controlers and comes with everything to balance loads. Picture of the back of mine isn't the best but gives an idea.
  12. Got back early. The led tail light I used was Part # GEN-100-1157YAM which is the Genesis 100 Light board from www.customdynamics.com . I think the brightest board I have seen. I used a different led turn bulbs, but custom also has nice ones. The Kuryakyn #4613 RTB Controller. Kuryakyn shows this for 1600 Roadstar, but it works fine on my 09 RSV and is a true plug / play, ie comes with end plugs so no wiring. Not sure if plugs are the same on yours, but I think so. You might check with your local dealer to see if he has one you can look at, pull your drivers seat off and check to see if is a direct plug in. If so it is much easier then having to splic in wiring on the other ones. Comes with equalizers so everything blinks at right speed. I tried to post picture of back of mine, but really doesn't show how well it lights up. Hope this helps and good luck.
  13. I LIKE. Add me to the list if you have more. No hurry here as season will probable be over before you get to me, but SPRING IS COMING!
  14. Assuming you mean to get backoff lights, I'm traveling so don't have the exact part number. On my 09RSV I used the Kuryakyn one that is made for the Roadstar with the old style taillight( 03 and before I think). Not sure why, but Kuryakyn doesn't show this working for the RSV, but it was a direct plug and play fit for mine. Works great, plugs inline under the seat. I changed the taillight and rear turn lights to led. and makes unbleavabe difference for rear lighting. Someone will chime in on best place to get led taillight (in other words, I forget) but they sell a 100 light led board that is very bright. I will be home Friday if you still need part number, just let me know.
  15. The 100 bulb cluster from Custom Dynamics work great. I put it on after reading this site. If you want more light on the back, put in the red led turn lights, the add a Kuryakyn RTB controller. This will give you back off lighting plus runs the turns on low power all of the time. On my 09 RSV, I used part # 4613 which is a plug and play, very easy install.
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