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About tbbrider

  • Birthday 04/27/1948

Personal Information

  • Name
    Terry Beavers


  • Location
    louisville, United States


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  • Home Country
    United States


  • Interests
    bike riding
  • Bike Year and Model
    o7 blue & balck RSV trike

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  1. It has been a great ride over the last 46 years,but I think it is time to hang the helmet up.It was sad to see my trike leave. I am planning on staying a member. I don't post much ,but I read your posts every day.I think I will get two seat ragtop and still ride the back roads.
  2. Hate to do this but just posted my Venture trike for sale in the classifieds.Health reasons and for some reason there has been a rash of Cagers running over us riders.The one last was a close friend"s brother.A man driving a car driffed into the other lane and hit the Goldwing. Needless to say his left boot and leg was still on the bike.He lived just a few hours after the wreck and another one last week was one a man had sold his bike.Was going to take one last ride and someone ran stop sign,he was DOA at the sight.I would for some one in the club to get this bike it is in excellent condition.
  3. I know this has been decussed before,but I need to know if I install 1 1/2 risers what do I do about the rubber bushing between the bars and fairing? Is there a replacement for this bushing?
  4. Welcome Roger .I was in the shape You are in Last Sept. These great guys on here told how to fix mine in a parking lot in Branson.Took about and hr to fix.The $12 dollars was the best thing I ever spent.
  5. Does anyone have a picture of a stock muffler that has been cut open.I am confused about where to cut them. I have a set someone gave me,I don't want to mess my quite pipes up.
  6. I had both done at the same time (12-06) The pain is bad.Do what they tell you and do PT. By April I was back to cutting 32 Yards a week.I would do it again cause the end results is so much better than it was.I also was riding by May 1.Good luck
  7. Does anyone have after market mufflers on their trike.Tryed for two hrs to put Rk on mine ,would not slide on header far enough. I want a little more sound but not real loud.
  8. I've had two Ventures(07 &08 ) have a 07 Hannigan trike will never go back.The ride is great, no worry about wet roads,gravel roads or stopping. Good luck .
  9. I had an 07 with a bad whine,it wasn't the clutchitwas a bad rear grear in the back wheel and was fixed under warranty.
  10. I had both mine replaces in at the same time(06).It was a painful recovery,but the end result was worth it. As long as you do the therapy you will be walking like a new man. If you need so more info Look my number up in my profile,I'll be glad to talk about it with you.
  11. My RSV trike went out in Branson,Mi.Several of the club members talked me how to fix it in a parking.Nothing to the repair.To order a clutch kit call PCW Racing {518-346-7203} and talk to Johnhe . Good luck.
  12. My clutch went out in Branson,Mi the Last week in Sept,2011.Goose7 told me I could fix it myself.I ordered a cluch kit from PCW(ph#518-346-7203)the cost was $150.It took me 1hr to put in.You don,t have to drain the oil.Dealer wanted 3hr at $85 plus parts.
  13. tbbrider


    How much seafoam do you use in a tankful of gas for winter storage and how is the best way to winterize your bike?
  14. Prayers sent,and i pray for a speedy recovery
  15. http://a6.sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-ash4/s320x320/296444_293610400668331_100000581216938_1110955_1948879503_n.jpg I thought this is what we all need to have riding and watching over us.
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