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Everything posted by CrazyHorse

  1. Many places are using these 800 megahertz frequencies I think the goverment is wanting the lower ones. You can do more with a 800 meg. The lower frequencies penetrate buildings better then 800 but have shorter range.
  2. You also have to contend with Lasers which are much more vehicle specific that dont take a shotgun approach like a radar does. Much harder to pick up. Think of a Laser like a sniper rifle and radar as a shotgun.
  3. Thats part of the reason I didnt like the Colortune. To much of a pain to use in the cramped place.
  4. I think the newest coins are going to have "In God we trust" back on. If read the mint website.
  5. I like the way Arizona does it. They don't.
  6. I run max air on my Avons.
  7. I've got the whine also on my 1990.
  8. I have one you can mess with pm me but its for 86-93.
  9. Yes that was the best Red next.
  10. Unfortunately late May early June. Time off of work is hard to come by in summer because of seniority issues.
  11. Planning a trip to the Dragon any recomendations on towns with decent nightlife/hotels/restaurants. Plus any scenic rides in the area. Any help appreciated.
  12. I dont see how thats going to help since the earths atmosphere is 78% Nitrogen. Unless it has some sort of cooling effect.
  13. I still had the broken pins stuck in the rubber holder. I abs glued them and then drilled thru them and put the machine screw thru it and tied into a small nut on the bottom that was loctited.
  14. I did this too even though I had spark. Changed plugs fired right up.
  15. Hw much is this? and what are they doing? and can one do it themselves? I'm looking at dumping class system altogether with a rear progressive shock also.
  16. Probably was skimmed possibly a restaurant you visted where you give your card to the server and they walk away with it and they have a pocket card reader that holds the information they skim it and get your information and then do your normal charge you never know it happened and you have your card. (Or if you have a Walgreens fast pay service where they have a credit card on file someone may have breached that.) I always go with the server to where they do the credit/debit charge and make sure that doesnt happen. A common thing is to buy gift cards with a stolen credit card because they know the credit card gets shut down fast. Now they sell the gift cards for like a third of the price of the value. But if your crafty and the right friends you can have those gift cards shut down and worthless so it screws who ever bought it over. I have had my debit card info stolen even though I had the card and started buying online phone cards to sell to immigrants to call overseas very cheaply. I look every day on my account to see if there is any unusual activity and nip in the bud quick especially debit card sometimes hard to get your money back.
  17. Jeez 150 mph impact and your still walking the face of the earth with all your limbs and head? Someone watching over you. Nothing more exciting then getting launched like a rocket not by choice. Wow.
  18. Here in Northern Illinois gonna get 4-7 inches of snow, so no riding for awhile.
  19. That stuff is right up my alley. I love messing with them.
  20. I've never had luck with them either.
  21. I agree many foreign languages change the position of words compared to English. Like we would say There goes the dog" they would say "There dog goes." Like the Ohio, Cleveland we would say CLeveland, Ohio. Multiple wives etc. Sounds like a foreign scam to me and why would you get the email out of all the persons in the world.
  22. I have a set of 1984 carbs I use for parts will one of them work for you?
  23. I'm kinda wondering whats in your gas tank is it full of rust? You can access it under the seat.
  24. So you are pulling up on the pedal? Theres a spring that makes the pedal return could that be broken?
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