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Everything posted by CrazyHorse

  1. This is an interesting post on wobbles and such on a FJR1300 site. Give it a read. I want to give proper credit. http://www.fjrforum.com/forum//index.php?showtopic=24590
  2. I had to buy both kits for my 1990. I missed the second kit listed and bought 2 of the first. Now I devolped a seal leak in one of the calipers and finally traced it down to using the wrong kit. Ordered the second kit everything worked fine no leaks. I don't recall which kit went where.
  3. I was thinking the same thing
  4. Yes there are 2 different kits for the fronts
  5. Ok its working now
  6. Should be there I can see it. Let me check.
  7. Speed Kills A picture is worth a thousand words..pass this one on to new drivers or soon to be See The Motorcycle?????????????? Now Do You See It???????? A picture is worth a thousand words. The Honda rider was traveling at such a "very high speed", his reaction time was not sufficient enough to avoid this accident. Police estimate a speed of 155mph before the bike hit the slow moving car side-on at an intersection. At that speed, they predicted that the rider's reaction time (once the vehicle came into view) wasn't sufficient enough for him to even apply the brakes. The car had two passengers and the bike rider was found INSIDE the car with them. The Volkswagen actually flipped over from the force of impact and landed 10 feet from where the collision took place. All three involved (two in car and rider) were killed instantly. This graphic demonstration was placed at the Motorcycle Fair by the Police and Road Safety Department. The sign above the display also noted that the rider had only recently obtained his license. At 155 mph the operator is traveling at 227 feet per second. With normal reaction time to (SEE-DECIDE-REACT) of 1.6 seconds the above operator would have traveled over 363 feet (21 yards more than the length of a football field) while making a decision on what actions to take. In this incident the police indicate that no actions were taken
  8. I gotta agree markets saturated with classic bikes it will be a GW/Vision/BMW competitor. I think what fueled the classic market was people who were riding in the sixties early seventies thats the kind they grew up on but as those riders get older a newer generation is going to want something different.
  9. I like the lower ones (on the crash guards) in cold weather. I have a set of both uppers but I'm not thrilled with drilling into 20 yr old thin plastic to hold them on. So I havent put those on yet. My buddy as a GW and his mount on these metal arms instead of the plastic I was looking into making somethin like that up instead.
  10. I like that Hella makes one driving light looks good......only 700 bucks though I guess you get what you pay for I'm not ready to part with that much coin. Maybe I'll do what Condor said different bulb.
  11. I rebuilt mine its kinda of a job but not too hard but something you want to do right. If it's never been done I would do all the brakes, clutch etc, masters, calipers etc especially on a 19 yr old bike. I used flatout also. This project will take awhile though if you do all brakes and clutch.
  12. I wear 13 also on my Harley Roadking I had trouble having my foot catch between the front and back shifter I ended up unscrewing the rear heal shifter part and removing it but I still use the back part of the bar extension for the heal shift works fine for me. So basically I'm still shifting heal toe style but am using the bar that extends back to up shift just without the peg part. Works fine for me. I don't know if thats an option for the Venture one or not.
  13. Anyone try one of these HID retrofit light kits? Good, Bad, OK? Any comments?
  14. Totally agree it aint gonna be the tired old classic look maybe something like the new Victory.
  15. Yes that was me I have a 1990 with the rubber boots that come down to the brace area and lock in grooves. My superbrace was new in the package and would not slip in to the original brace position and the bolts were not long enough and barely made contact with threads had one not partially stripped I would have not noticed I had hardly any thread engagement maybe not safe. Heres my post about it . http://www.venturerider.org/forum/showthread.php?t=12838
  16. Southern Illinois in the Shawnee National forest is very pretty with cliffs and such. Terain is hilly lots of lakes. Giant City State Park, Garden of the Gods, State route 127 from Murphysboro to Jonesboro is great about 30 mile trip near Carbondale Illinois but this might be out of your way. Along the Mississippi river is good the whole way. Northwest Illinois and North Eastern Iowa, Southwestern Wisconsin along the Mississippi river is pretty hilly with some cliffs along the river near you could then stop in Galena, Illinois (Galena is near the Mississippi) which is a nice little town if you like antiques and stuff and has some decent restaurants. Starved Rock is nice. The rest of the state is great if you like corn or concrete.
  17. Any pictures? Since I'm taking the dive into the motor to change to a 2nd Gen tranny with a Vmax rear in a 1st Gen. Im going to be changing this nut out and the seal plus looking into the that oil pressure ring that RandyA had trouble with I also have that loud deceleration whine be looking for broken shafts. Any pictures would be appreciated. Thanks Jim
  18. I use R6 calipers on my 1st Gen. R6 pistons are a different size one is smaller then the other. It's my understanding the smaller piston pushes out slightly faster then the bigger one balancing the wear on the pads. I also use the HH pads.
  19. I can never find a maxi fuse holder or a 40 fuse like that where did you get that?
  20. CrazyHorse


    Randy I believe you told me you corrected your speedo error by taking it apart and adjusting the needle am I wrong? My 1st gen is about 6-10 mph off depending on speed.
  21. So with the error in the speedo you really doing about 48mph thats how your getting 48mpg.
  22. I gotta agree that would be too high of rpms at cruise. I'm putting a Vmax rear on my 1st Gen but also putting a 2nd Gen tranny in also. I want those lower rpms at highway speed. There might be a 1st gen tranny for sale on ebay if I like the results.
  23. Quick Clot has a tendency to fry nerves because of the heat which can cause problems later and you definitely don't want to get this powder in your eyes. There's another product I use, called CELOX uses Chitozan it does not have the exothermic reaction (heat) in use by Special Forces they make bandages now also with this clotting agent. I carry this and an Israeli bandage.
  24. Diesels are great except I have an F350 with the crappy 6.0 liter motor should have kept my F250 7.3l. I think Honda is coming out with some diesel cars in the next couple of years and Ford is looking at a Ranger pickup. Diesels get great mileage except the motors cost a ton and Diesel is getting near $4.00 a gallon in Northern Illinois what happened to the good old days of Diesel being cheaper then gas Dam Northeast home heating oil.
  25. Get an Ipod/MP3 player instead of having that big old CD player taking up space.
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