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Everything posted by CrazyHorse

  1. Not the same Im not holding a set of bars stuck in the same position. I dont even ride with my feet on the boards just at the back edge because on the boards it just doesnt feel good to me.
  2. I dont know of any. Skydoc sells parts if you need them.
  3. I understand where your coming from its more comfortable for you. I like my feet on pegs. My butt starts to hurt on a bike with boards. Now my knees will hurt on my 1st Gen a little in the first hour of riding but i can stretch my legs out and correct the issue never could get my butt comfortable on a bike with boards on extended trips.
  4. My good authority says its not gonna look like a 2nd Gen but a new Hi Tech Big Comfortable Sport Tourer non cruiser why in the world would Yamaha put a high tech/hi performance motor (Vmax1800) on a bike that has an underperforming chassis/ old school style frame? It would be a huge waste of power/performance on something that cant utilize it. It doesnt make sense to me. What would be the point? I'm sorry, I just dont think that is going to happen from a marketing standpoint. A Vmax motor on a high tech sport tourer something that can handle the power and carve corners but still be comfortable that would make sense. Maybe look like a Victory Vision, maybe, but I would think more Goldwing like. Yes stay tuned.
  5. Ive been thinking bout this project for a couple years was wondering if I could adapt another motorcycle digital dash for these bikes.
  6. R1/R6 pistons are different sizes also one is smaller then the other so it keeps your pads wearing evenly the smaller piston pushes out slightly sooner. I would only look for the blue star calipers of 98- 2001 and I think R6 go a couple extra years past that. The gold stars are aluminum blue are steel. Here's what you need to look for on ebay http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/98-99-00-01-2001-YAMAHA-YZF-R1-FRONT-BRAKE-CALIPERS-OEM-_W0QQcmdZViewItemQQhashZitem19bb5083c6QQitemZ110516798406QQptZMotorcyclesQ5fPartsQ5fAccessories
  7. Yes Randy helped me with this and it worked pretty well mine was off about 6-10 now at speed its on at 25 its a couple off but Im never ride that speed.
  8. I dont have faith in the colortune couldnt really tell a color change that well.
  9. I believe Arlington Motorsports in Arlington Heights does rt 12 rental also in Arlington Hts.
  10. Well they made alot of Harleys in the last 10-20 years. Baby boomers were buying them like crazy when the economy was good and the money was flowing. Economy not so good now it s a luxury item bikes unfortunately are not required for life item. Boomers starting the road to retirement some just plain selling their bikes and hanging up the chaps. Probably see a glut of them in the used market in the future.
  11. Why in the world if Quebec is part of your country would you need an export license?
  12. If your brave and have a little mechnical know how change them. I got rid of the bars and put different ones on. I think the stock ones arent that great and uncomfortable for me.
  13. The dealer guy I know says lack of credit is killing sales.
  14. Yea kinda like a comet blazing a trail across the universe quite an impressive sight I must say.
  15. We dont have enough of them ourselves!
  16. Is there a pull to one side?
  17. I gotta go to British Columbia looks beautiful there. Only been to Toronto and Niagra which pretty much looks like ther area I live.
  18. Nice job in the Olympics Canada. What a great hockey game. You guys did great all around with the most Gold medals also. Good Job
  19. Corn is also high in Omega 6 fats which we eat way to much of in this country. Need more Omega 3 either from fish or green leafy type foods. Animals get fat up on corn in the winter Omega6 do the same to us. The big companies keep coming up with new twists on food products ie corn/soy. Farm animals eating corn type products/animal byproducts/antibiotics instead of the grass they used to eat. The biggest thing I found for me is eating more natural foods and less overall food. I work out alot but that doesnt help much if the diet I eat isnt there. Just eating less calories overall for me is the biggest thing which lords knows is hard for me to do.
  20. Wouldnt mind trying one out.
  21. HAHAHAHAHA:ignore::ignore:
  22. At least your getting some technology with it. Look at Harley giving you a 1950's bike for the same price or more. (Ok HD does have Fuel inj and abs.) At least Yamaha knows their 1950's bike is priced right.
  23. Are all your carbs seated properly in their respective boots both top and bottom. Putting the carbs in when they are tightened together they sometimes do not sit perfectly in the boots. I usually set them in a little loose and tighten them while in the lower boots. Need angled screw driver for this though.
  24. I would guess its the clutch or front brake lever causing your issue.
  25. Can you machine out the valve adjustment tool? Id love to have one.
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