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About Jalle53

  • Birthday 07/21/1953

Personal Information

  • Name


  • Location
    Laurence Harbor, United States


  • City
    Laurence Harbor


  • State/Province


  • Home Country
    United States


  • Bike Year and Model
    2005 RSTD
  1. I have the Magellan Maestro 3100 when I bought it it was $199.00 . It is now down to about $99.00 . I make sure it is fully charged ( good for about 4 hrs ) before a trip and I also have a ciggarette lighter plug in my trunk for longer trips . When I dont need the GPS I keep it plugged in and leave it in the trunk so it stays charged . I also take along the wall charger for over nights . I put the unit in a pocket with a set of headphones attached and just listen to the directions . If I want I can use only one of the ear pieces and still hear it fine . For me it works fine and you dont have to worry about looking at a screen while riding . If you also want to do this just make sure the unit you buy has a headphone plug .
  2. I used one of those vibrating engravers held against the valve stem . I even put them in my car tires and what a diffrence they made .
  3. To break the bead I use a large C-Clamp and a piece of 2x4 . Hold the 2x4 under the wheel and on the rim , place the top of the C-Clamp on the 2x4 and the bottom ( the screw) on the top of the tire as close to the rim as you can and just turn the screw till it breaks the bead . Im thinking of having a piece welded on the screw end of the C-Clamp so there is a little more surface on the tire . Then with 2 tire irons the rest is easy . I also use a ratcheting strap around the tire to help push the bead out till it starts to hold air . As far as balance . I tried and love the balancing beads you put in the tires . Check out Innovative Balancing their product is called Dyna Beads . They really give a smooth ride and they have a chart on how much to use in each tire . No need to do any balancing with them .
  4. Great thread , I get the same noise from my bike in left or right turns and it is from the tires . I will look into tires other then bridgestones when I change them .
  5. I have a 2005 RSTD and when the fuel gauge starts to blink and count out the miles depending on how im riding I get between 12 and 18 miles before it start's to sputter and switch to reserve and then its good for about 15 to 20 miles . If you go to reserve always remember to switch it back to run at the pump even before you get gas so you dont forget . These bikes are just a bit to heavy to push .
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