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Everything posted by CrazyHorse

  1. Nothin there Jack
  2. I prefer pegs anyway.
  3. I had that happen on a bid for backrest they separated the mounting brackets I didnt realize it. Later on I had to go out and win a set of brackets which wasn't good.
  4. Maybe people can also include if they are running 10% ethanol or regular fuel to see if there are variations.
  5. I'm wondering if people getting 40+ are in states where ethanol is not as prevalent as it is here in Illinois and if that has something to do with the people who are getting 40+ and the souls like me getting under 40 mpg.
  6. They are never cheap on ebay.
  7. I dont believe your going to find any regular gas anywhere (I look) in Illinois (corn state) your mileage will drop maybe this is the reason for variances in gas mileage people have. I havent seen regular straight gas in years here.
  8. At first I didn't like it but after seeing one I have warmed up to it, its different. The Vtwin thing bothers me though.
  9. With fuel as high as it is I would suspect more people would buy motorcycles maybe not expensive touring bikes but some type of bike. Guess we'll see at the end of the year.
  10. CrazyHorse

    Utah trip

    Arches and Canyonlands parks and the Moab area are pretty cool.
  11. It was a nice visual show.
  12. My local dealer doesnt carry them either.
  13. I hope its safer then the Harrier those things used to crash if a bug hit the windshield. Not a big fan vstol limited payload. Not a fan of single engine either. I prefer the F-22 but cool photo anyway.
  14. How do you like it? and can you get rid of the class system if you have progressive fronts?
  15. Ok thanks Squeeze.
  16. PGUNN here is another route you might take for fuel injection. Using your CV carbs and converting them to fuel injection. http://roadstercycle.com/yamaha_vmax_fuel_injector_cv_car.htm
  17. Speed and how hard you accelerate also have something to do with mileage If I twist hard and open the bike up I might get about 32 mpg. I have never gotten better then 42 mpg and I think that was once, but I usually run at 70+mph so that may affect it.
  18. Yes tempreture has alot to do with it. In the cold its worse warmer better. The best I ve ever got riding is 42 steady 60 mph.
  19. My 1st Gen speedo is inaccurate 6-7 off lower speeds as much as 11 mph off at higher speeds with a GPS as a standard. Using GPS my mpg is about 37-38 mpg @ 70-75 mph (GPS) which is 80-85mph indicated on Yamaha speedo. Now if I relied on the standard speedo at higher speeds say I thought I was doing 55 mph but the error on the speedo I was actually doing 45mph maybe I could get 45 mpg cause I was going so slow thinking I was going faster.
  20. I try to help when I can. I ve had strangers help me in the past so I figure I'll return the favor to someone else. That being said you have to judge for yourself your comfort level of the person your dealing with because there are some messed up people on this planet.
  21. Here on ebay. http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/83-93-Yamaha-Venture-Royale-Progressive-fork-springs_W0QQcmdZViewItemQQ_trksidZp1638Q2em118Q2el1247QQcategoryZ35592QQihZ022QQitemZ350042291789QQrdZ1QQsspagenameZWD1V
  22. That happened to me when I trailered mine home the neighbor kid said nice bike but wheres the gas tank cover. I was not happy never did find it on the road.
  23. This is my goal better off the line and lower rpm at cruising speed. Many might think I'm NUTS for doing this but I've got the parts already and I like fiddling with stuff to try and improve on the original design. If you think I'm nuts so be it isnt going to bother me a bit.
  24. Having experience in taking an 80 hour class in this type of stuff your going to drop your bike alot and if your are pushing your self to edge of your limits. We used fire hose to protect the crash bars from scraping. It very trying and takes alot of practice and swearing and frustration. I can turn a HD Roadking in a parking space and a half width but your scraping the boards the whole way. Another manuver we did was called the keyhole it was cones set in a circle I cant remember the diameter 16 ft maybe with an entrance of I think about 2' wide if I remember right so its shaped like and old skeleton keyhole from above. You cant walk a bike around it upright in the circle the only way it can be done is if the bike is leaned over had to do it both directions turning left in the circle was easier then doing it to the right. You had to enter it for a left turn on the far left of the entrance then a sharp right turn to enter the actual circle and then slam the handlebars hard to the left to complete the circle and then a hard right to exit the cirlce without hitting the cones and when you got good enough a person was placed in the middle to up the ante a little. Fun but frustrating and rewarding when you were able to do all the manuvers without hitting the cones.
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