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Everything posted by CrazyHorse

  1. Linked brakes affect slow speed turns some. I dont like them if your a rear brake guy for turns. I delinked my 1st Gen brakes but I dont want rear lock up either. Right now I'm not happy with my rear brake I left the proporting valve on and left the brake line in its normal spot and plugged the one to the front but the rear brake it appears does not get a alot of pressure so its barely working. Ii think I'm leaving some braking power on the table. I'm going to switch it to the front position I believe I will get more stopping power there without locking it up. I think the Butler mod with the adjustable set up is a great way to go. I'm looking at using the adjustable valve in case I'm not happy with the current proportioning valve .
  2. I dont really care for the manual's float adjustment for 1st Gens I have the carbs off is there a way to measure the float without the tube of fuel. Can measure it when your inside the carbs?
  3. Yea back when they had hiring standards to meet. Till busy bodies got involved. Coffee, Tea, or Me the good old days I never saw unfortunately.
  4. Your taxes are insane also I dont know how you guys deal with it.
  5. Im a big advocate of front brake use but not on gravel the front tire washes out to easily.
  6. This is a good post by Rick Butler about this subject. http://venturerider.org/forum/showthread.php?t=24815
  7. I was talking the other day to a Yamaha dealer owner pretty nice guy said they wont know much until a September Dealers meeting I thought he said it was in Vegas. He also said Harley is having trouble selling bikes I thought this was just dealer rivalry but I stopped by a Harely dealer with a buddy for some parts and a salesman there was complaining that some other dealers are discounting Harelys by $1500 and making it hard for him.
  8. Very cool.
  9. 1990 DAC model fork boots attach at bottom, TCI Digital.
  10. Would 1300 floats work looks like they are still available. I just looked at flatout and they appear to be available for 1990.
  11. Newer wings are more torquey down lower then our bikes that have to rev to get power.
  12. No to many home projects to much work at work. I'm just getting bike back together after my accident last October just started last week so I want to ride. It'.ll have to wait till winter. It will be the whole gearset swap. I havent forgot you I 'll count the teeth for you. If you want I'll count the @nd Gen teeth now for you Randa.
  13. yes
  14. Some sort of Bluetooth setup I believe will work. Nolan helmets can be setup with something like this I think.
  15. I have all the solid mounts in I think of out all the modifications I did this helped the most.
  16. I use polk 401's with bass blockers $80 at crutchfield.
  17. I have a aquired a 2nd Gen trans and a Vmax rear. These bikes were made when 55 was still the speed limit thank god thats gone so when your traveling at the highway speeds now your revs are up I think at highway speeds ours up to 4000 if I remeber right which I dont care for I'd like it lower if I'm just cruising at a steady speed. I am looking for a lower 1st gear and a higher 5th gear so I have lower rpms at cruise and with this combination I think I have it. I was going to put it in but dawdled around and did not get around to putting it in. I will do it this winter.
  18. Before I pop them out I try to get them all moving. I push them in and pump them outward a few times. You cant get all four out unless you plug the holes up to create pressure.
  19. Did 1984 carbs come with 42.5 pilot jets or 37.5?
  20. I'm kinda of mixed on the Vision at first I didn't like it. Now I saw one driving it didnt look too bad its kinda of a meld of Goldwing and classic look. I'm kinda of changing my mind about it. I never sat on one or drove one so I dont know about its quality. The FJR is competing against ST1300 and Kawi Concours in sport touring class smaller version of the touring class. I like the looks of the FJR but I prefer the V4 motor of 1st and 2nd Gen's. The FJR needs to be bigger and more passenger friendly and need a radio if I went a got a sport tourer it would probably be a Concours instead of the FJR.
  21. My prediction is its not going to look like a 2nd Gen. Maybe a hybrid along the lines of a Victory Vision or possibly Goldwing like.
  22. I' agree with hipshot your fluid has probably cystalized and is in the porpotioning valve also. Take apart and clean the heck out of it.
  23. People usually have more trouble with the right turn because the throttle is very close to your body more unatural to twist I guess easier to do farther away like a left turn. Are you left handed?
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