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Everything posted by nateo

  1. I was checking out the carb pressure with the 2 bottle/fluid method, and found that the rear left carb (#1?) is totally out of whack. I think it has not nearly enough pressure, but it may be way too much. The other carbs relative to the front left have pretty similar vacuum on them. What would cause #1 to have no pressure?
  2. Wow, thanks for all the great replies. I'll try your suggestions and let you know what happens. I really appreciate it, guys.
  3. Long story short, the engine idles a little rough, has poor power and won't run without the choke on. It'll idle with the choke off, but it dies when you try to take off. Had the bike sitting in storage for about 2 years. Gas was untreated. It didn't run at all when I started working on it. Here's what I've done: I thought it was bad gas, so i drained the tank and fuel lines/pump/filter. Put it back together with fresh gas. Sprayed a ton of Thrust and Deep Creep into the carb and it runs now. Put Seafoam into the carb, and into the fuel tank, which helped the idle a very small amount, but didn't make a big difference. I did notice that one carb moves more than the other ones. Any advice on what I should do next? I'm not 100% sure if the carbs were varnished, and if they were varnished, if they're cleaned out now. Is there a way to check if the carb is clean enough? Should I sync the carbs if they may be partially varnished, or is that a waste of time?
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