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Everything posted by Blusees
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See look there, I just got side-tracked on Facebook! Yes! I did get my new home - I even had some folks down for an Iowa meet and eat last summer. We sat in the garage afterwards and BS'd! It was FUN! It's a 1903 one and a half story - with lots of character, a fenced in yard and I've installed doggie doors for my beagle. I have a great south facing backyard for my garden, however, my dog likes my fruits and veggies as much as me so I have to share.
I posted on the PIP thread - I'm going to put in a time off request! It would be so much BETTER if I saw everyone once a year, instead of just checking in once a year!
Tom and Taters: So sorry to hear about this - I'm checking the board for the first time in a while. I put my 18 year old beagle down two falls ago, and I have finally reached the point of just smiling when I remember Bob. However, I had already adopted Bogie the beagle before Bob passed, and we adjusted together. They are a wonderful breed, and yes, no one can resist a smile when they're around a beagle! Casey will always have a special place in your heart and you provided a wonderful life for your fur-kid! I can picture Casey from your description in your post, so I can tell how much you loved that doggie! Take care.
Yes, I SUCK for not coming out to this board more often! You can scold me if you want! If you are on FACEBOOK - send me a friend request because I am on there almost daily! So I thought I would update all of my VR family on my last year - a new years letter if you will. Spring: The year started out just like any other. Then, I fell in love with an old boyfriend who had spent the years since high school/college in the military. He talked of marriage and then went on a training exercise and didn't ever call again. He's okay, finally made contact, but said he had way too much going on in his life, and basically broke my heart. I'm over it now. Realized I didn't like my job, but glad I had one. Summer: Bought a slackline (google it if you don't know it - it's FUN) Spent many a summer evening/weekend day with the neighbors slacklining, drinking beer, talking, etc. It was a blast! Was contacted on facebook by a high school classmate, and HE started getting serious, and I was wary - HE WAS IN THE MILITARY TOO! I was careful.... He talked me into it, and I walked away from it, because it seemed too familiar. The job was getting worse... Actually had an anxiety attack at work. I grew many an organic veggie in the garden, and learned how to can (apple butter, apple sauce, pears, zucchini pickles). I also got some good riding time in on the bike! I hired a personal yoga instructor and can now do pushups from my toes, and continue to this day with my morning yoga practice. Fall: After the last "guy friend" and the anxiety attack, I booked TEN days at a solar powered hermitage in the woods. I can't tell you how much that changed my life. Alas, this is where I was when PIP was going on! I read many books, and meditated, and walked in the woods, and watched the wildlife. Reconfirmed my commitment to where I want my life to go - organic and green, and independent. Started interviewing for a new position at the University. I realized that just because I've always been a secretary - doesn't mean I have to do it forever! Winter: Had a horrible incident with a co-worker at the MBA Program - she received "discipline" and everyone at the college said she should have been fired, but it gave me the gumption to take a chance on a new career even though it meant a 25% paycut. I had learned SO much about myself over the year, I knew that this would be a good move. Interviewed for a Campus Police Dispatcher position on December 2nd, and was offered the job the same day - they had even interviewed people with dispatch experience! Spent the holidays with the family. Very nice and relaxed. Started my new job on December 28th, and I said GOODBYE to the MBA PROGRAM! And here I am now - I just completed my third week of "pre-step" training, and was told I was going a phenomenal job! I LOVE the work! It seems important and socially relevant, and it's exciting too. So I apologize for neglecting the VR website, but like I said - if you are on Facebook - send me a friend request (Courtney Bork). I'm much better at keeping in touch there. Love to all! Courtney (blusees)
I had the same kind of ride yesterday. On the way home, I just took the backroads and had some trees to keep the wind off me!
OMG - TOO Funny! It's really hard to stick your foot in your mouth with me. I'm pretty easy going!
I don't know if anyone's posted this before, but this is fun. Figure out your biker name!: Men and ladies: http://www.ratbike.org/motorcycho/outlawname.php my name: ***** of the White Werewolves And especially for the ladies: http://quiz.angiefox.com/default.aspx My name: Buck Toothed Betty Steel Butt
Peeps getting ready to leave my house after a nice evening of talking!
