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Everything posted by Wolf

  1. Born and raised on a farm, worked it from 5 until I enlisted in the Army, and we never had a problem with labor, nor did our neighbors. As for not having people knock on your door for work, it really is a shame. I enjoyed the work, and still help with the hay season for my old neighbors, never ask for money, but there is always plenty of cold beer on the wagon. Pun not intended.
  2. Nothing against the Canadians, and I think we should still be able to raom back and forth as we use to. That being said, the farmer should be paying an American citizen to do that work. They are right, it is a paying job, barter, but still paid. As for the strip search, that is sad! BTW: If the orginization reccomends that their name not be mentioned.... Wonder if alqueda has the same policy?
  3. A wing for me, then a bmw or vision.
  4. I am not trying to have a pissing match, but your logic fails to make sense to me. I understand that it is your preference to only have a 5 speed, but it makes no mechanical sense.
  5. I have never seen the inside of a trans, nor have I ever worked on one, nor do I have any understanding of how they work. So please, feel free to enilighten me some more.
  6. 1. The gear ratios could be closer together, therefore keeping you in optimal torque. 2. A taller 6th gear would lower the rpms enough to see up to a 10% fuel milage increase. Regardless of which engine any bike has, as long as it has enough torque and hp to pull the bike along at speed, an "extra" gear will reduce engine heat, wear, tear, pollution, and fuel mileage. Why would you not want the extra gear?
  7. Yes, but what about the skinny ones?
  8. If you happen to see your replica bike with me on it, just look away.
  9. My wife graduates from the academy on 5/20/2010, and starts her first shift as an officer the following Monday.
  10. The dealer told me its a pain because you cant alter the gps unless the kickstand is down. Other down side that you can't get ABS without it.(Not 100% sure on that though.)
  11. People have went skydiving and lived after the chute fails. Doesn't mean I am jumping outta one and hoping for the best. Hope I'm not the one behind you when you start singing the old kenny rogers greatest hit, "why did you leave me loose wheel"
  12. I just put a motorcycle tire on my bike, no problems at all, went right on.......
  13. The rubber getting hard is the worst thing you could have happen. When it hardens, it stops sealing.
  14. Hey, how am I to pull it off if you blab it all over?????
  15. If anyone is coming fri, sat, or sun, I still have room available at my house.
  16. Thats just funny!
  17. Now that just hurts!
  18. Yall are getting waaaaayyyy tooooo old!
  19. Chrysler has a lot of reflashes for their computers. Cheaper than buying another one, Thought they do break quite often.
  20. Thats not a real horse youre riding. Throw it ib the trunk until you stop.
  21. I had the same thought yesterday. If it breaks down, just leave the keys in it, insurance will pay off for theft, then you buy a new one from Yamaha. Economics
  22. Um, Eck.... 63000 -42042= --------- 20958 + Just sayin.....
  23. Would you like the actual test from alldata before you order it?
  24. No, it's not as tall as it looks. Fits perfect, and has great magnets. They don't move at 100 mph
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