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Everything posted by CrazyHorse

  1. Yours should have adjustable needles already.
  2. Are the radio connections ok when you lay the radio in the craddle? Mine would somtimes go out because the radio connectors were not connecting properly
  3. She was very impressive.
  4. Seafoam may or may not help. Your pilot jets are probably clogged. Seafoam may help mine were so bad I had to rebuild. Had to stick a bristle froma awire brush into pilots to get them clean.
  5. My 1990 Royale is steel.
  6. Heres a list of known problems. http://www.venturerider.org/forum/forumdisplay.php?f=86
  7. If they came out with a Road Glide with a VRod motor I might consider one. Thier new ABS isnt too bad either better then their first ABS its hidden much better.
  8. They shut down one cylinder at low idle speeds to help heating issues but you can have this programmed out.
  9. Squeeze was saying this doesnt work so well.
  10. I have alot of experiance with a 2008 Roadking with an oil cooler they do get very hot but so far have had no troubles with itexcept clutch. 6 speed is nice really drops those rpms at highway speed. Its a faster motorcycle then the older versions. The fuel injection is nice compared to the old carbs that used to pop. Very tank like motorcycle that can handle alot of punishment except for the clutch which is still non-hydraulic and not that reliable. I hear they are coming out with hydraulic clutches havent seen one yet. The Harleys arent bad motorcycles. After reading this article I really dont think a 3rd Gen is going to be a like traditonal 2nd Gen. Its not to rip own 2nd Gen owners style. I know you guys love the style and thats great but I just don't see it happening. Who knows if there will even be a 3rd Gen maybe it will be a Vmax type with a fairing.
  11. Yes I read the article. I guess the question is did you? I dont think they are gonna get motorcycle sales of women up to 50% from 10%. I just don't see a ton of females lining up to buy any motorcycle. Not to offend the women here I just don't see it. God bless them if they do.
  12. Heres why I dont think a 3rd Gen will look like a Harley. http://articles.moneycentral.msn.com/Investing/StockInvestingTrading/is-harley-davidson-over-the-hill.aspx#pageTopAnchor
  13. I love out of the box thinking nice job.
  14. I could be wrong but I remember reading somewhere it has to do with the size of the pistons if they are the same size you get uneven wear something to do with the spinning of the wheel. But like the blue star r1 calipers have different size pistons the smaller one pushes out slighty faster then the bigger one evening the wear. Dont ask me which piston is bigger.
  15. Sounds like the float is bad did you try a different one?
  16. Does it run with choke on or if you hold some throttle? If it runs with the choke on or if you give it hold some throttle I would look at the pilot jets being plugged.
  17. Yes they can be a problem if the bike wasnt taken care if you didnt use some sort of fuel conditioner Seafoam or Stabil while sitting bike wont idle w/out choke on or reving it up.
  18. Is there a company web site you could download instructions.
  19. Maybe the front part of the 86+ light assembly could be cut off and used instead.
  20. They are nice bikes enjoy the advanced features you wont find on a Yamaha Venture like better looking (except for 1st Gen), electric windshield, heated seats, heated grips, IPOD connection, ABS, great fuel mileage, fuel injection, etc.........................................I could go on but you get the point.
  21. Did you bleed the left front air can get trapped in that line.
  22. I had this problem and it was the main nozzle that the needle slides into had unscrewed itself from the jet block and would actually pop out slightly from the venturi and pour fuel down the cylinder but it wasnt really noticibly popped out. Probably dumb mechanic (me) didn't tight it well enough on rebuild.
  23. Be nice but with that new motor I dont see it. I would suspect the big tourers aren't going to sell that well with the economy the way it is.
  24. CrazyHorse


    Lt Col Dave Grossman an army psychologist I believe doesnt like these games for kids. Ive heard him speak a few times real interesting guy. I've played these games as a kid but I've never shot or beat up anyone. I'm not convinced that they have this effect personally. I think maybe some of this has to do with kids getting picked on and pushed to the edge. Kids can be brutal to each other if they are "different". I dont think schools/teachers do enough in this regard to stop bullying. Most of the kids involved in this type of behavior were picked on or massively screwed with and become depressed. Parent style I also think has something to do with this. Our inner cities have this problem Chicago has tons of gang violence and we have many more gun restrictions then most of the country. Kids dont have father figures or parents are drug addicts or they let them run around at all hours of the night or they learn this from the parents who also were gang bangers. They need some good role models and the kids don't have them. Good to hear your Ok. I live about 10 miles away from the Nothern Illinois Univesity school shooting. My wife's co-worker actually knew the shooter.
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