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Everything posted by Kirby

  1. The Vmax was developed from the early Venture engine, not the other way around. I think the first year Vmax was1985.
  2. BTW, a lot of different places to buy tires. Shop around. I've always had good luck with Jake Wilson.
  3. Currently running Avon Cobra Radial on front and a Michelin Commander II on rear. No problems! At other times have had Kumho Powerstar radial (car tire)on back and a Dunlop 404 on front Had a Avon Cobra radial on front and a Kumho Powerstar radial on back. I ain't saying nothing. I'm just saying.
  4. Are you 100% sure you haven't got the fuel lines reversed at the pump?
  5. OK maybe I missed it somewhere in your post, but do you hear the pump clicking when you turn on the key? If the carbs are full, open a drain on one of the bowls and let that bowl empty. Close the drain screw back off and switch the key on. If the pump is even partly working you'll hear it clicking trying to refill the carb.
  6. Just in case you don't already know, the fuel pump will stop flow through it if it's not running. You probably can't blow through it.
  7. If the carbs are full then the flow is gonna stop. Try opening the drain screws on the bottom of the carbs and see if fuel will flow then. If you still have the fuel pump hooked up, once you open the drain valves, the pump should try to refill the carbs. The pump will only run a few seconds and quit. You'll have to cycle the pump by flipping the kill switch off and then back on again. By opening the drains on the individual carbs you can tell if fuel is actually getting to the carbs.
  8. When my pump went out I rode from my house to Macon, GA which is about a hundred miles at high speed (70+ mph) and it never missed a beat. This is a surefire way to tell if it's your pump.
  9. Bypass the pump and just see if it will run. Just make sure you have got a couple of gallons of fuel in the tank.
  10. Amazing piece of equipment. $1500 not for me. I feel this will do for motorcyclists what cell phones have done for car drivers. Be a distraction! Just my 2 cents worth.
  11. aliens!!!!!!!
  12. Got 'em!!! Thanks Bobbie for sharing. Been missing your and George's posts. I see you haven't lost the touch for taking pictures. :clap2::clap2::clap2:
  13. Don I just wanted to hold it up top until I could have more time to read it tonight. I'm thinking of wiring mine this weekend. Search doesn't always work for me. That's all.
  14. Clears up acne and makes you regular again.
  15. Kirby


    Oops wrong bike!
  16. I only got the rear but no problems in the rain so far and I've been in some frog stranglers!
  17. My front wheel bearings felt tight the last tire change so I replaced them. Once I got the old bearings out they seemed just as good as the new ones. Bike has 73,000 miles on it.
  18. Dan I used stainless steel wool the last time I repacked the Roadhouse mufflers on BigGal. I did it a couple of times before with ceramic wrap and regular steel wool but they neither one lasted as long as the stainless steel wool. I wish I could remember where I ordered it from but right now it escapes me.
  19. If the hole is in the tread just plug it. If that doesn't work have it patched from the inside. Or just buy a bottle of RideOn and put it in and ride.
  20. No, not yet. I have tried 3 different headsets and all squeal above the 16 on th IC volume. The Edsets will squeal above 15. I guess for now I' ll just have to live with it until I can get some electrical contact cleaner and give all the connections a good cleaning. I think it has a lot to do with the sensitivity of the mics used. Of the 3 I've tried, Edsets, J&M, and IMC, the Edsets are the most sensitive, followed by the J&M and the IMC. All were tested on the front and back.
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