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Everything posted by CrazyHorse

  1. My 04 did have an oil leak which they fixed and an egr blockage other then that the truck has been great runs smooth and quiet and I love the trans. I used to own a 1999 2nd Gen 7.3 powerstroke which means they made some minor changes to the motor after Dec 1998 I believe. That truck got about 18-19 mpg on the hwy. Sold it with 300000+ miles and the guy I sold it to still owns it. This current 6.0 gets about 17mpg on hwy and about 10-13 mpg towing a 37' 5th wheel camper. The guy I know who owns a 6.4 likes the truck but hates the mileage I think he said he gets about 10-12 and thats not towing anything and the light for the emissions cannister which tells you when its burning off soot is on alot. They only made this engine for 2 yrs since Ford had their spat with International. I dont know anything about new 6.7 liter. People forget the 99-03 7.3 had alot of injector prolems due I think to the dead head design where fuel doesnt flow past the the last cylinder to the fuel tank but instead stops there so air can get trapped there. I really like the Cummins motors in Dodges just dont think their truck and tranys are tough enough.
  2. My 6.0 liter has been fine over hundred thousand miles on it. The 6.4 has terrible mileage due to the emmisions cannister that uses fuel to burn off soot what a bright idea use more fuel to quell emmisions. Though enterprising folks have come up with a way to get rid of it and I hear they can get over 20 mpg. Other then the mileage thing I would get one.
  3. I could easily trade a 2nd Gen for a Goldwing. Wouldnt think twice. For all of you that say your not old enough to ride a Goldwing may have been true for the old versions of the GW but not for the 1800. Actually I consider you old if your riding a bike that looks like it was made in 1947.
  4. Its ebay not the junkyard they charge ridiculous prices for junk.
  5. Especially watch out for Western Union stuff. Not that the company is bad, but scammers use it alot.
  6. Looks like every other bike out there,boring, but at least they are doing something.
  7. Me 2
  8. Direct Tv for over 10 yrs has been great. I dont remember any channels being taken away. Except for recently G4 has dissapeared but other then that its been great.
  9. Had that happen on a trip to western Wisconsin in the hilly areas came around a corner a huge brown bear standing in the middle of the road then he ran off into the corn. Thank god.
  10. Some very cool pics that one of just the grizzly bearing down on him was pretty intimidating looking.
  11. Snell rated I believe if I remember right is a harder shell but thats not necessarily good supposedly the DOT rating is actually better when you have an impact it is less jarring to your brain then a Snell rated helmet. DOT dissipates the impact better
  12. Yes they intend to sell to India they are running out of baby boomers here to buy their bikes they are losing market share in under 48 yr old http://www.hsdent.com/blog/2010/01/04/harley-davidson-raising-hell-in-india-or-trying-to-anyway/
  13. Nice job with the merge
  14. Same here 3000 rpm big whine I also have a slight rumble in neutral. Goes away when I pull the clutch in. Replaced the bearing on the pressure plate still get the whine. I wonder if I have a big bearing problem deep in the tranny.
  15. Harley's troubles keep getting worse but I guess all maufacturers are having trouble. http://www.hsdent.com/blog/tag/harley-davidson/
  16. On a bike your speakers aren't going to let you get any great sound anyway. Its more about size,weight, and the ability to hold music. CD changers, cassettes are bulky and limit the amount of music you can carry around lets say for a big trip. Storage space is at a premium. I don't know about you but on a trip I don't want to keep hearing the same song 4 times with a handful of cassettes or CD's..
  17. Yea your right it is a choice. I guess I amazed by it. Do they even make cassettes anymore?
  18. I just find it insulting that they put a cassette in when in 1983 CD's were appearing and now there on the downslide and carbs instead of fuel injection carbs this day in age are for small lawn machinery. Someday this retro look will be left behind it's getting really boring seeing retro bikes.
  19. I agree too bad they kinda went the other way
  20. Ahh the joys of owning a 1st Gen... I have several cracks in the panels myself.
  21. Directv has done alright by me also.
  22. So its a government way of getting old cars and bikes off the road.
  23. I think the throttle being on the right has something to do with it. I find when my right arm is extended in a left turn the angle of my right wrist is more comfortable then when its closer to my chest in a left turn. As far as scraping is your kickstand on the left slightly lower then the right board and thats whats hitting first?
  24. My buddy gets his from a grain supplier. He pulls a big (cant remember the name of it) grain bin thing and loads like 2000 lbs of it into it the grain bin hauls it home and stores it in his barn/farmette uses like 1-2 bushels a day in winter plus some propane his house is about 2600 square foot ranch. You also have to watch the moisture content last season he had a lot of problems with to high of moisture which messed up his stove. He also had alot of problems with the stoves themselves.
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