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Everything posted by Wolf

  1. I have both, and am going to sell the PS3. I prefer online games, and for that you cant beat the xbox. Also, the xbox games are mostly in 1080p, the ps3 is mostly in 720p.
  2. Lets all just go out and buy Spyders.
  3. My dad grew up riding, and he is in the market to buy another one now. It has been 15 years since he rode, but I am enjoying the shopping with him. My two sons 13 and 14 have had dirt bikes all their lives, and I have promised each of them a new dual purpose when they get their license, as long as the grades are no lower than a C.
  4. Amen!
  5. I chickened out and paid for Clare to take the MSF BRC. That was a great idea. She graduated 2nd in her class, no she is tooliong around, albeit slowly, on her new Vulcan 900. She loves it! I assume I lost a back seat passenger, and gained a riding buddy. Big downside is that she wants to put accessories on her bike. Now she will find out what I really spent on my upgrades!!!!!!!!
  6. alldata says 12mm 100lbs 14mm 150lbs on the diff .8-Inch Ring Gear Differential housing cover bolts 45 Nm (33 ft. lbs.) 9.75-Inch Ring Gear Differential housing cover bolts 45 Nm (33 ft. lbs.) 10.25-Inch Ring Gear Differential Housing Cover Bolts 38-52 Nm (28-38 ft. lbs.) Ford 8.8-Inch Ring Gear Differential housing cover bolts 32 Nm (24 ft. lbs.)Differential housing cover bushing bolt 89 Nm (66 ft. lbs.)Differential cover bushing 1.93 mm (0.076 inch) Hope it helps, direct from alldatapro.com
  7. Pecker, should you really start a thread with " Look what I've been playing with...."? They look nice!
  8. speed Limit? I thought it was a suggestion.
  9. These guys that had the wobble do not seem to have had the wobble before the tire change....
  10. This post has convinced me to stay with mc tires. I want nothing to do with a wobble that I may or may not recover from.
  11. Hope you recover quickly Dave. Clare sends her best as well.
  12. I have been clocked at 121. Dont know where this 106 comes from?
  13. When I bought my 09, th radio would turn off, then back on by itself. The dealer had left a connector loose during assembly, so it could be their problem. Either way, it should be a warranty issue.
  14. Thw wife and I both pray and hope for a speedy recovery for you both.
  15. Here is what I do not understand. If the is a natuaral disaster, and the raise prices on gas, food, and water, that is gouging, and illegal. But, if there is a recession, and they raise your rates even though you have never missed a payment, that is just called buisiness. I can't figure that out. BTW, chase did the sdame to me, so I went to my bank and took out their cc, which has a no interest for 12 months on transfers, So i did that and closed Chase. They chased me away.
  16. Do you have audio through the headset?
  17. Your all going to be upset when Syracuse takes it all. Go Orange! Sorry Sleeperhawk, hate rub salt in an old wound........
  18. In case you all missed it, he said it started with a jumper cable, that means the shaft is good, no breaks in housing, no solenoid issue. seeing how the oly thing that was changed to get it started was more power leads me to a battery. Anyone know what KISS means?
  19. Take your battery to autozone, they will check it for free. Sounds like you do not have enough amps to crank the engine. Volts run the electronics, amps start the motor. If you can start it by jumping it, but not with the battery itself, you have a bad battery.
  20. It looks like your volts are fine, but how many amps is the battery putting out, and how far does it drop when you hit the start button? Amps are more important for starting than volts.
  21. Chances are, if a O2 sensor keeps failing then you either have a bad cat, or your engine is running too rich which is fouling the sensor itself. By unplugging the sensor, you have created enough area for exhaust gases to escape the system there by letting it continue to run. You should have the exhaust system checked to be sure the cat is not the problem first, but, running with the sensor out of the exhaust can allow exhaust gases to enter your vehicle.
  22. I just bought my wife a new bike as well, though I am nervous, the look on her face was worth a hundred of them. I hope that she never gets hurt, but we are only here once, no time for shoulda, woulda, coulda.
  23. Wolf

    Finally Did it

    Clare is excited about it. I have a feeling she will be like Laura very soon. We have been looking up the hard bags, trunk, and fairing. Might be a project next year to turn it in to a smaller dresser for her.
  24. Wolf

    Finally Did it

    The new bike takes away from me trading in, so I will be putting many more miles on the RSV. I rode it home rider, may take her out for a spin in the morning. So much lighter......
  25. Wolf

    Finally Did it

    I will get pics when the rain passes. I think she will do the closer rides, and ride with me on the longer ones..... until the bug firmly sets in any way. As for gas, I make her pump and pay!
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