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Everything posted by CrazyHorse

  1. Does anyone all the carburator jet sizes for a 1st Gen for 86-93? Thanks Jim.
  2. Yes switching bikes can lead to problems and during riding season I switch back and forth and there defintely a different feel between the two.
  3. People never cease to amaze me. Why do people have to do crap like that.
  4. Well being a 1st Gen owner and a Harley Roadking rider I can say the Roadking is more manuverable at slow speeds. 2nd Gen pretty similiar to a Roadking couple inches longer about the same height. I would suspect I could do better slow manuvers on a 2nd Gen then my 1st Gen. 1st Gen comes with the linked brakes which hurts your slow speed manuvers by activating the front brake. I cant explain why it does but it does and I can feel the effects. I have delinked mine though but still not as manuverable as Roadking but its better. So Kit I have to respectifully disagree I would think a 2nd Gen would be better at slow speeds. I practice in an empty parking lot and use parking spaces I try to keep the bike inside two parking spaces in a circle or I use spaces across from each other and do figure 8's inside 2 boxes on each side. I would also practice maximum braking. If a person is first learning take the MSF safety course its better then nothing but I dont think it prepares you enough for the street but it gives you ideas. Then get the ride like a pro video and any books on the subject I like the David Hough books and the Nick Ientasch books and practice the manuvers in there and do it on your own terms and comfort level and then push your self at the slow speed stuff as you gain more confidence.
  5. That is pretty cool. Nice work.
  6. Thats not good should be a nice bike when its done. I like those 08 Harleys.
  7. Practice,Practice, Practice. Use your rear brake,feather your clutch and throttle after lots of practice you should be able to drag your boards with the best of them. Dont look down at the ground either while in a steep slow turn cause thats where you will go. Look over your shoulder at a point behind you in the direction of you turn. You may drop the bike quite a bit though. I know a Harley can take the drop no problem not sure about Yamaha used fire hose to protect crash bars. Dont be afraid to lean it over with proper throttle,clutch and rear brake action you can balance it nicely in a good lean at slow speeds. (Well my weight is mostly centered over the bike and the bike is leaned over.) I've seen many riders afraid to lean it over mostly folks that have been riding for years like a airline pilot who gets into an acrobatic plane and gets unnerved by unusual attitudes just never really pushed himself or his plane to the edge. You should be able to turn in the span of two parking spaces on that bike.
  8. Yep too many classic looking motorcycles out there had to come to end eventually like the chopper fading away. I agree totally.
  9. I got my 35 watters on ebay but just the bulbs.
  10. I've ridden with my zumo550 in heavy rain for hours no problems but try finding stuff in Canada I was led astray many times seems the updates for businesses arnt that up to date. For the most part I like theunit.
  11. I've thought about this myself but what are you gonna call us? US'ers or users.
  12. Just got back from Canada. I forgot how much alike the two countries are except maybe Quebec haven't been there. Gotta say I really like Canada havent been there in about 15 years. Except for taxes boy I don't know how you Canadians do it. Everything costs a bundle. I got tired of eating out dropping a boat load of cash to feed a family of 4. Alcohol, gas, etc. Our dollar is now worth less then yours. I like the country but man it expensive. Crossing into Canada not a problem didnt even show an ID. Couple questions and was gone. Coming back to US few more questions my drivers license, my wifes DL and kids birth certificates that was it. Not to bad. But like whoever said New Years I guess US will need passports and ID. I dont really have a problem with that.
  13. 86-93 you'll be fine.
  14. Moab is a nice area with Arches and Canyonlands national parks.
  15. Oh I forgot your from Down under where they took most of yours away. Some of us like them some of us dont. I gotta say I would 'nt want to travel to many countries on this earth without one and I have traveled alot. When your the worlds policeman (cause the rest of the world wants to look the other way or take payoffs or is afraid to do anything) you gotta know how to shoot. I personally have no problem with them been shooting since I was 10. Hunting here for many is a time honored family/friend tradition more in the rural areas then in the cities but you have your city people that participate too. Do you eat meat? What the difference if you kill it or someone else kills it for you? If a gangbanger kills another gangbanger with one I think its a good thing kind of a self cleaning. Were not perfect by anymeans but much of this world is very screwed up and very corrupt. Jess, good job, I wish I could get out there this year but my schedule prohibits me this year.
  16. Ebay
  17. I've used both products and they both will peel up eventually epoxy or regular spill something on it chemically and not see it it will peel and I etched the heck out of it darn near passed out from the fumes. The best stuff I've seen has been used in firehouses in my area. Its a three part three day process its non slip and resists everything and it appears to be about 1/16 to 1/8" thick extremely tough but expensive more then most would do to thier home. I just cant remember the name. I look it up.
  18. I have to agree but on slick surfaces or in a hard turn front brake now has to be used carefully or you will low side and be on the ground in the blink of an eye if your not careful. Don't ask how I know.
  19. Some guys say they get 46-50 mpg I dont believe it unless they are running 25mph everwhere. I think realistically 37-42 is more in line. Now with a trike I wouldnt know. Your carb diaphrams may be leaking, spark plugs wires caps may be bad, your TCI computer or individual coils may be bad. Check spark to each cylinder, If you have one of those infrared temp readers check each exhaust pipe at exit to see if temps are close to each other. open up air box and look at the black sliders in the carbs when motor running and rev motor each slider should move about the same distance if not theres one problem. Each spark plug cap needs to be checked for corrosion for the parts inside it.
  20. Plus no diaphrams to worry bout at 60 bucks a piece of air leaks/pin holes etc dont have to mess with mixtures. You can modify performance with chips some of which are adjustable. Give me fuel injection any day.
  21. Mobil 15w-50 is not energy conserving.
  22. Does the 2nd Gen front master cylinder have a bigger bore then the 1st Gen and does it have wires for brake fluid level like the 1 st Gen?
  23. It is sad to see so many fat kids in our country. I look around my neighborhood theres lots of children but hardly anyone outside. When I was young you couldnt keep me in the house. I'm still that way today. I gotta move to Arizona or Texas where its warm or warmer all year. I'm tired of being inside during the winter feel like I'm wasting my life. 6 months of decent weather 6 months of crap. Plus I hate cold and snow. If it never snowed again in my area I'd be happy as a lark. It would nice to bring back some manufacturing to this country or Canada for you Canucks. I don't trust China at all. I think they are going to be the world's next problem but greedy companies from around the world want to pay people dirt and I guess China's the place to go. I'd rather send my money to central america and have factories there. I dont think they have any world domination aspirations yet. SilvrT love you brother but I forgot your Canadian and guns are evil up there. We gotta train as kids you know U.S. world policeman because no other country has the balls to do anything about anything they always look to the U.S. to fight their wars. Like Bosnia I could care less about those people let them kill each other but we were there cause Europe was afraid to do anything. But I still love SilvrT I grew up with firearms never thought about actually killing someone. Hell I was on a marksmanship team in High School even brought my rifle to school and had ammo in my locker imagine that today. I think it's more how your raised by your parents to respect others. (but there are some nuts there you cant reach).
  24. I like this idea. I might send mine up to see where it stands.
  25. Does the 83 have to have a specific 1983 TCI and not from other years yes or no?
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