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Everything posted by elmicko

  1. I drive an '06 F150 Supercab 4X4 and it's the best truck I've ever owned. That's the one we drive when we're on trips or just running around as a family. My wife has an '06 Mitsubishi Endeavor that's been a good vehicle, but she hates it. I guess after a few more payments, she'll have something else. If mamma ain't happy...nobody's happy.
  2. I've fired mine up anytime it's warm enough to leave the garage door open for a while. I have a lower garage going into my basement that has my boat and my bike inside. Don't like to let it get too cold in there. The bike does fire right up every time and sounds great. Can't wait until spring, but I've gotta get the projects done on it first.
  3. Try this site. Prices aren't bad. I have a bag for the luggage rack of my VR from them. http://www.bigbikeparts.com/Inventory/Navision/categories/19200?cat=yes&category=19200&categoryName=Covers,%20Luggage%20&%20Pouches&catalogNo=
  4. I believe yours is the Ventureline. It's completely different from the one I have for sale. The Venturelines are very nice, but I believe the Markland may have more adjustment front to back for taller or shorter riders. Somebody please correct me if I'm wrong.
  5. The backrest he's wanting info on is the one I have for sale in the classifieds. It isn't a Ventureline backrest, so I assume it's a Markland, but I don't know for sure. I haven't had a chance to see if the brackets will go on a MKI. If anyone can look at my ad and give any info that would be great. Thanks, Mick
  6. If it's on the same circuit as the fridge or the microwave, it could cause problems like tripping the breaker every time both of them come on. There are a few other things that draw a bunch of power, but those are the main two that come to mind.
  7. Stopped at a local dealer a couple of weeks ago and they had a Voyager sitting right beside a Venture. Sat on both, diddled around with both and I can honestly say I would love to have either one. Like the looks of the Kawi, frame mounted faring, really liked the dash and controls, and the seat felt a little more comfortable to me than the Venture. I liked the way the Venture felt under me, but I don't like the fork mounted faring. I do like the V4, but I am ready to give up carbs on all of my vehicles (boat, bike and even the lawn mower:crackup:). Of course, if I had money I would own one of everything.
  8. Well, the old VR is decked out pretty good. How about a 2nd Gen to sit in the garage beside it?
  9. Me and the wife. She's the one on the left. http://i22.photobucket.com/albums/b303/elmicko2002/S7300058.jpg
  10. Another thing that hasn't been mentioned yet. Buy an electronic guitar tuner and tune your guitar every time you start playing or practicing. Also use it to check to make sure you're still in tune several times during your session. It's a lot easier to train your ear if the notes and chords you are playing sound like they are supposed to because the guitar's in tune.
  11. Take it to a good guitar store and have them check it for you. There are a few things that can make it harder on your fingers. Strings too heavy, saddle too high at the bridge, nut too high at the neck, neck angle needs to be adjusted, etc. All of these are minor tweaks that will be cheap to fix, but on a production guitar (like your Yamaha) they set them up to a standard at the factory. Sometimes things need to be adjusted to fit your tastes, just like your bike.
  12. It doesn't take long to develop the calluses if you play every day. Just keep at it and remember you're starting to get somewhere when your fingers bleed. If you try to give your fingers a break until they start to feel "normal" it'll just take you longer to get them into playing condition. Practice, practice, practice.
  13. My buddy that I bought my bike from had his Goldwing triked this summer. He loves it and says he'll never go back to two wheels. He said the only real issue was learning to curve without leaning. I believe his trike corners better than my two wheeler, when we ride together I have to really throw mine into the curves to ride the same pace as him.
  14. I got an email from them a couple of weeks ago and they said they are redoing the site. Apparantly some of the features like the ebay stream is leaving them vunerable to hacking and viruses. I hope they get it worked out, I like this site better, but there is a lot of good info on the other one too.
  15. My bike never whines. I wish I could say the same for my wife and daughter.
  16. I'm not seeing a problem with performance. What got me to thinking about it was when I changed the plugs. I don't know how long the old ones were in there, but they were pretty old. They came out black like the bike had been running too rich. I'm not planning on doing anything to the air box right now. The carbs need to be synchronized and I'm hoping to change the diaphrams pretty soon too, it just got me to thinking about the air flow thing. It seems to be sucking a lot of air to try to pull it all from under the tank cover.
  17. I guess my question is I don't have an issue with the air getting into the airbox. I'm just wondering if venting the tank cover would make it easier for the airbox to get the air it wants???
  18. I looked around and haven't found a thread about this, so I apologize it it's been addressed earlier. I've been working on my '86 VR since Thanksgiving weekend, just taking my time and doing maintaince / repairs and any mods I think need to be done. I started the bike last night so see if the new plugs I installed smoothed things out (they helped a lot) and noticed how much air the carbs suck with the tank cover off. It seems like the tank cover would make it hard for the bike to breath very good. I know a few have opened up holes in the air filter box cover to get some more air in that way, but has anyone tried modifing the tank cover to help it get more air from the outside? Seems like it would help the bike quite a bit. Thoughts? Thanks, Mick
  19. Well if you can't get good county on the radio, go to this site. It's a cool little country station in South Texas and you can listen to them on the web. http://www.kmoo.com/
  20. I'm generally on here checking stuff out one or two times a day. I just don't post very much.
  21. I ride on weekends, but I also ride mine to work sometimes during the week. Does that mean I'm not a poser???
  22. I really don't think anyone would steal my helmet, but I'm not going to take a chance of having to ride home without one. Mine is always locked up in the trunk of the bike. Remember that just because you're paranoid that doesn't mean that everyone is not out to get you.
  23. elmicko


    From the album: The Bike

  24. elmicko


    From the album: The Bike

  25. elmicko


    From the album: The Bike

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