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Everything posted by muaymendez1

  1. Check your timimng again. I know the wings are an interference engine but it is possible that you may have the belts a tooth off or even off 180 degrees. Is the clutch fully wet. If you put a new clutch in and didnt wet the plates my guess is you are binding up at the clutch. Check your spark remove one of the plug wires and hold it to the engine not with your hands and crank it see if the wires where you said the plkugs were wet are firing. Then run over to goldwingfacts.com and ask them over there. they have helpped me with all and any problems ive had with my wings. Cheers
  2. Hey guys . time has come for me to purchase a rear tire. I found the brand that i would like to try, my question is about reading tire sizes. I would liek to fit a taller tire to try and get more clearance on my 96. Leveling links wont work for my year RS. Manual says 150-90/15 as the size for the rear Is there any size that would be a taller tire. Also IS it possible to run a 140/90-15 . This would give better turnout but will it be safe on the rim and since the second number is an aspect ration of the first will a 140-90/15 be a shorter tire. I wish i could stand 4 tires up to each other to see the difference. has anyone tried a size other than whats listed by the manufacturer. As far as measuring aspect ratio 150x.9= 135 mm high which converted to inches is roughly 5.31" so thats 20 inch wheel 140x.9= 126 mm 4.96" so thats 20 inch wheel give or take 1/2 an inch
  3. My plugs were fine when I pulled them a week ago and the outside dirt and agin shows that they are not new but my buddy thought they looked good as well. No white or black just tan. I had new plugs ready to go in anyway so I swapped them and he took my old plugs for his goldwing.
  4. So Now i have consumed my self with reason why i should try the Car tire now I need a good brand of tire. Can someone point me to a thread that shows what guys are using. the Khumops are a rare find from what i hear
  5. Well . went for my first rider after valves adjusted. 125 miles and only 2.96 gals of gas. Speed was around 45-70. Back roads, hwy, stop and go. Not easy on the throttle. I am really surprised to get 41 mpg, i was a lil nervouse that I would need fuel at teh wrong time so i pulled over at the first gas station over 120. So i guess im not running rich and If I am.Ehhh who cares .Queeny is riding wonderfully, and pappa is happy. Now on to discover the darkside or not!
  6. Can you post a pic. i was thinking of removing my tank badges.
  7. http://i257.photobucket.com/albums/hh221/muaymendez/tag%20o%20rama/SDC10352.jpg 96 rs td
  8. http://i257.photobucket.com/albums/hh221/muaymendez/tag%20o%20rama/SDC10352.jpg just as I thought You said 99. Mine is a 96 with a horizontal monoshock under the bike. You can actually see it just below the pipe where the horn is. This shock uses a spanner wrench to undue the lock nut and spin the shock in or out on a threaded mount. I just havnt seen anywhere how to tell how many turns in or out are a good setting. I havnt sen any air lines or schrader valves so I do not think the sir is adjustable
  9. Hey guys I am fairly fresh to the site. i couldnt find a classifieds section so if there is one ( moderator please move this for me) i have a windshield that is too short for me and was wondering if anyone had a larger one to sell or trade for a smaller one. Its in great condition with few light swirl marks. It came with my bike but I feel bad buffeting at 65 and above. Jose
  10. From what i read so far I have went to the website to purchase the leveling links but now I think these may be for teh 02 and up ventures. I have tried turning the locknut and collar on the mono shock under the bike and I m trying to find the sweet riding spoty. it seems like the collar only moves a 1/4 of an inch or so forward or backwards.That doesnt seem like it would do much difference in comfort. the bike also seems hard to egt into deep turns. i have scraped a time or two but not consistant. Am i just sitting too low and too heavy. Im close to 400lb solo.
  11. I am thinking i am not the only one to dislike the location of the ignition on my 96 rstd. Behind and below the seat. i feel like a contortionist. this is a real treat when everyone is ready to roll. and I have to dismount to find the key hole. Anyone know of a relocation kit or a fix to this.?
  12. Hey guys. jose here with my 96 rstd. I just purchased this bike 3 weeks ago. The bike had a hard time rolling when cold and also popping at idle and decel. I decided to adjust the valves and clean the carb. All intakes were tight at 27,600k miles exhaust were fine. Plugs looked good and I changed them anyway. The carbs had some gunk build up. Everything back together and the bike pulls like a monster but i get popping through the pipes at Idle. Accel and lots of popping on decel. My lil bit of experience tells me this is a rich condition allowing raw fuel in the pipes which get ignited by the heat and there fore make a popping sound in the pipes. Question if i am correct is.How do I lean this out a bit to get her running better. the bke was bought with aftermarket louder pipes. not sure the make of pipes. the baffle are still in and yet it sounds pretty loud. I have yet to spray carb cleaner by the intakes to see if any change in RPm which is what i read to do to locate and intake leak. does anyone have a pic of the pilot screws. I looked for the caps and think i found the holes to be drilled out but I am not sure http://i257.photobucket.com/albums/hh221/muaymendez/tag%20o%20rama/SDC10352.jpg
  13. Couldnt watch it . just lost a buddy 3 months ago. riding very elequently no one knows what happened at that moment . all i saw was him drop the bike behind me and he was gone. maybe proper protection would have helped but never the less. 40yr exp lost .
  14. I thought they would be a couple. he just left her in the dust.
  15. I am a truck driver and in my termianl we have a big poster that reads. What does the green light mean? It means that there is power running to the receptacle and the lilght works. Check your intersections before moving especially right after a light changes and especially in the age we live in where peop;le multi task in thier cars. forget the make up and radio changing of the past. Now we have talking on phones texting, facebooking while driving, playing with the ipod. people are so busy while driving as if driving were not dangerous and a tough enough task. i couldnt wathc the whoel video after a few sure fatalties i had to shut it off.
  16. that last post kind of answered my question. The new stepped guage I just purchased has .004 - .006 and .006- .008 . That should be good enough I guess. if it doesnt fit then i know I need new shims. thanks guys.
  17. where did you get that one. Thats seem alot easier then using my .102 mm and addind smaller ones to get the right size my 1st feeler guage had .102 .127 . 152 which is larger than the .15 spec for intake then i have .17 and .202 whihch is also not complete and the last one is larger than the specs allow.
  18. I just posted this on another thread but wanted to post it here as well. Just got a tip from a buddy who did his without the use of the shim tool. Tell me this is dangerous. He measured everything like the book said and the ones he couldnt gte th feeler in he rotated the engine until the valve had full deflectiono. He drove a thick nylon ziptie through the plug hole and stuck it under the vale after rotating the engine a bit more the valve was still in the open position. Though it wasnt easy he claims it did work. im skeptical.
  19. Just got a tip from a buddy who did his without the use of the shim tool. Tell me this is dangerous. He measured everything like the book said and the ones he couldnt gte th feeler in he rotated the engine until the valve had full deflectiono. He drove a thick nylon ziptie through the plug hole and stuck it under the vale after rotating the engine a bit more the valve was still in the open position. Though it wasnt easy he claims it did work. im skeptical.
  20. i just picked up my second feeler guage and they jump from .10mm to .12mm to 15,3 whers 11 13 and 14. i picked these up from auto zone. was wondering if anyone had luck getting more complete sets and auto parts stores locally:fingers-crossed-emo
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