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Everything posted by TxVenture

  1. Well folks after almost 2yrs. of lurking and not participating it's abut time I let everyone know how I'm doing . the original cancer seemed to have been successfully treated thru chemo and radiation. There have been small setbacks but they were handled successfully as they came along. This last bout just about brought to my knees! One of my kidneys has failed, and the Drs. are treating me for different infections As far as blessings go The Lord has blessed me beyond my greatest expectations!!! Today I get to see our newst GRANDSON!!!! There are blessings that still flow everyday, we just have to take the time to look for them Don Hiltabidle TxVenture
  2. Back to you you old coot! LOL Btw, when are you coming down to Houston?? Don and Linda
  3. Ron, first thank you for serving and protecting us. You and your SO will be in our prayers for your safe return. Let your SO know that if she needs anything, all she has to do is ask. Don H.
  4. hey guys, I'm having a problem of something running the batt. down over a period of 2-3 days if I don't start the bike or put in on a batt. maintainer. I have run it down to one of the blade type fuses in the fuse box that is located to the right front of the batt. location. It is a 15 amp fuse, but I can't find any info as to what circuit that fuse controls. It never blows the fuse, just runs the batt. down. If anyone knows what circuit that fuse controls, I could sure use the info. Thanks in advance. Don H .
  5. Did anyone see the V-Max on Barrett-Jackson last nite?? I think it was Jay Leno's and he had it auctioned for a charity in New York. It went for $120K. Probably because of who's it was and also because of the charity the money was going to. Thought it interesting that it was a metric and not an American made bike that was being sold in such an American setting. Don H.
  6. Ok guys, have got a problem of something running the batt. down in a very short period to time. Just put a new batt. in and charged it approx. 8-10 hrs. on a battery tender untill fully charged. Rode bike about 6 hrs. on Saturday came home and put in garage until following Wed. Went out to ride, and batt was dead! Put it back on batt. tender and let it charge again untill fully charged. Battery tender shut down as it is supposed to do and is still on batt. in maintenance mode. Am afraid to take bike out until I find out what the problem is. Any help/advice will be greatly appreciated. Don H 77
  7. found fluid on floor under left fork, or anti-dive and can't tell which one it is coming from. There is a fluid trail down the fork, but the amount that is on the floor seems to be way too much to be from the fork. The diameter of the fluid on the floor is approx. 4"x6" and just showed up in a short period of time. Is there anything on the anti-dive unit that could possibly leak that much and if so is it brake fluid? I know this is vague and funky sounding but it's the only way I can explain it. Any help will be appreciated. Don H.
  8. Thank them for their service, and we will be praying for their safe return. Don H.
  9. Well, I have a Ranger XLT which I bought new in 2000 and it now has 196000 miles on it and I wouldn't trade it for a new truck. It has the 3.0L, 5 spd., and AC. I drive it hard almost to the point of abuse and it has stood up to my driving. As for the mileage the best I ever got was 23 mpg. on I-45 on a 3 hr. drive between Houston and Dallas. Mine is the "SUPERCAB" which is the 4 dr. version which I recommend highly. As far as recommending it to buy new, it gets my vote. I looked at the Dodge, and the Chevy but went with the Ranger. Even with almost 200000 miles on it I still think it is a great buy for what they cost. Don H.
  10. I have just started looking at GPS units and need some basic info. I know that they are tied into satellites and they have different maps that they use. The info I need is how are you satisfied with what you have and what kind it is. Also the best price that you have seen for the unit that you have. As I see it there is basiclly only 2 kinds, the Tom Tom and the Zumo. Are there different brands that are out there that I just haven't been able to find or is that it? Does everything that is needed to hook the unit up and be useable come with it, or is there more that is needed? Any info will be appreciated. Don H.
  11. glad to see you back, give me a call. Don H.
  12. What Squidley said. Don H.
  13. Gonna throw my story in here. We were in a Sunday school class and there were 15 bikes in the class. The owners kept after me to get a bike and join then on the rides they would go on. So after thinkig about it a little while, I took the MSF Safety class and started looking. I had never rode a bike before in my life other than a Honda trail 90 that tried to kill me one day. Anyhow, I knew I couldn't afford a Harley, and a Gold Wing was too tall for me. So started looking on Cycle Trader On-Line and other sources. Couldn't find anything for about 6 mos. and had basiclly given up on getting a bike. Was looking on line one night with no success and went to bed. The next morning Linda said take a look at what I found after you went to bed. At a local Yami dealer there was a burgandy/burgandy '91 for sale. It wasn't too far away from where I was working so I said after work I will go look at it. Already had the financing arranged so that was not a problem thank God. Took one look at it and said where do I sign? Did the paperwork and said I will be back tomorrow to pick it up. Went to look at it one more time and there was another guy setting on it. I said I just bought it. He said "you just broke my bubble, because I was getting ready to tell the salesman I would take it". Next day took a trailer and loaded it up and took it home still not having ridden it, or really listening to it run. Had it about 2 yrs. then totaled it being stupid, now have the best of the best, a blue/blue '93 VR. So I guess you could say I bought one of the biggest and best touring bikes out of pure luck, never having ridden any bike other than that evil trail 90 40+ yrs. ago. Don H.
