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  • Name
    Holger Koester


  • Location
    Kaegiswil, Switzerland


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  • Bike Year and Model
  1. It was me downloading your map. Had to set up a new laptop and will try to play a little bit. Nothing special in the moment. Holgi
  2. I fixed the same problem today. Take your radio console out and the two controls apart (it is not difficult). Leave the buttons inside the display part. Under the display is a loose rubber that protects the switches on the circuit board. Under this rubber you will find the wet switches. Dry the display and the electronic with a hair dryer. Not too hot. Then spray a little contact cleaner on the circuit boards after you checked them for loose solderings. Be careful that you don´t spray on the inside of the display glass. Lube the gaskets (large gasket for the controls and tape deck, and small round gaskets between AUTO-VOL and INT.VOL-TONE buttons) with Vaseline, and put a little drop Vaseline on the inside of each button. That should help keeping water outside. I was successful with this cure today. Needed app. 1 hour. For the next ride, or parking in rain, buy a shower cap or put the radio console in your topcase. Holgi
  3. Nothing from Egli the Yamaha V-max Pope. They have no curve for the XVZ12. And a second firm they asked could not help too. Sorry! Holgi
  4. I have sent a E-mail to Egli Racing today, if they had a XVZ12 projekt like ours in the past. Maybe they can send me a accurate timing map? We will see. Regards Holgi
  5. Talked again with him. I think we will start playing in some month, when i can ride my V-star. But first our Boss must give his OK to work in his company in the evenings. The shells should be uncoated, so everybody can paint them in his favorite colour. @Flyinfool: For special wishes the project first must run and work proper. In the moment it is still science fiction. And in the moment i only planned to make the large shells. @monty: This is surely a important aspect. Intl. shipping could come expensive for those large parts i think. But when we get some together, i am sure we will find a partner in US who will receive one big delivery and ship them nationwide for a extra buck to earn. This must be calculated exactly before we start. @friesmann1: In the moment i only planned the 1.Gen. If this works, and the quality is as good as it should be (1:1 almost perfect fitting), i think we could think about the 2.Gen. But then we need a 2. Gen. bike. Will update when i have more informations. Holgi
  6. Hello Venturers! In the moment it is just science fiction. But i am thinking about new made carbon or glass fiber fairing parts for my Venture. With stronger mounting holes than the original. Especially the two large shells i mean. I have asked a specialist in our company if he could do this for me. But for only one he is not willing to spend his free time shaping a big mold etc. So, if anyone of you is seriously interested in buying two shells, let me know. And i will ask again what price/each would motivate him to work. So feel free to say "i would take a pair for less than ?$US incl. shipping". And if we get some together i will ask again. Holgi
  7. Will see on friday. Inbetween i changed the old worn brake pads with Lucas pads and cut off the AntiDive. Now the brakes are much better than before. Feels like 30% more brake performance. A 1200 triple tree is on the way for less than 80$ incl. shipping and after the MFK i will take the complete fork apart. Adding progressive springs, new gaskets and bearings, and check the upper tubes. The tubes could cause my problem too if they are bend. But impossible to see without taking apart. Have been at the importer to pay more for the gaskets, than i have payd for the prog. springs. There they have confirmed that my bike is a 86 model. To be continued. Holgi
  8. Thank you for your offer too! I will keep your offer in my mind. And add some swiss chocolate (almost as good as Cadbury`s) if we come together. But first i have to check if the canadian 84 upper part will fit my somehow unnown year. Thank you Holger
  9. Hey Earl! That is a great offer from you! But inbetween i was thinking about, that i first have to find out what year my bike definitely is. It is a 1200TD 47G, sold and first year on the road 1989. A very low serial number too. And i found parts in the bike that where produced in 1986. So i am unsure if this will be the same 1200 like sold in the US? Will take a ride to the Swiss Yamaha general importer next days. It is not far away. There we will check which part numbers i need for my serial number. And then i can check if this will combine with the US models. You also have put a finger on a wound. I was thinking about better brakes. Next week i have a date (?) at the "technical control by law". There we have to go every three years. I will ask the engeneer if they would agree a upgrade with R1 calipers. Holger
  10. Thank you Randy! Shipping costs are not the problem. I bought a lot parts for my 1100V-Star from the states in the last years. And due this i know USPS and the prices. Most important for me is to know if i can use the compleet 1300 Triple tree on my 1200. Greetings Holger
  11. I was told that the right steering is a little bend before i bought my Venture 1200 project. But now i found that it must be the triple tree. In Ebay there are some triple trees for the 1300. Extreme cheap, but high intl. shipping cost at some sellers. I found out that the lower part is the same part number with both models (1200 & 1300). But the upper part is 26H-23435-02-98 for the 1200 and 1NL-23440-00-98 for the 1300. Does anybody know what the difference is? Are these parts interchangeable? Or does someone have a good for me and will ship it for small money to Switzerland? Thank you Holger
  12. Here is a small update with my Ignitech TCI. Inbetween i took a laptop and programmed the curve to tvkings settings. Now the bike runs much smoother than before. Especially below 1500RPM it was very rough before. For now i am very satisfied. But maybe i will find a specialist one day, that could help me for a better setting if possible (Egli is only a half hour away from me). I will let you know, even when it takes a while. The ride to germany for max. speed test has to wait for a warmer day. Temperatures sunk below 10°C in the last days. Greetings Holger
  13. Hey, thank you! That was fast and would help me. Holger
  14. By the way, could anyone explain me how to connect the Ignitech TCI with my PC? I plugged it direct in the back of my PC, but the Ignitech programm could not find the TCI. Does it only work with the TCI connected to the bike? Or do i need a special cable? Thank you Holger
  15. Hello David! I just made my full 1 year membership to make it possible posting a answer on your questions. I bought some weeks ago a good optical condition XVZ12TD (made app.1986, sold 1998) with 47.000km, offered with non working TCI. And after i inspected it to recognize that it also need a full service i bought it for small money. I proposed to let the TCI repair in a shop that offers TCI repair for app.300$US. But after a little search i found this forum including the infos of the Tchech Republic made Ignitech TCI`s. I ordered one immediately, made the service, and one arrived after a little more than two weeks. Unfortunately due a mistake this was a Ducati TCI, and after i contacted Ignitech, Jan shipped a correct TCI again. Took another less more than a week to arrive, but this TCI was as promised. Just plugged it, and the bike runs for 500Km since. I don`t know how the bike should run with the OEM TCI, but i am satisfied. I dont know what ich should change or tune in the ready programmed and plugged TCI because i would not change this running system. In the next weeks, after i am sure that everything works properly i will take a ride to germany where i could test the maximum speed. Finally, if you just need a TCI to ride your bike to daily work, and don´t trust the new OEM TCI (maybe also produced 25years ago), this aftermarked solution would be the best you can get for your money. So go for it, and forgive if i stumble in your language. Best regards Holger
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