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Everything posted by CrazyHorse

  1. Boy that looks like a nice bike. BMW brings alot of tech to the table which I like. Screw Yamaha cant pull the trigger on a redesign, maybe we all should look elsewhere. For whatever bike floats your boat.
  2. Being run over by 2 semi's aint gonna matter if you had a helmet on. That musta been a mess. I feel for her family.
  3. Will it idle with choke on? Skydoc has a small filter for sale to replace the emmisions breather hoses. It works well plus no oil sucked up into the air filter.
  4. Not just update, but a total ground up redesign. We could argue forever but with the economy I don't think your going to see anything anytime soon.
  5. Basically tendonitus
  6. Sounds like tendonitus
  7. Yep agree
  8. Funny you should say that a friend of mine who has a RoadKing and I road to the great state of Missouri recently and he had 3 parts fall off during the trip. The front kick shifter fell and is gone then the shifting rod for the kick shifter fell apart couldnt shift at all then(The Harley dealer in Springfiled, Illinois on the way home we were 2 miles away was closed on Monday so we jury rigged it) and one other part I cant recall came off. He was less then happy. Hes crying for his BmwK1200lt he sold to buy a Triumph rocket 3 Touring but he destroyed that on the Dragon trying to manuver it like his BMW K1200lt he forgot he couldnt lean it over like BMW. Now hes stuck with the Harley which I have a feeling will be sold soon. The newer Harleys have decent power all down low though I prefer being able to rev it up myself but I cant say the Harley is that bad.
  9. I have vast experiance with both. Road king is not a bad bike manuvers at slow speeds great if you know how to ride it. The newer ones have decent power goood brakes with ABS. Nice for cruising. 1st Gen ups the performance greatly in terms of power and manuvering at higher speeds leaning it over. Brake wise I'd give the Roadking the nod over the 1st Gen. RK has the floor boards if you like them. 1st Gen pegs. To be honest they are completely different bikes. Like they comparing apples and oranges as one said. RK you get beat up by the wind pretty good even with windshield. 1st Gen not really.
  10. Absolutely they dont go bad often. They start right up after sitting all winter no need to worry about the gum like a carb.
  11. Wouldnt suprise me if more bikes look like this in future. Cars changed greatly over the years. Bikes are going to have to change too. At first I didnt like the Vison but its ok now. Someday theyll get over making bikes that look like they were made in 1947.
  12. Well there's not much that can go wrong with an injector. Lot less parts no diaphram to rip needles, jets, floats, gumming up, etc all the things that can go wrong with a carb.
  13. Theres a guy in my town who makes them in his machine shop whom I met when I wanted to store an RV on his property. He saw me drive up on my motorcycle and wanted to look at that.Then gave me a tour of his facility. They looked high quality I will be getting one when I change to a smart phone soon. Don't hesitate to ask if he'll make one for your application if you don't see it on his website. He was working on Droid mounts when I last talked to him. I'm not affiliated or friends with the guy but his stuff looked pretty high quality. Tell him what kind of bike you have. He doesnt have 1st Gen mounts but I have Normal tube handle bars on my bike so it will work on mine. He advertises for Harleys but Im sure it will work on 2nd Gens Its minutes from my home made in the USA. http://www.ridersclaw.com/
  14. Warm it up good reset the idle.
  15. I wouldnt worry about it. My buddys K1200lt has been wonderful plus all the extra options bmw has make it worth it.
  16. Called the speed sensor yes it will affect cruise control by making it surge up and down.
  17. Too bad they cancelled the program cool fighter.
  18. CrazyHorse


    I believe that individual is going to a small one in the area, but totally agree poor taste.
  19. No they dont.
  20. Do you need xm radio for the weather and traffic?
  21. Hey wait a minute! I thought the RSV was the most comfortable bike ever. Like riding on a cloud with beautiful women feeding you grapes, angels singing and playing harps, :innocent-emoticon:world peace, a day at the spa, winning the lottery:mo money:.......relaxing dreamy vacation:draming:Christmas your birthday ........
  22. Looks good but I might worry about tank slapper with alot of weight toward the back on bumpy surfaces and spirited acceleration.
  23. I can do about 200 miles on a tank. Ive pushed it lately running with no bars putting in about 4.7/ 4.8 gallons. Getting about 41 mpg. Mostly highway driving. I use the 1983 needles and lowered them. Still has nice power at full throttle. The 1983 needles have a more aggressive taper to them at the point compared to my original 1990 needles. So I figure I have the best of both worlds. I also run 93 octane the 87 gave me a hint of pinging. I also have noticed different gas stations give me better or worse mileage. Marathon seems the best in my area. Noticed difference between states also. Missouri gas gives me an improvement over Illinois gas also. Whats sad is my 1997 Honda Civic HX manual trans go to work in winter car can pull off the same mileage.
  24. Same here. BMW then Wing, If someone held a gun to my head its a toss up betwen Victory Vision and Harley Road Glide
  25. Ditto
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