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Everything posted by CrazyHorse

  1. What headlight modulators are people using and is there any problems with the light bulb burnout feature. I was looking at signal dynamics and the Kisan ones. Thanks Jim.
  2. I had to dremmel most of mine it seems the head is the part that fuses to to the carbs and not the screws inside. When I dremmeled them the screw part usually popped right out. I would probably rebuild them with all 8 diaphrams 4 big a 4 small and make sure the tiny pilot jets in the jet block are clean mine werent so the bike wouldnt idle. I used a bristle from a steel brush to push out the gunk sea foam aint going to do it. Just peace of mind thing for me.
  3. The Venture splines where the handle bars connect on the triple tree actually comes out. I did have to drill out some of the sleeve to make the Roadstar risers fit in. They are 14 mm. Could not find a 14 mm drill bit so settled on 9/16 which is slightly larger then used aluminum can strips as a shim to tighten up the risers. Almost done with them. I post some pictures when finished. I was just looking to make it more comfortable.
  4. Ah you caught that handle bar thing well those are actually Kawasaki Voyager bars. I love my Venture but the bars were to swept back for me I was getting terrible Tennis elbow because of the bars having to twist my wrists outward. I like my bars canted more foward like a dirt bike much more comfortable for me. I wanted bars I could adjust took for ever to find them but I happen to see a Voyager for sale at a dealer and found what I was looking for the bars adjust much more then a Venture. Now the problem is clearance with the windshield and battery cover. I think I found the setup where I can meet my needs and get my clearances I have some photos of the process if your interested.
  5. I did find it odd to mix glass and atc fuses but that 4 panel fuse looks original to me. It looks like it might have had a cap on it at one time but thats long gone now.
  6. Thanks for the info I dont have a sticker under my battrey cover thanks. Here is another picture of the four atc fuses from different angle mbrood. Does anybody know if I can use a ganged 8 position fuse panel I noticed everyone seems to us the independent type fuse panels? I tried hooking up the 8 gang (leaving the accessory fused by itself) using the stud for the ground side which seems to be the right side of all the glass tube circuits starts ok but head light slow to light and makes a whining noise from lightr area ( computer not hooked up for fear of shorting it) or should I just use one of the independent circuit boxes like most of you have used. Thanks
  7. The main 40 amp bike fuse is not pictured. The picture with 4 atc fuses is attached to the main bike harness it doesnt look like aftermarket. The other rubber enclosed fuse is a 20 amp glass fuse on the right side of the bike attached next to main fuse panel and it attches with plastic connectors with a spare glass fuse inside. I just dont know what the heck they are for. I m putting a new fuse panel trying to clean things up.
  8. On my 1990 1st Gen I am unable to determine what these fuses are anybody know? Thanks Jim.
  9. flatoutmotorcycles.com usually has the best prices for diaphrams
  10. I just ordered new ones. These plate seats are at the bottom of the fork (inside) the very bottom bolt which goes up through the the bottom of the fork actually goes through it. I wonder if they have something to do with the damper controlling oil flow somehow. Yes I got the progressives already I like they way they ride.
  11. I would also look at the regulator. Or maybe some sort of short along the line somewhere.
  12. Just curious no one ever talks about the plate seat in the bottom of the forks look at pics in my first post. I found mine on both sides to have the rubber gasket torn. Do they need these gaskets to perform correctly? I also am not able to seat the large bolt in the bottom of the fork even when pressing down hard. It seems like the bolt is not even engaging the spindle.
  13. A screw for the overflow might be loose. Theres a screw near each black tube. Check that.
  14. I m rebuilding the forks on a 1990 Venture Royal. The plate seat came out. My question is there is a rubber ring that appears to bonded to the the plate seat is this necessary to have the rubber on it since fluid can get around it any way or do I need a whole new plate seat cause the rubber ring is important? Please look at the pictures Thanks.
  15. I had a problem with some sort of fluid in the restrictors but I blew it out and then it worked.
  16. Theres no rebuild kit like George said gotta Maximize Yamaha profit.
  17. I was thinking the same thing. Im gettin rid of the radio and thinking bout doing away with air system.
  18. Sobering.....
  19. I thought bout doing this myself.
  20. I forgot there are some 2nd Gen owners here. I spoke with willfill and wonton disreguard for the feelings of others (i.e 2nd Genners) and in keeping with the inclusiveness of this site I formally apologize for being inconsiderate of all disciplines and will learn to include everyone in my future comments. Thank you for your time. Jim.
  21. I remember seeing somewhere where someone used some sorta tractor boots in place of the Yamaha fork boots anyone hear of this?
  22. This guy on ebay rebuilds them to a higher standard.http://myworld.ebay.com/ebaymotors/timparrott316/
  23. Aircraft remover melts it right off like someone said toothbrush or other small instrument. Dont get the stuff in you eyes it really burns even your hands.
  24. Ok I'll try it all. Problem, no extra throttle cable though. Plugs and wires were replaced a couple months ago and look great. I'll keep trying thanks.
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