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Everything posted by CrazyHorse

  1. I was thinking about that nut some people have had problems with in the middle gear also.
  2. Do you know when they went to metal water pump impler?
  3. If I like it someone here can have the set to replace their bad 2nd gear issue. There alot of good ideas here I figure while its out might as well do all those things that might break in the future. Ill do the comparison of teeth and photograph the whole process. I going to have to delve deep into the schematics to find all these parts.
  4. I'm going to be changing the gearing in my 1st Gen to a 2nd Gen with vmax rear end. What other parts should I change out like that O-ring in the engine sump area (whats the part number I cant identify it in the schematics) while the motors out. I was going to do all the water hoses and thermostat also any other parts any you can think of that are 20 yrs old that would be easy to change when the motors out?
  5. What your describing is balance. Its the balance between Throttle, Brake, Steering and I would add Clutch the things that keep a bike upright or balanced while its in motion. Were talking about weight and balance to much weight (especially aft) can lead to possible control loss. Theres a reason for max weights and such on vehicles it has to do with control loss or some sort failure of something on the vehicle (brakes, suspension, frame, etc) that could lead to injury or death.
  6. New Harleys have excellant stopping power compared to a 1st Gen cant speak for a 2nd Gen.
  7. Yes throttle will pick you up same in a PWC get slow in a turn and you feel that flip coming on give it a some throttle. Throttle especially at low speeds in a turn helps balance the bike basically by centrifugal force picking it back up. (Along with proper clutch and rear brake use (not the front that will put you down in a blink of an eye one reason I hate linked brakes it upsets this balance I can feel it many cant but thats just my opinion.) I think my concern with the overload has to do with some sort of failure of either suspension or tire or even panic braking shifting the load or enter a turn a little hot. People ride overloaded all the time think nothing of it and 99% of the time the ride goes well. You ever drive a pickup thats overloaded in the bed it gets a little squirrely driving especially in turns feels like its gonna tip over or those huge 15 passanger vans that crash on the highway because they had to much weight in the back and like 6 people die, its because of too much weight in the back and something upset that balance. I think it comes to that critical moment like previously described when your not ready for something that upsets that delicate balance that my put you and your partner on the ground which might not have happened if you weren't overloaded. Just my opinion.
  8. Being a pilot and avid watercraft rider I have experience with weight and balance. I have to agree with Brian of the Republic of Texas. The rider has to be heavier then the passenger. For you watercraft riders have ever noticed the instability in a watercraft with lots of rear weight it very noticeable and a little scary. Your more likey to get wobbles and or tank slapper with lots of rear weight. The front end is to light on the bike. You want more weight towards the front not the back and lower rather then higher (this doesnt mean you can still overload). Overloading anything is not good planes, boats, or motorcycles it increases instability leading to possible control loss and if you toss in a suspension or tire failure that instability increases your odds of going down. I know many of us do it and I have also but after my crash (not related to overload) I'm looking to do things a little less risky. Be careful out there.
  9. I have to agree but people buying have to shop around and know what your buying and what prices are somewhere else. I always find something I want and then scour the web to see what they are going for and then I'll check ebay and have an idea what price I'm willing to pay for the item.
  10. Got me. Nice wish list though.
  11. Sounds good to me except linked brakes. Now if Yamaha would radically redesign or add another bike to the lineup like this.
  12. He's hanging by his neck his feet are bent so the top is touching the ground and if you look close scraped skin off the feet and deposited on the ground his shoes are missing either from impact (fairly common) or being dragged off by a moving truck.
  13. Yes he's dead look at his body. Emergency services aren't going to sit there next to him and take pictures if he's alive.
  14. This has been an entertaining post so far. Oh and I hate linked brakes.
  15. Thanks for the pics.
  16. It's a good thing you werent really flying or you might have ended up in that cheese grater fencing. Glad your ok.
  17. I would have to agree about carb clean sometimes seafoam wont do it. Mine would only start and run on full choke. It turned out to be the very small pilot jets got plugged up and seafoam wouldnt clean it out. I had to poke small wire bristles through the pilot jets to get it to run. Varnished up inside there.
  18. There was a guy on this site that did this I cant remeber his name though made like a chopper if I remember right.
  19. How good can a spray can paint job look? Unless you use one of those specialty cans like from Alsa. I have my reservations about how good it can look doing it this way.
  20. I believe the the FJR1300 seat is height adjustable if I remember right, not a huge amount though.
  21. Both are excellant books. I also like Sport Riding by Nick Ienatsch and Twist of the Wrist 1 and 2 by Keith Code. I think knowing everything can aint gonna hurt even if you may never use it.
  22. NOW theres a IDEA tons of healthy opinions are generated here.
  23. Everyone has good ideas. ABS, with this I see no need for linking brakes, MP3 with stereo you can hear, with a NOAA weather channel and CB, electric movable windshield, 6 speed tranny with true 6 th gear overdrive for highway cruising, adjustable seat height, heated seats, lighted buttons for night viewing, cruise control, adjustable handle bars, fuel injection, digital dash with important information voltage, water temp, oil pressure,air tempreture,with an accurate speedo (is that to much to ask?) etc adjustable wind deflectors like the fjr1300 has except bigger. V4 1800 with a cylinder shutdown at cruising speed for better mileage shouldnt be to hard in the digital computer age. V4 I like helps keeps the motor away from the feet ( I dont like the goldwing motor sticking out.) Bluetooth compatible. More solid frame not the thin tubes of 1st Gen. If you can tell by my wish list it cant look like a 2nd Gen. Dump the classic look and update the styling go back to more of sleek windslippery look that slices the wind instead of a flying brick look probably help with the ever important gas mileage issue also.
  24. I agree totally use thiers and then let them eat sand when its gone.
  25. You've done well so far. With that old of bike I would do it all. On mine I removed the resovoir and and master cylinder and throughly cleaned them they had a ton of brake fluid crystals in them put in a new master cylinder. I replaced all the master cylinders on the bike both brakes and clutch and I also replaced the clutch slave. The front brake master cylinder and clutch master are a pain to get out you have to make a tool basically to get the c-clips out. I would do like CONDOR says flush the brake fluid each year it does'nt cost much to do that and it could save your life.
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