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Everything posted by CrazyHorse

  1. That Honda announcement was fake but I think they are coming out with a new one in 2010. Now only if Yamaha would upgrade their bike lineup and start embracing some of the technology out there and make a top notch touring bike like a GW or BMW. I like Honda products have a watercraft and 2 vehicles that are Honda just not a fan of the GW motor sticking out the sides interfering with the feet. I do like the V4 setup though. Congrats on your new wing Bill.
  2. My stator mounting screws inside had what appeared to be Red Loctite on them didnt realize this and broke the head off of the screw and had to drill out the rest. You have to use some heat to loosen them but be careful the cover is aluminum. I dont know if the stators oringinally came this way or not.
  3. I had a CRX HF 1991 great mileage on highway 43-48 mpg highway. Hard to find and will be a rust bucket. I now own a 1997 Civic HX model hard to find its a manual tranny 2-door but im getting consistantly 42-46 mpg highway and bigger then that clown car smart mobile. Dont have to worry about replacing a battery pack at a couple thousand a pop. Gets better then my 1990 Venture which only gets 38 mpg.
  4. Disconnect the caliper, not the brake line, the caliper use a channel lock and slowly squeeze it in. I would use something between the caliper and channel lock a rag maybe to prevent scratching the caliper or chipping the piston.
  5. Good for you hope you enjoy it.
  6. I the looks of the Wing not a fan of the motor sticking out by the feet and I was surprised how low the seat was. I like the power, the light set up is great, the handling, the thing that kills it for me is the foot position with the motor right there for bigger guys not the greatest that why I like my 1st Gen with the V4 nothing sticking it the sides to interefere with your feet.
  7. Do these mess with vision in the mirrors?
  8. Anyone have one of these windshields for 1st Gen they actually go past part of the mirror. The web site doesnt do it justice the bike has the normal wwindshield on it. I saw a good example on ebay bike. Supposedly smooths out buffeting. http://www.precisionlexan.com/Yamaha_Venture_Clear_p/yamaha-venture-clear.htm
  9. Another 1st Gen gotta love it. Your the 1st Gen King.
  10. All over the country. Can't be afraid to use the front brake. Another reason they have linked brakes forces you to use some front. (Personally I hate them.) Have I gone down on crap surface with to much front (well maybe I have) but you gotta use that front especially in dry conditions nothing will stop you faster (unless you hit something cause you only used rear brake)
  11. Thats depressing thats what I liked about Europe 18 yrs ago never saw a supermarket. Well maybe one in England.
  12. They usually dont go for less the a $100 on ebay if I remember right
  13. Faster? Must be an older wing a 1500 maybe. I have a 1990 VR and my buddy has a 2004 1800 GW I have ridden both. The GW is faster lots of extra power. I like my 1990 better though just wish they would come out with a new version of the 1st Gen for 2009.
  14. Its my understanding and someone correct me if I'm wrong, that dealers are shying away from taking Trucks/SUV's or lowballing because they dont want them sitting in their lots cause no ones buying them. (Their not in business to lose money.) I recently bought a used Honda Civic in Philidelphia and drove it back to Illinois (darn thing gets 43 mpg on the highway better then my 1st Gen 38mpg whats wrong with that picture.) The dealer I bought it from was telling me the books are a little off now because interest in 4cylinders is way up and the prices will go up and trucks are going to drop like a stone. With gas prices the way they are you might be lucky to sell it. I parked my Ford F350 diesel, diesel's way to expensive in Illinois 4.50+ a gallon. I drive a hundred miles a day and it was costing me $175 bucks a week for fuel now with the Civic its more like $60. I've found many use the black book that you cant get ahold of and those prices are much lower then blue book or they use auction stats.
  15. I cut the bar down and made it fit.
  16. I got mine from Rick at Buckeye. Did them all and the left rear you do have to twist the motor to get it in but I did all 6.
  17. That bike is beautiful.
  18. I have heard this from a Yamaha mechanic I know. Sometimes too tight will cause wandering.
  19. I had a wobble in sweepers at 80+ noit sure if it was related to wind trubulance from trucks on the highway. I put in progressive front springs run with a small amount of air pressure and kept the inch metal spacer from the original setup in there, fork oil at 15wt, new avons run at max pressure, class at medium setting, superbrace, solid engine mounts, and run the rear suspension at 4 on the damper (6'02", 260 lbs). I think the solid mounts made the biggest difference and I put them all in not just 5. Dont have the wobble anymore. (Since I crashed I'll see what happens when I ride it whens its done to see if there are any issues with wobble.)
  20. I have the Colortune I believe its called the professional top of the line with four plugs. I dont care for it on these bikes hard to use in the tight wells of the Venture, on a Harley its ok the plug is out in the open but not on these bikes. Too much of a pain. I wouldnt waste the money. I use the rpm method with a tachometer much easier.
  21. Yea thats excessive sounding.
  22. I use the NOLAN modular. I like it.
  23. My shipping said $14 something for the 195 and $41 something for the other. My neighbor who works for the post office said something about UPS using the mail to deliver packages to some areas and mail rates went way up I wonder if thats the case here.
  24. Im not seeing it. I see a box that says attached thumbnails but nothing in it.
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