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bike nut

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Personal Information

  • Name
    Ken Dyck


  • Location
    Warman, Canada


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  • Interests
    Riding and reparing bikes
  • Bike Year and Model
    1983 Yamaha Venture
  1. I will have to try that on my 83 Venture.I didnt know you could even do that.
  2. When I rebuilt the carbs two years ago i went all through them.I didnt have a problem till now.I noticed when I drained the carbs this time to work on them there was no gas comming out of the no2 carb.I took the float covers off and cleaned the inside.They were pretty dirty.I hope that will fix them.When I am going down the highway one carb is temporarilly starved.When it gets enough gas the bike takes off like a rocket.
  3. I have an 83 Venture Royale.I am having trouble with a lack of power once I reach 60 miles per hour.I took the carbs off and went through them.I have used sea foam to clean them.My question is how do you bench sync the carbs?I want to do that before I put them back on and sync the carbs.The bike sat for the winter and I am having problems for the first time.They have been acting up since I had to pull them to change the valve cover gaskets.Any advice would be great.Thanks.
  4. The diaphrams look good.I will take it out tomorrow for a run and clean the plugs.If I have more problems i will pull the carbs and go through them.
  5. Thanks guys.It makes perfect sence.When I took it to the highway,it smoked and then cleared up.I then had power like a rocket.I will try it again in the morning.I added the whole can of seafoam.That is awesome stuff.
  6. I took my bike out of storage today.I installed new plugs and synced the carbs.The problem i am having is the no.4 carb is not in line with the other three on the guages.When i am riding through town the bike smokes really bad.When I go onto the highway it smokes for a mile or so and runs great.I just put seafoam in the tank and am taking it out right away.I sure hope that fixes it.It never did that last year.I rebuilt the carbs 2 years aga.The cylinder is getting spark so it must be a fuel issue.Any advice would sure be nice.
  7. Thanks guys for the quick reply.I put a pic of my new exhaust but I should have resized it.Better luck next time.
  8. Hi.I am trying to put pics on the site and am not having any luck.I just got a new laptop.What is the best way to do this?
  9. I finally finished installing the pipes on my Venture.There isnt alot of room so it was http://i1240.photobucket.com/albums/gg497/kpdyck/104.jpga tricky job.I am trying to put pics on the site so bare with me.
  10. I had no problem getting adapter pipes.I need to fab a rear mount.It is a little different from the 86.I will send pics as soon as I have them completely mounted.
  11. I am installing Road King mufflers on my 83 Venture Royale.I had no trouble getting exhaust pipes between the muffler and the manifold.My question is does anyone know a way to fab the rear brackets?I have an idea but am looking for other options.Also can the mufflers be drilled out or will it cause problems?With the new mufflers on it sounds pretty good but is still quiet.If they can be drilled out,what is the best way?Any help would be much appreciated.
  12. I am installing the same pipes on my 83.Your bike looks awesome.I am looking forward to riding mine with the new pipes on.
  13. Those are nice looking bikes.I am thinking of doing that to mine.I am also installing road king pipes.
  14. bike nut

    In the beginning.

    You sure did alot of work to the bike.Looks great.
  15. I would like to thank everyone for your help.You guys are awesome.I checked all my valves and they are in spec.The bike was serviced regularly untill two years ago so everything is pretty good.I am quite happy with the bike.It has more power than a gold wing and just as comfortable.I am a little tired of fixing cracks in the plastic but everything elso makes up for it.
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