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Everything posted by gator06

  1. gator06

    From the album: 98 RS Bulevard

  2. Check your ground strap. One end on the left side of the radio and the other end under the right neck cover. I found the ground under the neck cover only finger tight and not making good contact. A little sanding paper and some dielectric grease. I could hear the difference in my radio. Just finished the 100 watt EQ Mod with Duel ds-42 speakers front and rear with baffles. NICE. gator06
  3. I lowered the front end of my 98 RS Boulevard 1+ inches by moving the rebound spacer on top of the fork spring to the lower portion of the lower tubes. I also lowered the rear by 1+ inches. I could not believe the improved handling at all speeds. I was impressed! Yes this aggressive lowering caused me to scrape my floor boards in tight turns. 1" in front and 3/4 to 1" in the rear would have been a perfect combination. That was with low profile 80's stock width 150 tires and two pipes each side. I traded my RSB for a RSV last spring. I am going to lower the front of my RSV along with the EQ mod and speaker upgrade (speaker baffles are a must for plastic housings) that's in progress at this time. Gotor06
  4. Would a graphic equalizer help with the distortion? As on the 2nd gen tech talk.
  5. I had a set of Metzlers on my 98 RS and got good mileage out of them. I did notice that they were a little slippery in breaking and in hard turns. Then I put on a pair of Michelin's and noticed the better traction right away. Not sure how many miles they get because I traded the RS for a RSV last month and am looking to change these tires soon.
  6. I use my compressor but set my regular to the desired PSI I'm looking for. 45psi for both of us, a little stiff but bottoming out on big bumps is not good for the wife. I have 3 to 5 psi in the front, if not a hard stop my change your mind. When I tow the camper they go up a little.
  7. gator06

    Aspen Classsic Camper

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