  14. eating, drag racing, NASCAR, reading this site, reading fiction-military techno thrillers, traveling. Way too many hobbies, not enough time or money to do justice to any more. Don H.
  15. TxVenture


    Just wanted to say thanks to all who showed up at the Houston meet and eat in Chapel Hill. Had a great time, met a lot of new friends, had good food, and fellowship. Need to get the next one planned. Don H.
  16. AMEN!! Preach on brother!!! :big-grin-emoticon:
  17. Don, that was NOT NICE!!!! Ambulance on the way, probably gonna need psychiatric care now also. Old men should not be treated that way. :crying::scared::bang head: Don H.
  18. Mike, most of the time it is the "o-rings" throughout the cooling system as they get old and hard and can't seal until the motor gets some heat in it. Also, if you see anything coming out of the weep hole on the water pump, replace it because it's history. Replace the "o-rings" and the water pump and you will be good for another 20 yrs. Don't ask how I know this. Don H.
  19. There are some things in this world that defy comment, or description. I think this is one of those instances, so I will not add to this discussion other than to say, " I NEED MEDICAL HELP NOW. I THINK I JUST WENT BLIND!!!" :scared::rotfl: Don H.
  20. Sorry to hear the news. Never got to meet him or his family, but he/they are Ventureriders so they are family. Our prayers go out to his family. We know he is in a better place and pain free now, and he is waiting on his family and Ventureriders to be with him again. Don and Linda Hiltabidle
  21. I quit smoking about 5 yrs. ago. Thought yeah, things going my way. Well, last May got a surprise I didn't want. Was diagnosed with stage 3 lung cancer. Have went thru the chemo and radiation and hopefully things are looking up. I can't emphasize how much you don't want to go down that road!! My strength is finally starting to come back slowly and I am able to go to work a full week now which I hadn't been able to do for about 8 mos. Not only is the disease debilitating physically, but the impact on life in general is almost as bad. Just the economic effect is bad what with lost work time, and the cost of Dr. visits, prescriptions, etc. I am not crying the blues at all, just relating my experiences and hopefully if just one person reads this and stops smoking, then it has been worth it. Yes, I still miss having a good smoke after meals and a cup of coffee, BUT, it's not going to happen any more. I started out smoking "Old Golds" I pilfered from my folks when I was in high school, then went on to other brands of cigarettes. When I was in the Navy we would run out of the popular brands of cigs before the cruise was over and I took up a pipe. After I got out, I continued for a couple of years with the cigs, then went to a pipe only. Smoked "Prince Albert" thru a unfiltered pipe for probably 20+ yrs. before quitting. Not gonna say, "if I can do it, you can also". Had that told to me so many times it got to be very aggravating to say the least. Just gonna say PLEASE STOP! Don H.
  22. Ken, The dealer in Kerrville is fantastic!!! Destination Cycle Sports, Kerrville TX.,830-896-2453. On our first trip on a bike, we had a problem in Kerrville on Thanksgiving weekend about 200 miles from home. Never having owned a bike before, needless to say I was a little concerened. Called them up on Sat. of Thanksgiving weekend and they were open!! Took the bike to them and they pulled a customers bike off of the repair stand and put mine on . Diagnosed the problem, fixed it, fed me doughnuts and coffee, and gave me a couple of t-shirts. Total bill, less than $100.00! Oh, by the way this was on a 1st. gen 4 yrs. ago. Have nothing but praise for them, very friendly, knowledgeable, and just all around good people. Don H.
  23. Hey guys, gonna reset date to first Sat. in Feb. which is the 7th. Hopefully this will eliminate any conflicts with people's plans and will get more of us together for a good time. Just mark the date and let me know if you will be able to make it. Hope this doesn't conflict with anybody's long range plans. Don H.
  24. BUMP!!
  25. Thanks guys for the suggestions. Just looking at it, it appears to be bent towards the back about 1- 1 1/2 " and in towards the main frame less than an inch. Don't really have a lot of clearance to get anything between it and the main frame area. With all of the accessory lighting on it, it's going to be touchy to try and pry on it, that is why I thought of the chain or small cable way of pulling it. Still may try any or all of your suggestion. Don H.
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