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Everything posted by Whitlow

  1. thanks great reply!!!
  2. So is this what it takes to check and change them?
  3. How many miles before the air filter should be changed?
  4. Are they hard to change? Just remove the screws on the side of the air box? Thanks
  5. So is it worth going to the K&N Filters on my 03 RSV? Pro's & Con's if any!
  6. I like the look but I would have to install some sort of mufflers for sure! I just think it is a look I would ride if it were not to hard to go from stock to that.
  7. I saw this and I kind of like the look with out the trunk. I wonder how hard and much time it would take to remove it? Where are the antennas? And how about the no mufflers? http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/Yamaha-Royal-Star-2008-YAMAHA-1300-ROYAL-STAR-VENTURE_W0QQcmdZViewItemQQhashZitem3a552e0ba7QQitemZ250537184167QQptZUSQ5fmotorcycles
  8. No need to look carefully the seat does not have a place to put a Corbin backrest that is why when you see it on my RSV I have the adjustable backrest on both seats. It is so much more of adjustment than the Corbin style. I'm only going to offer this seat for sale until Dec 5 that is when my taxes are due after that I will keep it and just make other arrangement to pay my taxes. It is a good deal for what I'm asking I found the matching passenger backrest for it it has the same stitching as the seat I My daughter said she would get it for me for Xmas if the seat did not sell. I just keep my stock seat until I sell the bike and sell the Corbin then. Thanks for looking!
  9. I use the same backrest as I do for my stock seat here is a picture of the seat on my bike. Thanks Stock Seat http://i148.photobucket.com/albums/s37/VictoriaVett/100_1686.jpg Corbin Seat http://i148.photobucket.com/albums/s37/VictoriaVett/Yamaha%20Royal%20Star%20Venture/RSV.jpg
  10. Here are some pictures of the seat. http://i148.photobucket.com/albums/s37/VictoriaVett/Yamaha%20Royal%20Star%20Venture/CIMG0062.jpg http://i148.photobucket.com/albums/s37/VictoriaVett/Yamaha%20Royal%20Star%20Venture/CIMG0059.jpg http://i148.photobucket.com/albums/s37/VictoriaVett/Yamaha%20Royal%20Star%20Venture/CIMG0064.jpg http://i148.photobucket.com/albums/s37/VictoriaVett/Yamaha%20Royal%20Star%20Venture/CIMG0064.jpg
  11. Are you hi jacking my post or what? No big deal but why not start your own if you want to sell your seat? Good Luck with your sale!
  12. The back rest does not go with the seat it stays with my bike and my old seat. Thanks
  13. Yes it will fit the 09 it is the seat that Yamaha sold for the bike and was made for them by Corbin. Yamaha Venture & Venture S 1999-2009 Part Number: STR-4XY21-00-00 Here are 2 links to the seat second with picture. http://speedsupplies.com/cartdisplay.asp http://www.goldwingcountry.com/detail.cfm?model_ID=0&Category_ID=0&manufacturer_ID=16&product_ID=3172
  14. I have a new Corbin seat it was on my bike for a 2 hr ride. I need to get rid of it I need some extra money for taxes and Xmas and I can do with out the seat. I have the box and wrap the seat came it. It still has the white chalk marks were Corbin laid out the stitching to sew the seat. I'll take $300.00 plus shipping.
  15. The seat has to go I have to have some extra money for taxes and Xmas so I can do with out the seat. Anyone interested let me know. Thanks
  16. I had a wing and did not like the position of the feet and I also felt cramped. That is why I now own a RSV!
  17. That is how mine is but not the other one. http://i148.photobucket.com/albums/s37/VictoriaVett/Yamaha%20Royal%20Star%20Venture/RSV5.jpg http://i148.photobucket.com/albums/s37/VictoriaVett/Yamaha%20Royal%20Star%20Venture/RSV2.jpg
  18. So I was looking at another picture of a RSV and my CB antenna is on the opposite side of the picture of another RSV. Which is right? I know my radio picks up good but me CB does not. At least not as good as I thought it should. Mine is an 03 and the other picture is an 09 would that make a difference? Thanks
  19. could noy have said it better myself!!!!!!!!!
  20. I AGREE!!!! But now you also owe an extra $12.00 for quoting me!!!!! ROFLOL!!!!!!
  21. Oh and SORRY I forgot to do this!!!! :big-grin-emoticon:
  22. First I thought this post was about POST WHORES????? Not about the $12.00 charge for the membership???? I did not complain and DID PAY the $12.00!!!!! It I were *****ING I would SAY SO!!!!! And If I were to ***** I did pay the $12.00 which gives me the RIGHT!!!! So for ALL YOU THAT DO ***** ABOUT PEOPLE POSTING WHAT EVER GET OVER IT!!!!!! Just ENJOY the fact that we are here living and breathing have a place to post and enjoy the forum!!!!!!! I know I have only been here for a short time and if i did not like the site I would be gone!!! The HELL with the $12.00. As for the ads on the other forums who cares about that either I would not care if you charged $12.00 and had ads to make more money I just want a place to go and learn and meet GOOD PEOPLE and share info about my RSV or what ever. I really never ***** about much except when I'm accused about *****ING when I did not to begin with. I was a member of a forum for a car I had and the people there were such ASS Holes & SMART ASSES I NEVER went back! FOR ALL YOU THAT HAVE SO MUCH TIME ON YOUR HANDS THAT YOU CAN POST ALL DAY LONG AND ALL NIGHT GO FOR IT I WISH I HAD THAT KIND OF TIME TO DO THE SAME THING!!!! FOR YOU ALL THAT JUST WANT TO START STUFF AND COMPLAIN ABOUT THINGS MAYBE YOU ALL SHOULD BE THE ONES TO GET A LIFE!!! EVEN IF YOU ONLY HAVE A VERY LITTLE TIME TO POST MAKE THE BEST OF IT!!!!! I KNOW I'M GOING TO PISS SOME OF YOU ALL OFF BUT TELL ME I WAS *****ING PISSED ME OFF ALSO. BUT NOW I'M OVER IT AND HAVE PUT IT BEHIND ME. LETS SEE HOW MANY OF YOU CAN DO THE SAME.......
  23. Thanks you all maybe I will give it some ridding time and see. I had one on my Harley Road King and loved it but I guess it was already broken in by first owner.
  24. I think everyone has to pay $12.00 this is the first forum I have had to pay to post but go for it post all you want to. After all you paid for it! I'm a member of the VTXOA forum a FREE forum and it has so many more members and post a lot more info and tech stuff. And I think it is because it is FREE. POST WHORES POST AWAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  25. Maybe so can share there instillation directions with me/us. Thanks
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