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Everything posted by Kirby

  1. Actually, it's an attachment for hooking mules or horses up to different farming equipment. It's been so long I can't remember which ones.
  2. :think::confused24:
  3. Ted, WOW MAN!!! I had no idea you were in a wreck. I knew I hadn't heard from you in a while but I figured you were like me, just trying to make the ends meet. Glad to hear you are recovering well. Maybe we'll get together again one day before we both kick the bucket. Haha. Anyway, take care of yourself and best of luck in a full recovery.
  4. Does anyone know of a replacement fairing for an RSV that looks like the one that comes on a Stratoliner? Looking for something a little wider but sleeker. I would want to transfer the speedo an all the idiot lights and still have room for some larger speakers.
  5. One thing you have to consider when getting a different pump is the pressure it puts out. The standard pump puts out 2-3 psi, I think. Someone else maybe will chime in and correct me if I'm wrong. Too much pressure is bad for the rubber needle valves.
  6. Handlebar risers and Diamond R backrest.
  7. Well I guess I'm no mechanic, but I did stay at a Holiday Inn Express once.
  8. I seem to recall something about " the path of least resistance"!
  9. I'm going, but not through 'Bama.
  10. Trailering an RSV????? Blasphemy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  11. Very nice!!!
  12. Also forgot to mention I use it to play games occasionly and listen to music. When the battery gets low( usually once a day) I just pop out the battety and put another in. It stays on 24/7 other than that!
  13. I have an "old" Lg. Showtime that I bought a year ago. It had served me very well. I take pics, do documents, email, watch videos, store stuff from work on, surf the web, visit Venturerider.org, text others, stay in touch with service reps for the company I work for, pay my bills, use its gps when on the road, and also use it as a TELEPHONE! All this for $45 dollars a month and the phone only cost me $248 new. I don't need a status symbol!
  14. :rotf::rotf::rotf::rotf:
  15. Maybe Harley is trying to break into the Jetski business????
  16. Two possible answer from this site..., either Seafoam or Apple pie!!!
  17. Chances are at 51k miles you would have 1 or 2 at least out of 16 valves that after spending $125.00 for checking, you would still have to go through the process of setting the clearances on and to have a shop do that also would have cost mega bucks. Best thing IMHO is break it down and be sure its done right all around. This way takes all the guess work out of the picture. Just my:2cents: worth.
  18. Kirby

    Ride on

    I've used both at different times. Still using RideOn. I like it. Need I say more?
  19. Pull in clutch lever and blip the throttle once before shifting from neutral to 1st gear. This will free up sticking clutch plates.
  20. I remember the words of a past President who said "I feel your pain." I've had several and people always told me that this is the nearest thing to childbearing the a man will ever feel. I believe it!!! My Moma when she was 75 years old told me once that if she had to make a choice at her age to either have another child or a kidney stone, she would have another child !!! Brother, I truly do Feel your pain!!!
  21. Pull the bowls off the carbs and check for idle jets being at least partially blocked. If Iremember right the idle mixture screws were on the side of the carbs. If you can't get it to keep idling you may have to back out on these a quarter turn to richen th idle mixture. Also if the bike is idling too low then it will probably die after a short time idling.
  22. Gary, you may have a lean mixture. Back out all four idle mixture screws a 1/4 turn and see if it helps.
  23. Here's another vote for Steve's product. I just recently got it and it was truly plug and play.
  24. Lower front by raising forks in triple clamps for folks like us who are vertically challenged, and Speedohealer for correcting speedometer.
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