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Everything posted by Kirby

  1. I did basically the same thing, run "double D's" in my RSV for the last 35,000 miles with the original clutch discs installed. It started slipping at about 45,000 miles so I put in an old diaphragm spring that came out of my Vmax when it started to slip. Everthing else was left like it was and haven't had any slippage since. The bike currently has about 80,000 miles on it now. The extra diapragm spring takes a little getting use to, but like Earl told me back then, "soon you'll be able to crack walnuts with your left hand". HaHaHa
  2. I've been using RO for awhile and have never had a problem with it pooling. As a matter of fact, the last time I change tires I set the old one off to the side in my shop and it took it 2 weeks to pool. If you are not going to ride more regular than that I can see where you might have a problem. But a quick drive of a few miles will distribute it again just like it did when you first put it in.
  3. Looks like whatever it is they are going for a ton of storage space with the size of the saddlebags and trunk. Also got storage in the lower fairing. Some serious size speakers for a loud sound system as well.Yea…I would ride it.
  4. Folks, I'm truly sorry if I offended anybody with this thread. I did not give it enough thought before posting. It was not my intent to poke fun at anybody or be insensitive to the handicapped. Please accept my apology for anything that I said or anything you think I might have implied about the handicapped. Again, I'm sorry.
  5. I just had never seen an actual handicap license plate on a motorcycle before. Something new for me.
  6. That's what the missus and I initially laughed about!
  7. I never asked. He looked as healthy as a horse.
  8. The wife and I went to Wally World today and we noticed a bike parked in the yellow zone at the end of the isle. Nothing new about this, I do it myself when on the bike. All of a sudden my wife says that bike has a handicap tag on it!!! What???? A handicapped tag!! Now this was a regular two wheeled bike, not a trike of any kind!! I thought to myself "How can this be?" How can a person be handicapped and ride a bike? Then I noticed it was a Harley.., that explained it all!!!!!!! :rotfl::rotfl::rotfl::rotfl: After we laughed about it for a while she went on into the store and curiosity got the best of me. Soon as I saw the rider getting ready to leave, I went over and asked how he managed to get the tag. He said he really didn't know other than when he went to get one for his car, he asked about one for his bike and to his surprise they said "Sure". We laughed about it there standing by the bike and shot the bull for a couple of minutes before he finally had to go. I just shook my head and went on inside.
  9. Been there, done that! After 27 yearsin one place it hurts. You just have to keep on keeping on. One door closes and another just may open that's better. I feel your pain.
  10. It all depends on the mood I'm in. Sometimes I like it with a deep rumble and other times I just like to be quiet.
  11. Joe, I've used NOAA Weather Free for a couple of years and found it to be my goto place for the weather. Sometimes, just to back up what it says, I'll check Accuweather. Both have been good for me.
  12. When I put the risers on my bike I simply loosened the riser clamps and rotated the bars upward. Then I loosened the clutch and brake controls and rotated them slightly forward to allow the cables to get the desired freedom to move from left to right lock and not bind up.
  13. That Wing must really be fast. It must have broken the time barrier. The pics are dated to take place in April this year! Seriously, great pics Eck!!
  14. One thing I found out when changing mine as Venturous Randy has done it the same way as I did. Make sure you use a drift punch( or even a 1/2 inch diameter piece of shaft) that has a good square corner ground on it. By that I mean it should not be rounded off from years of use. If it is you'll probably never get the spacer over to the side far enough for the punch to catch on the bearing. It's a tough job and they are in there pretty tight, but that's what you want a bearing to be in a housing. Or else it will spin and wear out the housing.
  15. Getting back to the subject..., Don, it's like that new Geico commercial with the camels in the zoo..., "Let it go Phil". Just let it go Don!!!
  16. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to everyone and as Mr. Spock would say, "Live long and prosper!"
  17. I' ve been using the Purolator and Pure One filters for most of my bike's life with no problem. Won't ever put another Fram in mine!
  18. Make that 2!!!
  19. My wife and I did a run from south Ga to Florida, then west through Alabama, Mississippi, Louisiana, into Texas, then north to Arkansas and back home. Some backroads but mostly I-10 and I-20 and the lowest I saw was $2.65. Seven states in five days. 1850 Miles.
  20. Kirby

    New Site

    Good job Don. Thanks for all you do. Now, take the night off and get some rest!!!
  21. K-I-S-S (Keep it simple silly) It'll be for your benefit. We'll adapt!!!!
  22. Don just do whatever you need to do to make it easier on yourself. You'll still be da man! We'll still stand behind you, look up to you, and adjust! Carry on Boss!
  23. Thanks fpr posting this Eck. Bought back a lot of old memories of a simpler time.
  24. I remember when Wheel Horse was THE mower to have.
  25. I remember my grandaddy use to have several of these. I was probably less than 10 years old at the time he was using them with the mules. I don't recall the name of them though.
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