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Everything posted by CrazyHorse

  1. Heres some 83-85 on ebay http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/FRAME-83-84-1984-YAMAHA-VENTURE-XVZ-XVZ12-1200-XVZ1200_W0QQcmdZViewItemQQ_trksidZp3286Q2em20Q2el1116QQhashZitem5d265121a4QQitemZ400074809764QQptZMotorcyclesQ5fPartsQ5fAccessories http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/Yamaha-Venture-1200-84-Frame-w-docs-092890_W0QQcmdZViewItemQQ_trksidZp3286Q2ec0Q2em14QQhashZitem19b41cbfe1QQitemZ110395965409QQptZMotorcyclesQ5fPartsQ5fAccessories
  2. My signals had a problem 4 awhile it was related to the hazard light switch.
  3. Put the gun down. Think happy thoughts close your eyes and go to your happy place, go to your happy place.
  4. I wonder if they embedded sand in the mix if it would help.
  5. This is a 2 yr old post howd this come up?
  6. Air leaks from the boots top and bottom make sure they are seated properly and the nipples are covered up and not leaking. Did you put diaphrams in right?
  7. Wasnt somebody here set up to test TCI I think a guy named DAN from Indiana or Illinois.
  8. They are more technologically advanced in 1999 then the 2nd Gen bikes and present day Honda Goldwing, 4th generation ABS heated grips and seat electric wind screen great suspension. My friends K1200Lt was a nice quiet bike smooth running got 45 mpg on highway and could cut corners nicely. He sold it and bought a new Triumph Rocket III tourer which he liked the looks but was in the shop more then he rode it. Finally killed the Triumph at the Dragon when he tried to lean it over like his Old K1200Lt and found he couldnt lean any more and crashed totalling it. He wishes he had the K1200lt back.
  9. If you like and you can get parts why not.
  10. I like the cylinder deactivation its about time.
  11. I saw a gold 83-85 parked in a apartment building in Arlington Hts the other day wondering the same thing.
  12. Kinda calling the kettle black there aren't you.
  13. My buddy had one had lots of power more then another friends Goldwing in a face to face contest, but he had alot of problems with the bike in the shop more then he rode it. Finally crashed at the Dragon trying to drive it like his old BMW K1200lt he learned the hardway he couldnt lean it over as much as the BMW. He was happy it was totalled. Sounded cool though like a jet and the motor looked cool to. It was a big mans bike. But it turned out for him to be a piece of garbage.
  14. Here is what Im looking for its attached to the wire harness by solder. I guess I looking for the right hand controls that included the start switch and cruise switches after further review. Does anyone have one that works they wish to sell?
  15. Its the black panel that contains the the electrical contacts that attach to the wiring harness. So the wires come up into the switch and end at this small black panel with the 2 contacts on it. This panel is actually the bottom side to the cruise control cancel switch individual box and holds all the parts to the switch in. Its actually part of the wiring harness though. The wires are soldered into the bottom of the panel. Im not at home now to show some pictures when I get home I can put a few picks on.
  16. Does anyone have a wiring harness that has cruise control they want to sell. I'm messing with my cruise control cleaning all the switches when I break the cruise control cancel switch plastic that connects to the wire harness and hold the pieces of the switch in its box. Does anyone have one they want to part with?
  17. You might if you had a 1989.
  18. If I remember correctly to not have the computer light up you need to put a resistor in line but that defeats the low current draw of the LED. Thats if I remember right.
  19. Nice Color
  20. My LEDS are extremely bright. Custom Signals has them. Though my computer indicates bulb out.
  21. So far my Avons have been fine.
  22. I believe I read something also about the swing arm related also. But if you changed things and didnt have it before I would look at those things first.
  23. I looked at the Ca board http://www.arb.ca.gov/msprog/onroad/cert/hmc/2010/yamaha_m0030491_1294_2d5_hn.pdf this is for the XVZ1300 still doesnt have fuel injection. Has PAIR or pulsed air for 2010. Here is for the rest of the motorcycles. http://www.arb.ca.gov/msprog/onroad/cert/hmc/2010/2010.php Yamahas are at the bottom. I dont see anything other then the VMAX that has the vmax motor in it. So I wouldnt say the guy I talked to was way off base. Unless someone can find something else to show different.
  24. I would say one of your switches is deactivating it either your clutch switch or front brake switch. try forcing them out with your fingers and see if you move the throttle a little if it still disengages do one at a time. Mine will power up but not let me set I m fighting with that issue right now. There are many good posts here about it.
  25. So your getting a shimy or wobble left to right? The only thing that really helped me was solid engine mounts. I did the super brace,new tires, progressive springs ,tested the bearings etc. For me it was the solid engine mounts. Im not saying it will help you and its not an easy job especially the left rear one, but something to look into if all else fails. Mine is fine above the legal speed limit when track tested. Cause one wouldnt want to go over the speed limit.
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