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Everything posted by CrazyHorse

  1. Well still having problem with the redirect thing once I log on. I dont have the the site home page saved in favorites but I do have some individual pages from this site saved for research. Do I have to get rid of these pages too using them for a project. I cleaned up all the cache. Still have the problem actually worse. I log in get the invalid redirect thing says Im not logged in. I can still see the site and if I click on a thread then I'm logged in wierd.
  2. Got mine, Thanks. One question, what is that vacuum set up you have Gary? With the big vacuum chamber and multiple lines to the ports.
  3. I keep seeing this invalid redirect thing now.
  4. Emissions they dont want you messing with them.
  5. yep and looks like it descended from it too
  6. CrazyHorse


    So far my droid x is a year old has been fine. The big problem with iphone is you need ATT service which sucks. I know verizon has an iphone but i think the capabilities are diminshed.
  7. Will it go over 5k without load like sitting on center stand not in gear?
  8. That style of bike is getting a little more popular. Kinda like an enduro on off road bike.
  9. Well I ve seen many a Harley loose parts while riding a common one is the shift linkage. I guess they have a faulty design with the linkage.
  10. I think BMW does this.
  11. Well if they have that basic info they know where you live. They now can rumage through your trash for bills, credit card statements, bank statements, pull some of your mail, fake phone call pretending to be your bank (using phone spoofing software to fake the number) since they rummaged your garbage and now have account info. Then maybe through thier questioning you slip with your ss# etc. Now they are putting pieces of the puzzle together. Heck their are people that have items sent to your house while your not home and they pick it from your mailbox or doorstep and your none the wiser. Ive had my debit card comprised once my checking account once and my visa twice. Dont know how they got the info. Id say a bigger worry would be large places of employment your human resources/services department people there have all the info they need to make your life hell. Plus all the health insurance companies, banks etc that have your info and scumbag employees.
  12. Solid engine mounts helped me. Have you torqued down any of the frame mounting points? I have found some loose in the past.
  13. Also check the stem area I ve had leaks from corrosion there also on alloy wheels.
  14. Question about the new tci does it effect cruise control?
  15. Id say fuel delivery of some sort. Carb plugged fuel filter plugged line. My mower had an intermittent problem which was something floating in fuel tank that would plug the intake of the fuel line tank was big but initially didnt see the paper floating in there. Would plug the intake and kill motor once motor died it floated out of view. Bedeviled me for awhile.
  16. I like the ingenuity. Nice Job.
  17. Just dont change the pipes nothing more annoying then riding behind a Harley with aftermarket pipes
  18. me 2 and do you know anything about how well the 1990+ program would work?
  19. I think this great idea. Im interested but my question is is it possible to maybe have an aggressive program for fun and another for mileage that one could download from lets say a smart phone?
  20. I remember some people using copper electrical wire as the gaskets. Maybe someone whose done that will answer how to do that.
  21. Had some people riding next to me comment on it. I rode a couple other 1st gens didnt hear it. Im wondering if the clutch basket is wobbling. I do have solid engine mounts.
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