Well, I just sent Blackowl off with a good breakfast. And the best part is that he got my oil drain bolt loose! The oil has been changed! So that's a relief. He said I didn't round the bolt too badly. Thank you all who came down for the Meet and Eat. Cougar and Bryan - thank you for the help in organizing it. We had a fabulous turnout. I'll post my pics soon. Blackowl got some good ones too. Thank you also to all for contributing for our fearless leader. Blackowl will be sending that via paypal. I love the generosity of the VentureRiders! We know how to have a good time too. I'm just going to be sitting here today thinking about all the new folks I met. That was wonderful. --Courtney
Thank you so much for posting that! I saw clips on the news, and Les Miserables is my FAVORITE musical EVER! She sings it better than any of the times I've seen it on stage. JUST as good as Elaine Paige (although I loved her in Cats). I get goose bumps every time I hear that song. Being young "when dreams were made and used and wasted." Who can't identify with that!!!!!!
I almost peed my pants laughing at this. And I really needed that because work SUCKS right now! Thank you for sharing that!
Nope, haven't been successful yet... I tried the two wrench thing and it wouldn't budge. But I figure I may have some brawny dudes around this weekend. BIG WINK, and everybody can look at my handy work, because I do think I rounded the bolt a bit!!!!! I can get everyone's expert opinion! So hopefully it's OK that I ride Saturday for the Meet and Eat on last years oil!!!!
Well, OK so sometimes I like being a girl... Just not when it comes to this kind of stuff!!!!!
If you are sure you are turning the plug the correct way here is a way to get more leverage. It is best to use a wrench a couple sizes bigger. Hope this helps. Hope this is a link that works. Hmm, I was using a socket wrench - maybe I'll try this tomorrow! I'll keep you posted!
Bring the engine and oil up to operating temperature first. Did that. Change you own oil????????????? Have you been proposed to lately?????? Some young buck is sure missing out if you're single!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I wish - my b/f is in the army and in Korea. But I'm pretty sure he'd have this figured out if he were here!!! I'm thinking I may take it to the dealer since they were the last to tighten the bolt after the ORK was installed. Just need to find time this week before our ride on the 18th!!!!! Thanks for all the encouragement/support. (Especially Jean and Skydoc!) I appreciate it! --Courtney
Thanks! Yes, I did check quite a few times that I was going in the counter - clockwise direction!!!! Cause I would have felt really stupid if I didn't do that! I tried the hammer thing, but didn't try just quickly leaning on it. My brother-in-law showed me the "extra-torque" make the handle longer thing, but I couldn't find anything that would work to do that. I'll try again tomorrow. Sigh....
OK, so I was going to change the oil on the bike. I've done it before and it was much harder then because I didn't have the oil filter relocation kit - I had to take of the pipes and everything. I spent half an hour trying to just loosen the drain bolt and I can't do it. I hate myself right now. Anyone have any tips for getting the sucker loose? I'm not going to try again until tomorrow - I can only handle so much humiliation in one day. --Courtney:crying:
Actually, I just took the survey - it's less than five minutes, and you don't necessarily have to have a Harley - you just have to know they exist. :-)
I received this email yesterday from one of our MBA students: Hey Courtney, The word on the street is that you have a Harley Davidson For our brand management class, my group is working on a brand valuation of HOG, and we need to collect market research in the form of a quick 5 minute survey. However, we're having a tough time finding current Harley owners to fill out the survey. Is there any chance you'd be willing to fill it out? Also, would you mind passing it along to anyone you know that might be willing to fill it out, too? Again, it takes about 5 minutes, is completely anonymous, and the results are purely being used to help us answer research questions about perceptions of the Harley brand. Here's the link, http://www.surveymonkey.com/s.aspx?sm=AAYCAvIlY9PHIgU3pcqbEg_3d_3d if you're too busy or not interested, not a problem! Best, Abby Mills Abby Mills Tippie School of Management MBA Candidate 2009 I told her I'd help get the word out. (and I explained that I have a YAMAHA!) They would appreciate any responses they get. Thanks! --Courtney
I LOVE, love, hearing the proud-parent love in your text from your post.
Can you just put a harley sticker over the VStar logo? I'd never trade mine for a Harley.... People at work give me crap about not buying a Harley, but I'm like - Why would I pay $10,000 more to get a Harley that has all the stuff my bike came with? I just don't get it. But then again, Harley has built a great brand and they know how to make people feel like they HAVE to have a Harley. They have some good marketers.
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Tell your sons we're all very proud of them and behind them 100%. I'm a good writer, and have become an expert care package sender. Please post what they would like, and we'll definitely get it sent. Peeps: You can get a flat rate box at the Post Office that's about 12 x 12 inch square, 6 inches deep and pack everything you can in it - for only $11.95.