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About gershum

  • Birthday 03/27/1962

Personal Information

  • Name


  • Location
    cape breton, Canada


  • City
    cape breton


  • State/Province


  • Home Country


  • Interests
    cabot trail/boating the Mira, guns, Hunting, scuba and a good shot of shine
  • Bike Year and Model
    02 midnight venture royal
  1. The question is what will do more harm if it strikes somebody else, a trailer a bike and two human bodies, or a trailer by itself? what happens to the bike when the trailer releases and the chains stay? Just asking because I don't know . Can we control the bike with a loose trailer? Is the end result the same
  2. I know it required to have safty chains on our trailers. But has anyone out there ever have a trailer come off while towing? Have they seen the results of this happening? My guess it would put the bike out of control, resulting it the drivers death, passenger and maybe others. What if the trailer released and there wrer no chains driver and passenger might control the bike. what are the odds of the small trailer killing someone, maybe a lot less if the were hit by bike and trailer. Just had this thought today. what do you guys think?
  3. Has anyone ever had to change the y pipe on their 02 venture? If so where did you buy it. Also should I change the other side at the same time
  4. What the heck am I doing wrong had set of 404's 5500 km, Replaced with Venom 5000 km and close to the wear bars, have a new set of e 3's ready to go on, is me? or the bike, midnight venture?
  5. I use the scala rider Q2 multiset, wireless, clear, bluetooth, mp3, am/fm radio, it has it all. It will transmitt up to a 1/3 mile to a buddy
  6. what is a f basket compared to a I basket and where do you buy them?
  7. I adjusted the steering head bearings and that "feeling like the bike wants to follow the crack" went away and the bike handles like it should. finally!
  8. Well Dan you look like you might have had a great beer! Is that an Alexander Keiths Ale I see on the table? Boy you do know you're beer
  9. I bought it last year midway in the season retired my maxim 11 but took her on one last over the rock.
  10. Let me get this right I just plug in the head set and the rest is already built into my midnite venture
  11. pride
  12. Does the venture 1300 have a vmax engine? need to settle a bet
  13. I put a new set of tires on my 02 midnight 5000 k ago rear is now down to the wear bars, we are doubled up 90% of the time, I know the steering head bearings need to be changed. Could this have caused the quick wear?
  14. How many kilometers do you have on your 2nd gen?
  15. I wonder do they make it in seal skin. lots of that in Canada
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