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Everything posted by CrazyHorse

  1. With winter coming try to find a motorcycle show and go try on many different helmets. I have a Nolan Ncom N102 it is noisy took a couple weeks to break in used to have a Shoei I have to agree I have better visibiltiy.
  2. Wow lot of good ideas. After my crash my big fairing piece is in shambles luckly I had a replacement of the same color I previously bought on ebay. Now I have a big practice piece for plastic welding and trying different ideas of plastic fixing. I previously fixed my chin piece just with ABS plumbing glue. Now I get to fix it again and you know what it didn't break in the same place as before. The pins are still attached to the big fairing piece. I'm gonna try to repair as much as the plastic I can basically the whole right side. I gonna have to buy the inside plastic fairing piece too damaged and maybe the headlight/dash frame. I'm gonna try a local hardware store for those little ball things this store has every little wierd bolt/nut you could want many in stainless or chrome for bikes also metric/english I love that place.
  3. Has anyone fixed the plastic pins for the side panel the push pins things that go into the rubber grommet and how did you do it?
  4. I didnt see anything either. I had something download a few weeks ago dont remeber what it was but your actually getting a CD?
  5. I would have to agree would it have made a difference the world will never know. I'm very sorry for your loss and its going to be a long road. I came across this study in a book by David Hough heres the link http://jeff.dean.home.att.net/swisher.htm I guess most impacts happen in the face chin area. I'm guilty of wearing a halfie myself sometimes but after my recent crash ( I was wearing my full face modular) I'm staying with the full face. My big concerns with the halfie is first if its not tight they tend to move around on your head. My second bigger concern is in an impact does it make it worse on your skull and what I mean by this is lets say your head hits on the side, now your helmet hits first, now does this focus more energy at the point wear you head meets the edge of the helmet? cracking your skull because the rest of your head is still moving in the direction of the impact, where as a full face keeps the whole head togther better spreading the impact. I dont know. It may not make a difference if the impact is great enough. I'll say a prayer for you and your family. Good luck Jim.
  6. What is the out put RICK?
  7. One other question Denden dont the standard collectors already crossover in a common area?
  8. I let my bike sit with 2 cans of Seafoam in it and full tank ran it every week bout 5 min at varied throttle settings last winter. Then it wouldnt start I guess I fouled the plugs couldnt tell by looking at them. Put new plugs in started right up. I wonder if alot of Seafoamm can foul plugs anyone know?
  9. Are the jets all the same for 86-93?
  10. 112? you must look like a space ship at night.
  11. R1 and R6 calipers are the same thing but for different years you need to find the ones with a blue star pattern like mine. New R1s are different now I believe the years 97-2001 R1 I think R6 went up to 2005 but look at the calipers they need to have the blue star not the yellow star. I got both of mine for a buy it now for 25 bucks I got lucky. Our bars are 7/8 at the handles I dont know about 2 Gen but I think they are 1".
  12. I havent tried it I just remeber something about 512 mb cards being max but I think the SDHC cards are different and need a different format but I dont know for sure.
  13. Thinking about ABS I believe the computer sensors detect wheel lock up some bikes use (oh I forgot what its called) but its a plate with a bunch of holes in it attached to the wheel and the sensor attached to the fork I m not sure how its works maybe some sort of photo optic thing maybe or Harleys new system that looks like magnets embeded in the wheel. I agree with Condor I dont believe weight has anything to do with it just wheel spin or not.
  14. Condor do you know the bore diameter in the 2nd Gen? Is it bigger than the 1st Gen? I know some guys used a Virago 750 master in place of the standard 1st Gen.
  15. Thom our bars are 7/8 at the handles and one inch where it connects to the risers.
  16. Someone on this site told me you can use 8 gig cards in a zumo 550 which I guess max was 512mb I think according to directions but this guy said you format the sd card fat32 format whatever that means. So maybe you can do the same for this. The guys name is cougar heres the link http://www.venturerider.org/forum/showthread.php?t=14997&highlight=zumo+card
  17. I don't know maybe smarter minds then mine can answer that.
  18. Harleys Goldwings and K1200LT. I ride Roadking alot much better stopping and GW and BMW a couple of friends own and I've ridden. I think Yamaha could have done better. Small front rotors I use 2003 R6 front calipers with HH pads stock rear brake. Linked or unlinked I dont believe the stopping power of 1st Gen is that great. Maybe if I went to a bigger bore master cylinder on the front. Dont get me wrong I love the 1st Gen I really enjoy riding these but I guess I gotta live with the brakes.
  19. Compared to other bikes I 've ridden I m not impressed.
  20. I'm always tinkering with stuff trying to improve on the original design and having good brakes on a bike is something I like. The 1st Gens (83-93 Ventures) in my opinioin leave alot to be desired in terms of braking and I mean alot I think the brakes are terrible. I like ABS brakes and hate linked brakes but with ABS your losing some stopping power. ( I'm not sure about BMW's latest ABS offering I hear its very good.) Your product seems a little different and I probably will try it. Of course now I have to rebuild the right side of my bike from a crash but I'm willing to try your product and see how it affects the terrible brakes on the 1st Gen.
  21. How bad a hit did you take on mileage?
  22. Looks good I agree the black on the outside of the red had to go it looks better now. Did you come up with the idea for the lifesaver? How did you come up with it?
  23. Glad your happy with them. I know my friends said they could easily see my brake lights in heavy rain back when my bike wasnt half wrecked.
  24. I've stood up to stretch on the highway but never riding no handed from the back seat.
  25. At that age they probably would total it and take it from you. I want to keep what s left of mine cause it appears fixable and I like it.
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