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Big Buck

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10 Good

Personal Information

  • Name
    Dave Fette


  • Home Country
    United States


  • Bike Year and Model
    2008 Royal Star Venture
  1. How about an RSV. Thinking of selling my 2008 7300 miles.
  2. The looks come second to the way it rides and handles. You wont be able to wipe the smile off of your face.
  3. Bought a 2001 Valkyrie last weekend with 7,300 miles on it and truly love riding this bike. With my wife having her own bike and our 2 up riding a minimum, thinking of selling my 2008 RSV-S. Decisions, decisions!
  4. fixed mine last week. You can get a metric auto stud at the hardware store, 6mm X 1.0 drill and tap stud and install auto stud with red locktite. Let sit 24 hours. Just like new.
  5. second gen
  6. Broke one of the bolts for mounting the drivers seat today. Anyone have any ideas how to fix this? Any help would be appriciated.
  7. where in KS are you?
  8. Where did you find the step by step directions?
  9. after reading some of the threads about the shocks I bought a gauge/pump and put air in shocks. 260 mile trip for lunch and icecream yesterday and what a differance putting air in the shocks made. No more jarring of the back everytime I hit a bump. I love this site.
  10. Big Buck

    Our Rides

  11. I just joined this organization this week and have found alot of these threads very helpful and informative. Enjoying the site very much. Thaqnk you and keep up the good work.
  12. Had mine replaced 3 weeks ago. Didn't get rid of the chirp. Just moved it to a different spot. Now it's at50 MPH instead of 60. Would like to hear if it takes care of your problem.
  13. Big Buck

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