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Everything posted by CrazyHorse

  1. Im sure you can afford one how many 1st Gens do you Have?
  2. They gave you a license for a big motorcycle at 16? Have to be 18 in Illinois for anything over 150cc.
  3. I totally agree Randya. Yamaha has done a poor job marketing. The 1st Gen was a brilliant motorcycle at the time a better machine then GW1200. I think Honda knew it and made the GW1500 but I still think the 1st Gen was a better bike. Marketing on it was terrible. This got me thinking what are the various motorcycle manufactures known for. What kind of bikes does one think of when picking a manufacturer. Harley old school bikes no particular model though stands out just old school stuff that all looks the same. Honda's flagship bike is the GW1800. Yamaha, Suzuki, and Kawasaki in my mind would be known for sportbikes. With the R1/R6 being Yamaha's flagships, Suzuki the GSX/Hayabusa series, and Kawasaki the Ninja series. BMW for technologically advanced motorcycles. So I think all the other motorcycles made by Yamaha/Suzuki/Kawasaki all around are not marketed well at all. I kinda like the Suzuki Boulevard M109R but have never seen one on the street. Wouldnt know it even existed if I had not looked at thier website. Harley does a heck of a job at marketing the whole package not just bikes clothes anything and everything Harley lifestyle BS you hear people quoting but it seems to work. Qudos to their marketing machine. I'm glad an American company does well unfortunately they offer nothing I'm interested in. Maybe if they had a Roadglide type bike with a Vrod motor I might be interested. But all the other manufactures Yamaha/Suzuki/Kawasaki (exclude BMW their in their own world) only in my mind seem to be known for their sport bikes. I think Harley's demographic is an older crowd who has the money to spend on big ticket items. I'm wondering if a large chunk of people that bought Harley want to be in the COOL crowd just to say they have a Harley and maybe arent so interested in the bike. I have had alot of experience with Harley bikes and not really impressed with them though they can take a beating and a good dropping. In general I think Yamaha and the others need to get the word out on their other motorcycles.
  4. Yes thats a big concern of mine. I like the bikes but no where near the dealer network. Supposedly working on a new large sport tourer with an all new 2000 CC motor according to my BMW buddy. Havent seen anything on it yet though. I guess like the Venture.
  5. I have to disagree how many people in their 60's are going to buying new bikes? With the state of the economy, job losses, 401k drops, pensions being pulled or reduced, with many folks that are retiring and have little else except social security to live on. They are predicting jobs arent going to come back to quickly years what I have heard. Whats going to happen with our income taxes in the future with less people paying into social security to support the boomer generation I suspect alot higher especially if they push the health care bill through. I don't see a whole lot of bikes being sold especially to the boomer group. The big boom of bike selling was fueled by the baby boomer generation god bless them they sold alot of bikes they wanted bikes like they rode in the 60's and 70's hence the classic bike market was huge. But the boomer generation isnt going to buying that many more bikes that time is ending. Bike sales have been down the last four years. I'm not part of the boomer generation I rode Honda Hurricane's and Ninja's in the 80's (I'm in my early 40's) I'm not interested in the Harley look. I'm looking for a big sport tourer (not FJR) like the Gen 1, GW, and K1200lt something comfortable but still fun to ride with amentites like a radio etc. I do agree it will be a redesigned bike but not what a Venture currently looks like. Now the Suzuki aspect I forgot about them looking at their stuff not much there though the Boulevard m109R doesnt look to bad but its not a touring bike. I don't think they will put a Vmax motor in a 2nd Gen frame its a waste. A high performance motor would be a better fit in a sport tourer. I also spoke to a Yamaha rep they basically said the Venture name will retire sales are way down and an upgraded Stratoliner will take its place. Stratoliner has a big Vtwin with fuel injection. Every other manufacturer except BMW has a Vtwin lineup. Theres alot of people who still like that Vtwin rumble and low end torque how many sales is Yamaha giving up to stay with a V4 classic look? How really big is the following? No one else makes a V4 classic look. This is not meant to cut down you 2nd Genners but no other manufacture has a V4 classic look and sales are supossedly way down for the current Venture. How long are they going to stick with it? Obviously the V4 is not enough of a pull to get Venture sales up. If I was forced to ride a Harley type bike it would be the Venture they are comfortable and I prefer a higher reving motor but obviously it appeals to a smaller group then the Vtwin crowd. (Im with you 2nd Geners I prefer the V4 and its higher rpm cabilities). Its a change for someone who is use to a Vtwin when they get on a V4 they are different. I really doubt any bike built by Yamaha with the Vmax motor is going to have the old school look. I have to agree with most of what you said Bill. The next generation is going to be different. I have to disagree it will be the BMW and GW. If you read about the current style GW history (http://www.motorcycledaily.com/07dec00honda2001wingreview2.html) they set out to get younger buyers and appealed to a sportier crowd but could go the distance in the touring aspect and be comfortable. Honda was ahead of its time. The 1st Gen Yamaha was way ahead of its time GW 1200 had to change and I still dont think the 1500 GW was a better bike then the 1st Gen. Not until the 1800 GW came do I think Honda got it right, but GW had fuel injection in the eighties. Wake up YAMAHA. Have a friend who used to have a Valkerye now has a GW1800 he had an itch for another bike thought maybe he'd like the Valkerye again went out rode one a couple miles came back and said "What was I thinking? You cant go back." Basically thought the Valkerye was a piece of junk after his ride.
