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Everything posted by CrazyHorse

  1. Good thought I forgot about the one on the left side. Ill check into them. Thanks.
  2. Yes tried that. Same issue. Thanks for the thought though. Now I did have a problem with the starter switch sticking on a recent trip where I think the starter may have been trying to start for a couple of hours. A buddy noticed my headlight out and told me I pulled over and my starter was cranking musta been a couple hours of that. Its a wonder the starter still works I wonder if that damaged anything else. I have also lost my driving lights and Stebal horn now plus the rear brake light that operates off of the foot brake. No cruise control either lights up but never activates. Bike starts and runs fine though.
  3. Is there an easy way to do this without destroying it? Is there a way to test the Reserve lighting unit with a multimeter?
  4. If I had to get a Harley the Road Glide would be it. Though I'm not crazy about the throttle by wire think they could improve on it. I cant seem to keep a steady speed as well. Though I applaud them for trying.
  5. Do your ride the thing like a Harley never going above 3000 rpm's? These things rev higher different style of riding then a Harley.
  6. The headlight adjustment disconnected inside the lens area cant reattach it with lens on. I tried a different RLM awhile back but same thing. The white indicator light always on. I'm going to look into the CMU.
  7. Does anyone know if the 1st Gen MkII headlight glass can be separated from the plastic housing. There are clips on the side of it but doesn't want to come apart. Headlight out light on computer moniter is on but the light is on. The light burned out indicator the white light is always on. The light will not switch to bright but the high bulb is ok.
  8. I'd be interested in Randya evaluation of his new tranny. I have a set of 2nd Gen gears and vmax rear in the garage.
  9. Nice bike just wish it had bigger bags. Hopefully a 3rd Gen will take some design characteristics from it.
  10. Goldwings designer was a sport bike guy wanted to give it performance. http://www.motorcyclistonline.com/escape/motorcycles/122_0102_honda_gl1800_gold_wing_icon/index.html
  11. 32 still seems to low.
  12. Hey no argument from me on the air cooled pushrod thing. They tried a new liquid cooled motor. The VROD has a great liquid cooled FI motor but the Harley loyalists dont care for it. Hell they even had a V4 design that never saw the light of day. I'm just saying Harley's are not that bad of bike and have updated many things. Believe me I'm no Harley guy. Harley does a decent job of caring for their customers and are updating things. They are doing something, evolving somewhat even though I think there is a limit to what you can do with a 1947 bike style. I will give them credit for doing something coming somewhat into the 21st century. Yamaha at this point is a huge disappointment.
  13. Never had a problem. I run 50 psi any less and you feel a difference. Avon guy at the bike show told me to run max air.
  14. Vastly different bikes. Darn near crashed on a Roadking because I was used to leaning over on my 1st Gen. Scraping parts real quick.
  15. Ok thats what I thought you were talking about.
  16. The Goldwing was designed to have performance/sportiness in mind by its designer. http://www.motorcyclistonline.com/escape/motorcycles/122_0102_honda_gl1800_gold_wing_icon/index.html http://www.nextautos.com/issue-7/honda-gl-1800-gold-wing-luxury-touring-motorcycle
  17. Harley's ABS works well,their fuel injected motors get in the neighborhood 50mpg. I dont care what anyone says FI is better and less maintenance then carbs. They ride pretty well, slow speed manuver well. They have good stereos. The vibration is not that bad while cruising in fact fairly smooth. They have good resale value and you can always find parts for them. Aftermarket and Harley. They have responsive dealers and lots of them and seem to take care of their customers. I'm not trying to sell Harley's in fact I don't care for the looks of any of them if someone held a gun to my head I'd take the Roadglide. Yamaha is stuck in a loop that we cant get off of same old crap except the new Vmax. There are thousands and thousands of Harleys out there. They must be doing something right. But Harleys aren't bad bikes and have taken strides to improve their bikes unlike Yamaha. Come on a cassette player and carbs in 2010? When did cassettes start dying 1983? Cassettes were 2 generations of music storage ago. CD's have no business on bikes today with the MP3 player that can hold 2000 songs in the size of a credit card. Time for a change, but it ain't gonna happen anytime soon. Harely is doing something.
  18. Precisely, which needles are you talking about?
  19. I understand your animosity, but where would Wisconsin be without Illinois? Probably a third world country.
  20. I think they were adjustable in 83 and part of 84 only. I use the 83 style in my 1990 the 83 style have a much more aggressive taper at the end then the rest of the years. I could measure them and find out. When I was screwing with them at the richest setting I was only getting 25 mpg at the leanest with the lowered needle mod I get about 41
  21. They are nice reliable bikes. They are Hondas
  22. On that model you should have adjustable needles with I think 5 adjustments. If it at it lowest setting you would only get the mileage your describing. I would check to see where your needles are set 1st.
  23. Norton's crap along with Mcaffe I wouldn't trust it until its been around for a good while. Always had good luck with Bitdefender.
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