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Everything posted by elmicko

  1. Ok, we've managed to come to the conclusion that I'm a dufus. LMAO Now can somebody give me the wiring instructions written in crayon? For some reason this is obviously over my head. I did use the stock wiring. I would really like to use the stock horn button, is there any way to do that? I really appreciate all the help.
  2. I wanted to get a louder horn for my RSV and didn't have the extra cash to swing for a Stebel. I had read a few comments on here that the Bad Boy's were quiet a bit louder than the stock horn, but not quiet as loud as the Stebel. I got my Bad Boy today and hooked it up. Got all excited and hit the button and no where near as loud as the stock horn. I'm very disappointed, I could have used that money on something else for the bike.
  3. I know this was a big deal when I had my old '86 1st Gen, but some of our 2nd Gens are getting 10 + years of age on them. Are we seeing the same issues with the carb diaphragms on these bikes as we did the 1st Gens? If not, why?
  4. I believe this has been mentioned here before, but if you haven't looked at it there are some really nice bikes. Just for giggles I entered Ol' Blue. http://www.starmotorcycles.com/star/StarVBS/StarVBSImages.aspx?id=7&pg=1&y=c
  5. Gift cards to Harbor Freight and Lowes to help stock the garage. And a few bottles of liquid painkiller to use after I hurt myself on the new tools.
  6. I've got a Bell shorty that I like a lot. I wear a modular when I'm riding two up just for the intercom, but my first choice is the Bell.
  7. Have a very merry and blessed Christmas!
  8. Actually I use Caps in Bristol. Keith does good work and always goes out of his way to try to help me. I've used Ken's for all my bikes prior to the Ventures and he does do good work. I started using him when he was still working out of his house. Caps is just a lot more easier for me since it's just 1/2 mile from work.
  9. I use a little independent shop here in East Tennessee and they charge $45/hr. Does good work too. He'll also help me figure out how to do something on my own. Gotta love the independents.
  10. Dumb question time. I checked the link above and they only start listing a Venture as an 2010 model. Have they changed the oil plug size any over the years? I know they haven't changed anything else, but I thought I would ask.
  11. I completely lost all respect for Tim Hortons a couple of years ago when they tried to sue professional BASS angler Tim Horton to keep him from using his own name. They said because he was a professional in his sport he was infringing on their copyright by using his own name. Probably brought on by the same guy that changed their coffee.
  12. Very nice shade of blue. I like it.
  13. I'm not the one that had it painted, but the paint job is one of the main reasons I bought my bike. http://i22.photobucket.com/albums/b303/elmicko2002/IMG_2846.jpg
  14. Enjoy! [ame= ] [/ame]
  15. LOL Yeah, but I'm trying to get AWAY from the dealer.
  16. Please forgive my stupidity on this one, but I've always just bought my oil from the dealer. What do I need to look for on the label to make sure the oil I choose is ok for use in our bikes?
  17. My first big bike ever was the 86 1st Gen I bought in the summer of '09. It was a great handling bike and good on the interstate, but I'm vertically challenged and it seemed so tall and top-heavy that I never could feel really comfortable. But I really liked and believed in the 1300 V4 engine so I bought a 2nd Gen. For me it's night and day. Everybody says the 2nd Gen is more top heavy, but it sits lower and I have no problem with it at all. The 1st Gen felt like it was going to topple over every time I came to a stop, the 2nd Gen feels like I could leave my feet on the boards at a complete stop (and NO I'm not going to try). It's probably because I'm pretty short, but the 2nd Gen is a much better bike for me.
  18. I bought a 1st Gen last summer and then moved to a 2nd Gen a couple of months ago. Now, I had rode motorcycles all my life, but nothing bigger than a 750. One thing that really surprised me about these bikes is I had to focus on looking all the way through the turn to the exit point to make it through ok. Never had to do that on the smaller bikes. It's not as big a deal now that I'm used to the big bikes, but for a long time I had to concentrate on looking at the exit of the curve all the way through the turn in order to come out on my line. Just keep your head up and practice and you'll get it soon enough.
  19. I don't see how she could be bored...there is a cassette player.
  20. I know the Vision's are a really nice ride, but dang they're uglier than a bowling shoe. Now a Cross Country with a trunk...mmmmm, I could like that.
  21. Very nice Wing. You'll love it. Did anyone else notice that it looked really "at home" behind a mini-van?
  22. Nope. A Goldwing is a hell of a bike, but I'm too short. My feet won't touch the ground. Also, I feel like I would need to be at least 60 before I didn't look out of place on one.
  23. Sounds like you got a good one buddy. Holler if you need somebody to hand you a tool or something. I'm also good to have around the garage so I can drink beer and point and laugh if something goes wrong.
  24. Congratulations buddy! I hope everything works out for you. I'm thinking you found a great buy.
  25. I did forget to mention that I always run mine at 40 psi front and 42 psi rear. That may be a lot of the problem too.
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