  6. Saw a Maroon 1st Gen MkII parked next to Harpoon Willies bar in Williams Bay, Wisconsin (Lake Geneva area) on Sunday 11/08/09 about 3 pm nice looking bike with Wisconsin plates. Anyone of us?
  7. Easier and cheaper to add that stuff then make a new frame put a new engine in etc for a Venture. If this bike is here (Stratoliner) and already fuel injected/Vtwin Harley competitor with that low RPM torque Harley guys like to talk about. I dont see how they can make a New Venture that looks like a Harley with a Vmax motor to compete against the Stratoliner. They look pretty much the same to me. Not to disrespect any 2nd Gen owner I think Snarley Bill is right if they put the Vmax motor in something else it will be a big Sport tourer something that can carve corners. The classic style is nice for cruising but not for corner carving. So that being said I think the Stratoliner is your future "New" Venture.
  8. Those are nice bikes. You see quite a few of them in Illinois/Chicago area. The bike is loaded with technology which is what I like to see.
  9. Yes it sounds like air still in it when it heats up it works better. When I replaced my clutch line and slave I had to feed fluid down the line to fill it completely up. Filled the resovoir pumped and pumped filled the resovoir pumped and pumped until nothing but fluid came out the other end of the line. Took the nipple off the slave and filled fluid into the best I could and then connected the line and continued the pumping.
  10. I would look at fuel delivery carbs,diaphrams,floats etc or possibly test the boost sensor like squeeze says. Are all the boots secured top and bottom to the carburators?
  11. This happened to me also. Just dumped fuel in the motor.
  12. Getting an error message on the 86-93 stuff.
  13. Nice write up. I did this cleaning a couple months age and of course broke the black plastic tang that held the cruise cut off switch together. Ended up needing to buy the whole control set. Not the easiest job in the world but with your instructions it should help people with what to expect. Thanks Dingy.
  14. I have this too. I wonder if it has to do with alingning the drive shaft. I seem to remember a post by skydoc where he shimmed his his shaft. Skydoc any answers?
  15. All your grounds to frame in good condition? Did you try jumping or bypassing the solenoid? I recently had this trouble jumped the terminals on the solenoid started fine put in another solenoid starts right up now. Try an new/replacement solenoid.
  16. Missouri's a nice state visit there a couple times a year in the Lake of the Ozarks.
  17. I should look at ebay more often.
  18. I have to agree with the Baby Boomer statement I was reading somewhere about the housing market and the effect the baby boomers had on it they needed houses and they built like crazy. Now boomers are starting to retire and dont have the replacments (people) so you never going to see the housing boom you once saw again unless you have another baby boom or big immigration boom. I believe this is going to cover all business sectors your not going to have as many people spending big money on items. Couple this with the bad economic situation and your not going to have the big sales on cars, houses, motorcycles etc. that you once did. Sales in my opinion in all sectors are not going to be what they once were. Heres an article about boomers and bikes http://articles.moneycentral.msn.com/Investing/StockInvestingTrading/is-harley-davidson-over-the-hill.aspx#pageTopAnchor And boomers and houses. http://blogs.wsj.com/developments/2008/01/16/why-baby-boomers-may-bust-the-housing-market/
  19. Yes tires need to warm up in cold I agree which is gonna take a few miles.
  20. Harleys have more limited lean angle then the beamers. Beamers lighter and more manuverable.
  21. Maybe in the year 2090
  22. Freebird, is there some sort of parts cross reference we could post up on this site as a tool for researching common parts between bikes?
  23. I'm just gonna replace the solenoid I found there are many yamaha's that use this particular solenoid. I just typed in Yahama solenoid on ebay and found many that matched the design of this one. Does anyone have a cross reference of motorcycle parts where one could look up what parts bikes have in common or know where one can be gotten?
  24. Thanks for the info
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