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Everything posted by CrazyHorse

  1. Anyone have a working cruise control brain from a1 st gen they want to part with? Preferably one from 90-93
  2. There is no way to tighten it. It's just a c- clip at the end of the bolt that holds the two halves together. I don't think there's any missing parts according to parts diagram. So I'm at a loss
  3. Yea good idea do you think nylon would last?
  4. What a nightmare had to grind the swing arm into dust to remove the bolt. It would not come out. The replacement swing arm didn't come with the bolt. Hours of grinding being careful not to screw up the bolt.
  5. Does anyone know if you can have some free play side to side in the shock mount parts. Specifically here [ATTACH]79621[/ATTACH] It has about 1/8 side to side.1990+ have a different shock mount then earlier models.so she's anyone know?
  6. On the actual lower shock mount the bolt comes out the right side does that screw into the other part of the shaft that I cant get out? Am I going to damage the inner threads by drifting it out?
  7. I have a1990 with the zerk fittings. I was in an accident a few years back with it and believe there some sort of damage to swing arm. Trying to change it but cannot get it off where the shock attaches to swing arm.I detached the bolt on the right side. I assume the pin should punch out to the left but it's not moving any suggestions?
  8. I have the rear wheel and final drive off should it leak oil while off the bike or should it br sealed up?
  9. 86 swing arm/ shock mount pic
  10. So Im replacing my swing arm shock mount on my 1990 I couldnt find a 90+ but I bought one from an 86 . I know there are differences with no zerk fittings on 86 but the shock mount is definitely different. The 90 has two set of bolt near the shock mount the 86 has one. Does anyone know if this will work?
  11. I put on Kawasaki Voyager bars. I was getting severe tendonitus in elbows. I pesonally think the angle and adjustments on the bars was a poor design. My wrists were at odd angles and I didnt like the lack of control feel. I like my bars more dirt bike style myself for me that's more comfortable and a better feel of bike control. Plus with regular bars you can add accessories easier. Depending on your risers I got a little more adjustment but you have to be careful of the windshield and tank cover etc. I also changed to a GSX600/750 master cylinder. I also have a set Venture Bars you can have for the price of shipping if you want to try to modify them. Here is a post of what I did at the bottom of page. http://venturerider.org/forum/showthread.php?t=15246&highlight=handle+bars
  12. I have the same issue. It lights up but never sets cruise. Just havent got around to fixing it yet. You also have to verify if pump actually works. Theres a light sequence I believe that indicates trouble for cruise too dont remember off the top the head. Doesnt work tho for every issue.
  13. I replaced bars with an older pair of Kawasaki Voyager bars. Never liked the adjustments of stock bars.
  14. Solid motor mounts helped also
  15. I have a new ignitek tci my mileage is worse also. Getting 35-36 now used to be 40. Im going to have to play with settings. Bike runs good though.
  16. I used a brake light modulator for a this purpose
  17. Where the heck do you buy coal?
  18. I like all of the beautiful bikes in the background.
  19. That does look cool. Not sure I would want to ride it though. With out a wing you cant glide to safety you might just auto rotate into the ground like a helicopter. I wonder what would happen if you had an engine failure at low altitude like 10 feet off the ground going 60 mph. Parachute aint gonna help you at that altitude. Would need a zero/zero ejection seat. But It would be interesting to ride though. Star wars like.
  20. Yes Ill send the condolence card
  21. I also ground off the head with dremel but you risk scuffing the covers.
  22. Thats what I used also.
  23. NAPA in my area sells it all the time for that price.
  24. I tried it but the smart phone screen gets washed out easily compared with my garmin which can get washed out also but not as bad. I use Verizon works in more places then any other service I've used. ATT, Nextel, Sprint all are crap in comparision.
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